Thursday, October 9, 2014

Today's News

Jake The Snake:

Jake The Snake is now suffering bleeding on the brain, he says.

WWE vs Russia:

WWE's controversial angle made National news in Russia, but they refused to show the flag incident with Big Show. WWE are continuing the Show vs Rusev angle as planned however.

Randy Orton:

Randy Orton has reached an agreement with WWE to decrease his schedule, he will no longer work weekend live events, on a full time basis.

WWE vs Rey:

WWE are growing ever more angry and frustrated with their want-away star. This time over Rey having lunch meeting's with AAA officials, and posting images of the lunch on social media.

Punk to TNA:

TNA have made a play for CM Punk's services. They offered him the top spot in the company, the title, and wages to match Hulk Hogan, during his time there. Punk however told them he has no interest in returning to pro wrestling.

Since this story broke, TNA have played their interest down, and denied making a move for the former WWE man, Punk has not commented.

TNA made the move, feeling it would help their chances of getting a TV deal.

WrestleMania 31:

Triple H vs The Rock is being lined up as the main event of WrestleMania 31. The match was one of a number of options presented to The Rock for this years Mania, but, WWE are going hard with the teasers, and schedules allowing, it seems we may be seeing one of the great attitude era feuds re-sparking at the supershow next year.

Rock has played it down, talking to TMZ he said...

"I don't think so (smiling). I might get hit in the mouth."

Also on Mania, WWE are very close to finalising the deals for two top names to be involved, likely The Rock and Sting, and other matches expected for the show are...

* Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns (WWE Title)

* John Cena vs Rusev...

WWE / Reigns fail:

WWE and Roman Reigns got their wires crossed this week. WWE wanted to do a satellite interview with Reigns, but he turned up at the arena. They improvised and shot the interview backstage.

No WWE Champion in 2014:

The planned feud for the WWE title between Brock Lesnar and Big Show has been scrapped, and Lesnar will not now return to TV this year. He will be back for a title defense at Royal Rumble in January, against John Cena, before starting his feud vs the winner of the Royal Rumble, going into WrestleMania 31. Paul Heyman is also likely to be off screen for the remainder of 2014, but that may change.

More delays for Hall Of Famer:

Bob Backlund's book has been pushed back for a sixth time, and will not now be out until March 2015.

Hall Of Famer at home:

Superstar Billy Graham has been released from Hospital.


Paige has been confirmed as a character on the game.

Dudleys to WWE?:

Bubba Dudley said he was disappointed to miss out the TNA tag titles, but he and D'Von would now go back to chasing after their favourite tag belts. Some speculate he may be referring to NJPW.

He says fans should ''Stay tuned'' to his social media for an announcement.

IC Title, missing no more:

The Intercontinental belt is no longer missing, Dolph Ziggler says United Airlines were no longer answering his calls, causing him to worry, but he then posted this picture of a delivery that was waiting for him when he got home...

Spike hurting TNA's TV deal talks:

Spike dropping TNA is having a negative affect on their current talks for a new deal, the stigma of being dropped, despite doing well in ratings, and Spike's lack of faith in the management of the company, are making potential new homes for their show drag their feet and think twice about putting pen to paper.

Double botch:

WWE had to re-tape a SmackDown match this week after the ending was botched, however the two stars involved (Kofi and Rollins) botched that end too, and the match had to go over by a good few minutes to get the end right at the third attempt.

WWE / Staples Center:

WWE may have ended the Staples Center's time as the default home of SummerSlam, but the company will announce a brand new PPV which will debut from there next year, in December.


SmackDown will debut a new theme song this week, to celebrate it's 15th year.

Alum quits:

Savio Vega is no longer working for WWC.

AJ Lee talks life behind the WWE curtain:

"Everyone knows that I don't exactly have friends in the locker room and maybe that's because I don't like to [does mocking voice] talk about shoes, and clothes and boys! But sometimes, you gotta take what you can get."

Eugene on indy greats joining WWE:

"Kenta would have English class every day to help with his English. Fergal had apparently never driven a car before, so he would have driving classes. WWE was right there to help anyone who wanted to take a college course to help them with their WWE product, WWE was a very helpful company. Phenomenal."

WWE book writer talks Vince interview:

''It was surreal. I met him and Linda McMahon at WrestleMania 25. There was a little reception before WrestleMania in Houston for the WWE licensees, and I was there because the WWE Encyclopedia came out around that time frame. It was such a challenge to stay with my line of questioning because you feel like every answer is so important and you wanna ask something else or you want to go in a different direction. It was another dream-come-true scenario. 30 Years of WrestleMania will take readers through this journey through time where an idea that he had on vacation to do an annual event. The venue was booked before the event even had a name and WWE was working backwards to create this event. Some of the other incredible milestones WWE has achieved as an organization, it's all running through your mind as you're speaking with him, and really any members of the McMahon family. This is their livelihood and what they've built as a family. They couldn't have been more generous with their time, and the conversations were just phenomenal.''

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