Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Today's News

Stone Cold sticking around:

Word coming out of WWE is Austin is not coming back for a single match, but may be returning as a full roster member, possibly for as much as two years. JR however has played down Austin's comments about training for a comeback, he says he doubts he was referring to wrestling.

Thanks... Now FU:

Michael Elgin has stunned ROH officials by quitting as soon as he returned to the USA from Canada. The company had announced his return to the promotion set to happen this weekend, but after receiving his visa to return to the States to work for ROH, he immediately made it clear he had no intention of returning to the group...

"@Ringofhonor I said this on our call, thank you for getting me back home. But, an article doesn't fix lies and damage done. I QUIT."

The Rock:

The Rock made a surprise WWE return last night on Raw. The appearance was not pre planned by WWE, Rock was in Town for meetings with Time Warner, those meetings finished early enough for him to visit the WWE show, and they quickly worked the angle with Rusev into the script to utilize him.

Hell In A Cell:

Two new matches announced...

John Cena vs Dean Ambrose...

Winner of the above vs Seth Rollins (Hell In A Cell match), this will be the main event.

Awesome Kong / Kharma rules out return:

Kia Stevens say she will not return to a TNA ring, she wants to maintain her links with WWE, but is open to joining ROH.

Special SmackDown:

This weeks SmackDown will likely have a few nostalgic appearances, as it is the 15th anniversary show.

Controversial man's WWE link:

Oklahoma Ed Ferrara is teaching at Full Sail University, the home of WWE NXT. He runs a creative writing course. Ferrara is famous for his merciless mocking of JR, during his WCW run.

Wyatt Family... The Movie:

The Soska Twins, who recently directed See No Evil 2 have pitched the idea of making a movie about the Wyatt Family, and want to use all three members in the project.

New Wyatt's:

Strong rumours suggest that Rowan and Harper will break away from Bray Wyatt, and will be replaced by NXT's The Ascension, possibly as early as Hell In A Cell.

Chris Jericho defends continuing WWE career:

"I'm as cutting edge and creative as I've ever been. Sometimes fans will put restrictions on you because of your age. My last match with the company was against Randy Orton and we stole the show. We were telling a great story, and doing things in the match that other people wouldn't do or couldn't do. As long as I can still cut new ground and have great matches, with fire and passion, I'll continue to come back."

CM Punk returns to wrestling:

CM Punk attended his first wrestling event since the post Rumble Raw. He visited OVW this past weekend, but all talent were told not to make any attempt to communicate with the former WWE man. He left with his friend Cliff Compton. He was also kept away from fans in attendance.

JR talks wrestling future:

"To clear up some speculation regarding my return to pro wrestling, while I am a 'free agent' as it relates to broadcasting pro wrestling events, my interest level in pursuing such is moderate at best. Would I re-engage the process in some form? Yes, but I'm uncertain as to what those terms would have to be. I still love the business and get the 'itch' to broadcast the genre that I spend 40 years of my life doing but there are so many things that I'm doing or going to do career wise that I simply don't know where the pro wrestling opportunities fit. Time will tell but I'm still a student of that game and more importantly a fan. I have personally had zero talks about doing pro wrestling in the future but there has been some contact with my representative but as I understand it those talks were exploratory and preliminary at best. I've been asked about the New Japan January 4 PPV event but I'd say that jumping on board with that assignment is a long shot at this time although I do wish all involved the best in this endeavor. I can certainly see where the PPV component in the English speaking, worldwide marketplace has potential if it is marketed strategically and aggressively."

Stephanie McMahon reveals her Dad stopped her relationship with HHH:

"It was not always just all roses. We were given permission and then it was taken away. In terms of the reasons why, I don't know if he was getting pressure. It was a really big thing in our business for the top star to be dating the boss' daughter and all of the implications it could have."

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