Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Today's News

Cena branching out:

John Cena is preparing to launch a new reality show. He will produce, and may present, but that is not a deal breaker, a show focusing on everyday Americans, as they go about their daily lives, whilst also having a compelling story to tell. It is one of a number of non WWE projects Cena has in the pipeline.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Damien Sandow & The Miz vs Los Matadores...

* Alicia Fox vs AJ Lee...

* Dolph Ziggler vs Cesaro (IC Title)...

* Brie Bella, Naomi & Natalya vs Cameron, Nikki Bella & Summer Rae...

* Bo Dallas, Goldust & Stardust vs Mark Henry & The Uso's...

Hell In A Cell:

Dolph Ziggler vs Cesaro 2 out of 3 falls for the IC Title has been added.

NXT star has faith in the WWE future under HHH:

Sami Zayn says of his boss...

"I have a lot of faith in Triple H as far as in that I know he wants the best for us, for this business and company. It's not just NXT and his guys, but WWE. So I think he obviously wants us to be featured in the best possible way when it does happen. I think it may be a good starting point, but I have a lot of faith that everything will be alright."

No shock Hall Of Fame induction:

Fred (Tugboat / Typhoon) Ottman says WWE have never offered him HOF induction under his Shockmaster gimmick.


Frankie Kazarian says he quit WWE becasue Vince McMahon suggested he cut his hair. Kazarian, who usually wore his hair in a pony tail, was asked to wear it long by John Laurinaitis at a SmackDown taping, and Vince apparently did not like it, telling him as soon as he came back through the curtain he wanted him to change his look, Kaz, who admitted he was already growing frustrated with WWE, asked for his release on the spot, and it was granted.

No Y2J:

Chris Jericho has absolutely ruled out any involvement for him at WrestleMania 31.

WWE vs Punk:

WWE are set to start a Punk who campaign against their former champion. Talks have deteriorated so badly that they will completely disassociate themselves from, including removing signs, and editing off chants from TV, they will likely also stop talent, such as Paige, Cena and Orton from reacting to crowd chants, and questions about him in interviews.

Huge injury for WWE?:

A fan in attendance at Raw this week has noted a conversation he heard Randy Orton have with WWE medical team staff as he left the ring following his match, he is reported to have said...

"The ruptured disc in my back is f--ked."

Orton has had a number of issues with his back in recent years, but the injury is not confirmed as yet, so should be considered hearsay for the time being.

First talent scholarship:

Maria Kanellis has been awarded the first WWE sponsored scholarship. She revealed what she plans to do with the money, in an interview with

"I was very excited, it's a tremendous opportunity. I can't wait to start [classes for my major] at school in December. School will be a lot more relaxing since I have the scholarships."

Raw soldier named:

The soldier on Raw was indy wrestler, and owner of Magnum Pro, Jason Strife. He is not, and never has had any military experience, and was just a plant. Rumours of WWE looking at firing Rusev for attacking a serviceman are false, the angle went as planned.

WWE suffer another financial hit:

A report calling the WWE Network a failure, and rubbishing chances of them hitting a million subscribers has wiped 7% off the WWE stock price today.

John Morrison talks wrestling future, why he has not joined TNA:

"I'm booked to wrestle Jeff Jarrett on December 6th, might talk a little talk about Global Force. TNA and I have had talks, I live in LA, Florida is far. Wrestling is a business, the more promotions the better, more opportunities for wrestlers to work. Both of those companies could be fun to work with. Right now I'm signed with Lucha Underground and I'm happy with where I'm at. Backstage is great, no drama, great shows, great people involved, and in my hometown of Los Angeles."

Outspoken WWE interview:

Dean Ambrose on Hell In A Cell...

"If… we're not the main event, then somebody's making a mistake. They're going to regret it."

On Lesnar as champion...

"You're not going to see him much. He took the belt back to his castle and he locked it up in the attic. You've got to go a long way to get a championship match with him."

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