Saturday, October 4, 2014

Today's News

Hulk Hogan family embarrassment:

Hulk Hogan's family are involved in a couple of embarrassing stories today. Firstly, he is threatening to sue a distant family member, who, he claims, has used the Hogan name to land the host role of a controversial new reality show, where Boyfriends arrange for their female partners to take part in lesbian relations, for their pleasure, with King David, and his own partner then picking their favourite to have a sexual session together with them, all taped for your viewing pleasure. Hogan says he will sue, his nephew, who he claims, has only met twice.

Also his son Nick has been caught up in the celebrity phone hacking story. Naked pictures of himself, and a number of his female friends, as well as private and personal photo's involving all members of his family, and a shot of Big Show mooning him have made their way onto the internet.

Taker on Mania 31:

The Undertaker reportedly told a fan this weekend that he has no plans to attend next years WrestleMania, but he would ''Never, say Never'' to a return in the future. This could mean no Hall Of Fame induction next year, which in turn could be a signal, that neither he, nor WWE, have given up on him as an in ring performer as yet, even if he does not compete next year, and the Sting match goes to someone else. When pushed by the fan on the chance of a dream match against Sting, he said he has not thought about it.

Bischoff says Hogan kicked him out of his home:

Eric Bischoff says Hulk Hogan was so against turning heel and joining NWO in 1996, that he kicked him out of his house, and he thought he would leave WCW as a result...

"Brother, I gotta pick the kids up from school, thanks for stopping by. You'll never know my character until you've walked a mile in my yellow boots."

He didn't leave WCW, and the rest is history, but Bischoff said it was the worst moment in their relationship.

Carlito on why he left WWE:

"I probably was just burnt out and tired of being frustrated. I'm weird like that, once I check out, I just really didn't care about anything. I was just counting my days to get away. Some time off would have been healthy for me."

He went on to say he had never turned down a Royal Rumble return, or a TNA deal, he admitted to talking to TNA officials, but says he never felt that it was the right move for him to make.

WWE fail: have been hosting an ad for the new TNA Diva's calender today. The ad was placed  by Google, not intentionally by WWE, but fans are still ribbing the promotion over the error.


WWE reportedly have factored Sting into their story lines from late January, so possibly a surprise Royal Rumble entrant, and he will stay around until WrestleMania 31.

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