Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Today's News

AJ Lee:

AJ Lee was told she would not be added to the Total Diva's cast because of her marriage to CM Punk.

Mick Foley:

Mick Foley made a surprise return to WWE last night on Raw, so much so, he did not even tell his children.

Hell In A Cell:

Gold/Stardust will defend their Tag Titles vs The Uso's at the special later this month.

Renee Young, Alex Riley, Booker T and Paul Heyman will be the pre show panel.


The US soldier that was attacked by Rusev was seemingly not legit. Several fans noted a number of discrepancies on social media during Raw, such as, he was not wearing a proper Army uniform, as the American Flag was on the wrong sleeve.

See No Evil 2:

Kane's new movie hits stores today. WWE's plan to have Kane come out on Raw as the lead character to promote the release were scrapped.

Alberto Del Rio:

Alberto Del Rio has done an interview with RF video to discuss his WWE departure, it will be released soon.

Slam City:

WWE have signed a deal with Nickelodeon to air Slam City, their cartoon series, on the channel.

WWE add new clause to talent contracts:

They are calling it the ''Morals clause''...

"WWE has zero tolerance for matters involving domestic violence, child abuse and sexual assault. Upon arrest for such misconduct, a WWE talent will be immediately suspended. Upon conviction for such misconduct, a WWE talent will be immediately terminated.''

This comes in the wake of high profile incidents with sportsmen in America, being involved in some of the above mentioned crimes. Stephanie McMahon announced the WWE position during an interview today.

Orton vs Creative:

Randy Orton is upsetting the creative department of WWE, he apparently has a new way of killing any angle he does not want to do. He tells them to talk to Triple H about it, and Triple H tells them not to go forward.


Adam Pearce, a former NWA champion is reportedly set for an interview to replace Eugene as a trainer at the WWE PC at some point this week.

Stephanie McMahon denies edict:

Stephanie McMahon says the cast of Total Diva's are incorrect about the rule, that no member of the cast can win the Diva's Title, she says no such rule exists.

Developmental star blasts Bob Holly:

Kenny Omega, a former WWE trainee, says of Hardcore Bob's coaching style...

"We had guests come in at times like Benoit (Chris), William Regal, Dean Malenko, and Bob Holly would come and kick our a$$. I don't know what the guy problem was he was always grumpy. I remember one time he got mad at one of the guys and kept punching him in the face…"

Rapper to wrestling:

Wale, a self confessed WWE obsessive, has announced he will host his own wrestling event in 2015.

John Cena:

John Cena's collaboration with Wiz Khaifa has been released.

Survivor Series:

The first Survivor Series match has been leaked, a 10 woman elimination match, that will see teams captained by Nikki and Brie Bella.

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