Friday, October 31, 2014

Today's News

Legend passes:

Bob Geigel, the former president of the NWA, died as a resut of advanced stage Alzheimers yesterday, at the age of 90. The CAC released this statement breaking the sad news...

"The wrestling community owes a great deal to Bob, and we at the Cauliflower Alley Club send our deepest sympathies to his friends and loved ones in this time of mourning"

WWE also paid tribute...

"WWE is saddened to learn that Bob Geigel, legendary wrestler and promoter, passed away Thursday at age 90. Inside the squared circle, Geigel captured multiple championships as part of the National Wrestling Alliance. Beyond in-ring competition, he also acted as NWA's president for nearly a decade. WWE extends its condolences to Geigel's colleagues, family and friends."

Network UK:

WWE have confirmed the Network will be rolled out in the UK on Monday, November 3.

Gimmick thief:

Maxine, formerly of WWE, says Aksana used her FCW gimmick to earn her promotion to the main WWE roster. She had written a character, a seductress, power hungry femme fatale, that was planning on targeting Teddy Long, as he was the GM of SmackDown at the time, to make it in WWE, and was talking to Aksana about it, to get her feedback. The next day Aksana turned up with her hair dyed black and a very interesting idea she had thought up overnight... Maxine's idea. The FCW coaches passed the idea up the food chain, and she was brought up later the same week to do the role on TV. Further to this, Maxine claims, salt was rubbed into the open wound, because the WWE asked her to work with Aksana to improve the role, and her promo skills.

Alberto Del Rio, on why he will not return to WWE:

"I don't need them, they don't need me. They're going to continue doing what they're doing and I'm going to continue doing what I'm doing."

Randy Orton:

Randy Orton has confirmed he will miss WWE dates to film his new movie, including the next European tour.

The Undertaker:

WWE have denied reports that The Undertaker has taken on a role in NXT, calling reports ''Inaccurate''. They refused to talk about his future in wrestling.

Low Ki talks WWE's future, under HHH:

''With Triple H, in all fairness to WWE, at least he was a wrestler. So his perspective on how to manage the company and arrange things may have a little more intimate detail in mind than what Vince [McMahon] would do because Vince was never a wrestler. At least Triple H has the in-ring experience to see things differently. The reason why I say Vince McMahon has never been a wrestler is because he has never put his body through hell to the degree of what his performers do and then advance into management. At least Triple H has that insight into potentially directing the company into a different position."

UFC star turns down $5,000,000 contract from WWE:

Chael Sonnen says Vince McMahon made a personal approach, during his time with UFC, hoping he would make the move to WWE, but he says he rejected the money, as he did not want to be dis-loyal to UFC.

HHH elected:

Triple H has been elected to the board of the Sports Legacy Institute.

Foley rejects TV show:

Mick Foley says he could not do an episode of ''New Girl''...

"I got the inquiry from my agent (I wasn't definitely 'in', but really think I would have gotten the role) and was absolutely thrilled...until I saw that the role called for me to be a rather sleazy St Nick, throwing some sexual innuendos at the lovely Ms Deschanel - and unfortunately, I just can't do that as Santa."

Survivor Series match confirmed:

Dean Ambrose vs Bray Wyatt joins the Team Cena vs Team Authority main event for next months super show.

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