Monday, October 6, 2014

Today's News


Paige has confessed to being ''Painfully single'' during a fan event Q&A.

Former WWE man admits stealing from Vince McMahon:

Kevin Eck, a creative member that was released as a result of the budget cuts, has admitted he used to steal energy drinks from Vince McMahon's office.

Also on Vince, Brodus Clay has revealed that he personally helped him come up with the Funkasaurus dance, going so far as to get in the ring and dance with him.

Raw guest slammed for anti wrestling views:

Kathy Lee Gifford will appear on Raw tonight, but she has not always been a fan of wrestling, writing in her 1992 book, about meeting stars of the past, she shared her ire for Rick Rude and The Bushwhackers in particular...

"Then there was the "animal" known as Ravishing Rick Rude. Now, I have a problem with Reege's wrestling thing. We aren't exactly McNeil-Lehrer out there, but I think the wrestlers' shtick lowers the quality of the show a notch or two. Some of them are pretty sleazy. Rick Rude was about as low as the get, right down there with the Bushwhackers. If there was a gold championship belt for the most horrible disgusting-smelling people, the Bushwhackers would have been wearing it the day they came on. They tried to hold me and kiss me. First of all, I'm sorry, but don't touch me, and second of all, I don't kiss people I don't want to kiss. And Cody (her then-infant son) was there with me that day. They chased me all over the set and I ran off, locked myself in my dressing room-nursery with Cody, and refused to come out. I was afraid they'd come right in there after me to bushwhack Cody. But the absolute low point was a year or so before when Ravishing Rick Rude came out, bragging about his "Rude Awakening" at wrestling arenas. Young women are hand-picked to go into the ring with him, where this muscle-bound baboon embraces and kisses them until they just pretend to faint dead away with ardor as he stands over his latest conquest. It's a pathetic spectacle, so of course Gelman booked him. This guy comes out in his "Simply Ravishing" sequined robe, kisses my hand ever so gently,and sits there giving me the eye like he'd been behind bars for a decade. Nonstop. It's not like we ask them tough questions - like, "Duhh, howdja get dose muscles?" We let them pretty much do their thing - which, cartoonish and entertaining as it is to some people, has its place in the world. But not this kind of stuff. I was so flustered I crossed my legs and one shoe dropped off my foot. Gracious host that I am, I humored him ("Rick, you're sweet talking me") while Reege sucked up to him by mooning over his title belt. (Rude was the WWF IC Champ at the time. -D) "This guy," he said, "is the best built of all the wrestlers. He's got a tremendous physique and great sex appeal. With an ego to match. He asked me how tall I was and I told him "really short, I got stumps for legs." He leered at me and said, "Those don't look like no stubs I've ever seen before. Reege egged him on. "Honest to God, I sense something going on here! Frank is out of town, isn't he?" Yeah, I said. Rick's manager is now on. (Bobby Heenan) "This guy is looking her over and making her very nervous," Reege tells him. "The woman is coming unglued." "Kathie Lee needs a Rude Awakening," the manager says. "Kathie Lee," I say, "has had a few rude awakenings." "Not this rude, not this rude." "Over the airways, " Rick says, staring at my body, "I could see that Kathie Lee was the most beautiful woman on television. Now, as I draw closer and closer, I just can't believe it. Rick gave a woman in the audience an "awakening" to stripper music and then dropped his robe in front of me. I was standing off now to the side. I didn't believe what I saw. This was absolutely unscripted. On his clingy nothing-left-to -the-imagination Lycra tights, he had painted my face over his crotch. He stood there, hands behind his head, thrusting and flexing, half naked. It was so gross I didn't know what to do or where to go. I put my hands over my face and ran up the stairs at the rear of the set. Meanwhile, he turned his butt to the camera and, of course, there was Reege's face painted on his, Rick's, quivering, gyrating glutes. Talk about "back end participation!" This got my vote for the worst breach of taste in the history of the show. Then Rick ran up the stairs after me and I came down, skipped over the couches and dashed off the set, amazed that I didn't wipe out and hurt myself.''

Vader recalls saving Sid's life after being stabbed by HOF'er:

Recalling the 1993 scissor fight, between Sid and Arn Anderson...

"It was either just to the left of his belly button or just to the right of his belly button, he had a hole in him and I looked and he was doing the Frankenstein walk and he just said, 'Leon, Leon,' and I said 'Oh sh--' and I looked and it about a nickel sized stream of blood squirted out every time his heart pumped," Vader said. "It came out about four inches before it fell down, it wasn't trickling down his stomach, it was squirting out, and it came out about two to three inches and then it dropped and I thought to myself, 'He's not going to last long, he'll bleed to death.' I said 'Sid, trust me,' and I grabbed a chair and I sat down and said, 'Sid, don't move, you're gonna die' and I slowly eased my thumb into that hole and higher and he said, 'You're hurting me.' and I said, 'You gotta take it' and I got it in there a little bit more and it slowed the bleeding enough and kept him alive until the ambulance came."

Reigns on Raw:

Roman Reigns will be on Raw this week to let the WWE fans know how long he will be away, in person.

Dolph talks career frustrations:

"It's good and its bad. Sometimes it sucks that people have to wait for years of having the best match on the card, getting some of the best reactions and you're not at the top. Sometimes, that doesn't matter. It doesn't matter about talent, it doesn't matter the situation. It matters where the storyline is going."

AAA crown first Lucha champion:

Prince Puma AKA Ricochet won the honour of being the first champ for their new US show last night.

Hogan embarrassment to continue:

Hackers have revealed the nude photo's of Hulk Hogan's son, Nick, are "voluminous and graphic" going all the way back to his school days, and include two photo's of his mum in a thong (Why someone would have photo's of their mum in a thong, is... well...).

Hulk Hogan has refused to comment.

Raw tease:

* Will Cena & Ambrose have some unfinished business with each other first?

* Will Brie Bella face (and conquer) even more nigh-impossible odds?

* What will Roman Reigns have to say and will he be back sooner than expected?

* Will Paige be out for vengeance on AJ Lee?

* Will we see Big Show give Rusev his first decisive defeat in WWE?

Darren Young may return tonight, he is in New York, The Rock is also in town, but that is probably coincidental. Edge and Christian will be on the show.

Triple McMahon jr.

Stephanie McMahon has revealed her eldest child has decided she wants to become a WWE Diva.

WWE promote new Attitude Era DVD:

What does everybody want?..

Head to the nearest man cave, give your boss a Stone Cold salute and spend the next six hours watching The Attitude Era Vol.2, the hottest set to be released since Sable's handprint bikini. If you are old enough to order a Steve-Weiser, "Hello ladies" was your pick up line in college and you loved WWE before "Federation" became the new "F" word, then here is what you need to do. Take this all new collection, shine it up real nice, flip it sideways and stick it straight up… your DVD player!!

Oh, you didn't know? Volume 2 includes:

* 30 unfiltered matches ranging from WWE Championship bouts to rare classics from RAW, SmackDown, Heat and much more.

* The entire once in a lifetime cast from the rebellious to the demonic, the iconic, and the just plain weird.

* Delicious Divas breaking WWE hearts and boundaries.

* Vignettes taking you inside the APA's "office", behind the Walls of Jericho, aboard The Godfather's Ho' Train and much more!

They have also announced a Jerry Lawler DVD is in the works.

WrestleMania 31:

Travel packages for next years Mania go on sale today.

WWE old boy releases album:

Grand Master Sexay today released a comedy rap album called ''Bringin' Sexay Back'', it features appearances from his Dad, Jerry Lawler, and Rikishi amongst others.

IC belt lost:

Dolph Ziggler's bags were lost during travel with United airlines earlier this week and turned up in Canada, it seems his IC Title belt was in the lost luggage, as he is tweeting asking if any one in New York can loan him a replica for tonight's show.

Cena says he will not marry:

"It's truly a full time job and we're always on the road and I wouldn't want to short any family or partner by looking back and saying, 'I was never there for you.'... It was a big choice, but right now that's where I'm at."

Elgin returning to ROH:

Despite the acrimony, ROH say Michael Elgin will return to the promotion this weekend.

Teddy Long reveals Wrestlers Court incident:

Teddy Long says he was sent to WWE wrestlers court and had Mae Young as his ''Lawyer'', because he was selling viagra to the rostered talent.

Battling Bella's:

Nikki says the Bella's have caused each other an injury during their feud. She cut Brie's leg badly with a high heel, and was knocked out momentarily by Brie, when her sister slapped her.

Bound For Glory:

Havoc vs Velvet Sky has been added to the card, after heat for not having any women involved.

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