Monday, October 27, 2014

Today's News

Hell In A Cell:


Pre. Mark Henry bt Bo Dallas.

1. Dolph Ziggler bt Cesaro (2-0).

2. Nikki Bella bt Brie Bella.

3. Goldust & Stardust bt The Uso's.

4. John Cena bt Randy Orton.

5. Sheamus bt The Miz.

6. Rusev bt Big Show.

7. AJ Lee bt Paige.

8. Seth Rollins bt Dean Ambrose.


Bray Wyatt interfered in the main event, John Cena has earned a title match vs Brock Lesnar by winning in the cell and Mick Foley and Bray Wyatt were not sitting together in the crowd during the show. Some in attendance complained WWE spoiled the twist ending to the show, by having Bray in the crowd, but it was not him, just a couple of fans in dress up. Bray was hidden under the ring during the pre show, and stayed there for the whole event. Also WWE boffin's corrected WWE's claims that the Bella's had never had a match against each other, pointing out a bout from 2009, on an episode of WWECW.

Raw teaser:

* Can Orton maintain his favor in the eyes of Triple H?

* Who will present himself as a challenger to Rusev?

* How will Brie Bella survive her stint in servitude?

* Who will challenge the WWE Tag Team Champions next?

* Will we finally see Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose go head-to-head?

WWE TradeMarks:

WWE have applied to TradeMark the terms ''WWE Immortals'', "WCW and "NWO New World Order" as well as "Undertaker."

TNA star to Total Diva's:

So Cal Val will appear in an upcoming episode of TD, she appears during a fight in Fandango's hotel room, between new cast member Paige, and a third woman.

CM Punk:

After negative reports from a fan who met CM Punk at a hockey game last week, the former champion made a point of taking time to pose for photo's with fans at last night's game. Punk who was celebrating his birthday, accepted Ice cream from one fan, and photobombed a selfie with a couple, the girls face when she noticed :D (Photo)...

Rattlesnake replaced by the viper:

Randy Orton has been cast in Steve Austin's role, in the sequel to his 2007 movie ''The Condemned''. Orton will spend the tail end of this year in Mexico taping "The Condemned 2: Desert Prey."

Austin provides advice:

Steve Austin says if Cesaro wants to get to the top, he needs to clean up his look. Cesaro may have heeded that advice, as he clean shaved his head for last nights match.

WWE / Flintstones:

WWE have released the name of their upcoming Flintstones movie...

"The Flintstones and WWE in Stone Age SmackDown."

Los Matadores:

Los Matadores defied WWE's orders to wrestle for WWC under their WWE gimmicks. They did work a match under the masks, but after being attacked by other stars, pulled them off to tell them Primo and Epico would be ready to face them any time they were ready. This follows a fan backlash following a promo they cut in broken Spanish for their appearance over the weekend.

Animosity lifting?:

WWE have started selling CM Punk merch on their site again. They had stopped after he issued them with a letter threatening lawsuit. Word is the two sides have come to a deal, and he will be re-added to the Flintstones movie. This likely does not mean he will back on Raw next week, but it is the first sign of a thawing in what have been very icy relations since January.

JBL and Cole land new deals:

JBL and Michael Cole have signed on with Epic Times Network. Their popular radio show / podcast will be aired on the Network from now on.

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