Friday, October 10, 2014

Today's News

Bischoff on why Nash and Hall left WWE:

"...But here are a couple of facts that kind of shape that false narrative to the foundation. Number 1: Hall and Nash weren't forced to leave their beloved WWE for anything, they chose to. They chose to leave WWE and come to WCW, not for the money, because the truth and the facts are that I probably didn't offer them any more money than they were already making. I couldn't really speak to this, because I wasn't doing their taxes at the time, but I'm pretty sure that they were probably making more money. But the real reason I remember, having firsthand discussions with both of them, they didn't leave WWE for the money. They left WWE to come to WCW for the lifestyle, because we had a maximum of 180 days in their contracts."

Alum hospitalised:

Alundra Blayze has been admitted to hospital after an accident during one of her monster truck events. The accident happened in Australia on Wednesday, her truck rolled over, she says she will fulfill her next date on October 11 regardless.


SmackDown 15 set.


TNA say they should not be affected by the huge storm heading for Japan next week. Also Tazz and Mike Tenay will announce the event from America, they and Dixie Carter have not made the fight to Japan for Bound For Glory.

Legends last matches:

WWE are reportedly working on the retirement matches of two stars, Sting, and Hulk Hogan, would have their last bout at WrestleMania 31, although the Hulkster will not likely get his favoured opponent, John Cena.

Meltzer vs The Internet:

Dave Meltzer has angrily slammed people questioning his story that TNA made an approach to sign CM Punk, after the promotion denied interest...

"The story is obviously true and I didn't think it was that big a deal since he showed no real interest. Look at common sense. You're trying to make a TV deal. There is a free agent out there who is one of the biggest stars and you're denying contact with him? In other words, are you saying you're an incompetent promotion? It was how many minutes after Del Rio got fired that they tried to get in touch with him? But they didn't as least try to contact Punk while trying to close a deal?"


Alberto Del Rio and WWE have almost come to terms on resolving his contract issues. Also on ADR, the guy he slapped once appeared on Raw, in a segment with CM Punk and Paul Heyman.


Sunny has been released from hospital after 8 days treatment for a colon infection.


SmackDown will change to Thursday night in mid January next year.

Wrestling show scrapped:

An AMC reality show following Billy Corgan's Resistance Pro will not be happening, AMC want to take money from reality programming and divert it into their more successful drama shows, such as the very popular Walking Dead.

John Cena on Austin's ring return:

"I hope that his return to the ring is imminent. He has been training really hard and is in great shape."

Austin responded by saying Cena would certainly be someone he would consider returning for, also name checking Brock Lesnar and CM Punk, but said he is not officially confirming a return, but is not closing any doors either. Speculation is we will have to wait for the match, with Mania 31 looking like being a stacked show with many returns, WrestleMania 32 in Texas is looking like the preferred night for his ''One more match''.

Attitude Era was ''Crap'':

That is the view of Dean Ambrose...

''A lot of people talk about the attitude era being so great but a lot of it was terrible crap, sex jokes and over-the-top terrible bad comedy. It was Jerry Springer-like. They made a joke about a woman's breasts. Hilarious, but where's the wrestling? I look back on a lot of stuff now, and I'm like where's the wrestling? It's just a lot of crappy jokes.''

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