Friday, October 31, 2014

Today's News

Legend passes:

Bob Geigel, the former president of the NWA, died as a resut of advanced stage Alzheimers yesterday, at the age of 90. The CAC released this statement breaking the sad news...

"The wrestling community owes a great deal to Bob, and we at the Cauliflower Alley Club send our deepest sympathies to his friends and loved ones in this time of mourning"

WWE also paid tribute...

"WWE is saddened to learn that Bob Geigel, legendary wrestler and promoter, passed away Thursday at age 90. Inside the squared circle, Geigel captured multiple championships as part of the National Wrestling Alliance. Beyond in-ring competition, he also acted as NWA's president for nearly a decade. WWE extends its condolences to Geigel's colleagues, family and friends."

Network UK:

WWE have confirmed the Network will be rolled out in the UK on Monday, November 3.

Gimmick thief:

Maxine, formerly of WWE, says Aksana used her FCW gimmick to earn her promotion to the main WWE roster. She had written a character, a seductress, power hungry femme fatale, that was planning on targeting Teddy Long, as he was the GM of SmackDown at the time, to make it in WWE, and was talking to Aksana about it, to get her feedback. The next day Aksana turned up with her hair dyed black and a very interesting idea she had thought up overnight... Maxine's idea. The FCW coaches passed the idea up the food chain, and she was brought up later the same week to do the role on TV. Further to this, Maxine claims, salt was rubbed into the open wound, because the WWE asked her to work with Aksana to improve the role, and her promo skills.

Alberto Del Rio, on why he will not return to WWE:

"I don't need them, they don't need me. They're going to continue doing what they're doing and I'm going to continue doing what I'm doing."

Randy Orton:

Randy Orton has confirmed he will miss WWE dates to film his new movie, including the next European tour.

The Undertaker:

WWE have denied reports that The Undertaker has taken on a role in NXT, calling reports ''Inaccurate''. They refused to talk about his future in wrestling.

Low Ki talks WWE's future, under HHH:

''With Triple H, in all fairness to WWE, at least he was a wrestler. So his perspective on how to manage the company and arrange things may have a little more intimate detail in mind than what Vince [McMahon] would do because Vince was never a wrestler. At least Triple H has the in-ring experience to see things differently. The reason why I say Vince McMahon has never been a wrestler is because he has never put his body through hell to the degree of what his performers do and then advance into management. At least Triple H has that insight into potentially directing the company into a different position."

UFC star turns down $5,000,000 contract from WWE:

Chael Sonnen says Vince McMahon made a personal approach, during his time with UFC, hoping he would make the move to WWE, but he says he rejected the money, as he did not want to be dis-loyal to UFC.

HHH elected:

Triple H has been elected to the board of the Sports Legacy Institute.

Foley rejects TV show:

Mick Foley says he could not do an episode of ''New Girl''...

"I got the inquiry from my agent (I wasn't definitely 'in', but really think I would have gotten the role) and was absolutely thrilled...until I saw that the role called for me to be a rather sleazy St Nick, throwing some sexual innuendos at the lovely Ms Deschanel - and unfortunately, I just can't do that as Santa."

Survivor Series match confirmed:

Dean Ambrose vs Bray Wyatt joins the Team Cena vs Team Authority main event for next months super show.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Today's News

Survivor Series:

Title matches penciled in for this years Survivor Series are, Sheamus vs Rusev (US Title), AJ Lee vs Nikki Bella (Diva's Title), and a multi team elimination match for the Tag Titles.

Fans upset NXT stars:

NXT stars have taken to social media to hit out at fans that are hijackaing their shows, with obtrusive chanting, that draws attention to them, and away from the ring.

Youngest main event:

Maybe the days of WWE being criticised for it's over use of the same top guys are coming to an end, Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins at Hell In A Cell was the first match since Survivor Series 1994, that two men under the age of 30 had contested the last match.

Steen gets WWE name:

Kevin Steen will be known as Kevin Owens. WWE TM'ed the name last week. He has named himself after his Son, Owen, who was named after Owen Hart.

WWE shareholder says the McMahon's are looking to sell WWE:

Lemelson, a capital management company who hold a large number of WWE shares. Commenting on the probability of again falling short of the one million Network subscriber count they need to hit, a board member of the company, said...

''It doesn't necessarily matter if they hit their goal for the Network because (I) think that the McMahon family is interested in selling the business, thus providing shares protection from further downside."

New PPV:

WWE have confirmed the new PPV, ''WWE Fast Lane''. They TM'ed the name today.


TNA have a new World Champion, Bobby Roode.

WWE Network:

WWE announced 731,000 people are subscribed to their channel, that is a gain of just 31,000 in the last 3 months.

To try to encourage further gains they have also decided to end 6 month commitments, and are finally going to let us in the UK join in, the Network will be rolled out in Britain next month, and they are offering a free month for anybody that signs up for the Network next month. The price will still be $9.99, but you can now cancel your subscription at any time.

The WWE however did announce better than expected financial figures for the past quarter, so there is some good news, although investors disagree, the shares took a big hit after the figures were released, down 8%..

WWE racism:

Alberto Del Rio has confirmed that racism against black and hispanic performers goes right to the very top of WWE. Refusing to name names, but claiming the man who called to fire him (Triple H) was one of the very worst offenders. He also says WWE were going to bring him back in a couple of months, after the incident blew over, but he told them if he did not have his job back by the time he put down his phone, he would never come back.

WWE Alum says ''Never'':

Torrie Wilson says she will never return to wrestling, and has never thought about it since retiring, however another for female may be on her way back, WWE have re-applied for the TradeMark ''Eve Torres''.


Rapper Wale has enlisted the help of Paul Heyman for his debut wrestling event, which he has confirmed will take place in New York.

Orton pulled:

Randy Orton has been pulled from next months Euro tour. Bray Wyatt will take his spot on the plane.

WWE hand out two more scholarships:

Paul Burchill and a former developmental start have been awarded $5,000 each for educational purposes.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Today's News

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!

* Diva's Halloween Costume Ball Battle Royal...

* Dolph Ziggler vs Kane...

* Dolph Ziggler vs Seth Rollins...

* Heath Slater vs Ryback...

* Gold/Stardust vs Los Matadores...

* Great Khali vs Rusev...

* Cesaro vs Dean Ambrose...


Bad news for D-Bry:

Big Show announced before last night's SmackDown taping's that Daniel Bryan will need to undergo further surgery on his elbow, further extending his time away from WWE. Most worrisome for Bryan's fans, a WWE official says not only is there no timetable for a return for their former champion, they are not sure if he will be able to come back at all.

WWE man returns:

Curtis Axel returned to TV last night, losing to Kofi Kingston on Main Event.

Mick Foley:

Mick Foley is taking his comedy show to TV, he has announced.

Hulk Hogan on the match he wants to end his career on:

"I've been chasing that guy for 25 years. Stone Cold Steve Austin. I would have liked to have tagged with him. And then turn on him right in the middle of it, and then he would have had to wrestle me."

WWE cuts:

WWE starff and roster members are preparing themselves for another round of cuts later this week, The WWE Network numbers are not expected to be good, and cuts are starting to tend to follow bad financial news in WWE. Heels are reportedly particularly vulnerable, as WWE feel they have too many at the moment. The Network count will be released tomorrow.

Reigns return date leaked:

Roman Reigns is booked to return at a boxing day live event in Pittsburgh, returning to TV in the new year, and going into the Royal Rumble as a red hot favourite.

WrestleMania 31:

Tickets are expected to be released in the middle of November for next years Mania.

TNA reach TV deal?:

TNA have reportedly had John Gaburick dotting I's and crossing T's on the new TV deal in New York today, with an announcement planned for friday to break the news officially, although TNA exec's have blasted the story as speculation and gossip.

Pick Team Cena:

WWE are asking fans on .Com to pick John Cena's partner for Survivor Series, the options are... Ryback, Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler, The Usos, The Rock, Big E, Sheamus, Randy Orton, Big Show or The Gobbledy Gooker. The Rock, Randy Orton, Dean Ambrose and Ryback are currently in the qualifying top spots.

Billy Jack vs WWE:

More of Billy Jack Haynes claims vs WWE have emerged. He says he contracted Hep C, during a particularly bloody match in WWE, that he was actively encouraged to use steroids, and cocaine, as well as a number of addictive pain meds during his time with the promotion in the 1980's.

Harry Potter on WWE teaching him life skills:

Daniel Radcliffe says he learnt American accents from watching and playing with his WWE figures as a child, he enjoyed giving them their own accents during his improvised promo's with the toys.


Diamond Dallas Page has broken ground on his first DDP Yoga Center today, in Atlanta, Georgia.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Today's News


Is back. He returned on Raw last night, answering a challenge made by Bo Dallas.


Stephanie McMahon announced the main event of Survivor Series would be Team Cena vs Team Authority, the team members will be confirmed in the coming weeks.

The Undertaker and Michelle McCool were backstage.

Royal Rumble:

WWE have changed their minds, the Royal Rumble match will have 30 entrants not 40, as was earlier advertised.

They're creepy and their cooky:

WWE have announced a Halloween special diva's costume ball battle royal, which will air on SmackDown later this week.

WWE pull DVD's:

WWE have withdrawn a large number of their DVD releases from Amazon, and will not re-list them for sale until the 1st of January 2015. This is because they have decided to change home video distributor and could not get a new deal done in time to plug the gap between their now old one ending, and a new one beginning.

Never say never:

Unless you are Josh Matthews, he says he has no interest in ever returning to WWE, because he wants to call wrestling matches. He also confirmed a long rumoured fight. He says Joey Styles knocked JBL out on a tour of Iraq after a sustained campaign of hazing and abuse against the former ECW announcer. JBL was left with a black eye and a deep cut after the 2008 incident.

WWE calender:

WWE are going to move Elimination Chamber to June from Next year, in place of Payback, which will step forward a month to May.


Ring Of Honor have landed a toy deal with Figures Toy Co.

WWE / CM Punk:

Regarding the improving relationship between WWE and their former champion, sources close to CM Punk say he felt it was time he cleared up some of the loose ends he left dangling when he left the company, that he has no plans on returning, and he is still a retired pro wrestler.


Batista has been confirmed for the sequel to Guardians Of The Galaxy.

Deal done:

Dixie Carter will announce the re-signing of Kurt Angle later this week. Angle's talks with WWE have broken down, and he has reportedly put pen to paper on his final wrestling contract, a TNA one. He will retire at the expiration of the deal, and will then look to move into acting.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Today's News

Hell In A Cell:


Pre. Mark Henry bt Bo Dallas.

1. Dolph Ziggler bt Cesaro (2-0).

2. Nikki Bella bt Brie Bella.

3. Goldust & Stardust bt The Uso's.

4. John Cena bt Randy Orton.

5. Sheamus bt The Miz.

6. Rusev bt Big Show.

7. AJ Lee bt Paige.

8. Seth Rollins bt Dean Ambrose.


Bray Wyatt interfered in the main event, John Cena has earned a title match vs Brock Lesnar by winning in the cell and Mick Foley and Bray Wyatt were not sitting together in the crowd during the show. Some in attendance complained WWE spoiled the twist ending to the show, by having Bray in the crowd, but it was not him, just a couple of fans in dress up. Bray was hidden under the ring during the pre show, and stayed there for the whole event. Also WWE boffin's corrected WWE's claims that the Bella's had never had a match against each other, pointing out a bout from 2009, on an episode of WWECW.

Raw teaser:

* Can Orton maintain his favor in the eyes of Triple H?

* Who will present himself as a challenger to Rusev?

* How will Brie Bella survive her stint in servitude?

* Who will challenge the WWE Tag Team Champions next?

* Will we finally see Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose go head-to-head?

WWE TradeMarks:

WWE have applied to TradeMark the terms ''WWE Immortals'', "WCW and "NWO New World Order" as well as "Undertaker."

TNA star to Total Diva's:

So Cal Val will appear in an upcoming episode of TD, she appears during a fight in Fandango's hotel room, between new cast member Paige, and a third woman.

CM Punk:

After negative reports from a fan who met CM Punk at a hockey game last week, the former champion made a point of taking time to pose for photo's with fans at last night's game. Punk who was celebrating his birthday, accepted Ice cream from one fan, and photobombed a selfie with a couple, the girls face when she noticed :D (Photo)...

Rattlesnake replaced by the viper:

Randy Orton has been cast in Steve Austin's role, in the sequel to his 2007 movie ''The Condemned''. Orton will spend the tail end of this year in Mexico taping "The Condemned 2: Desert Prey."

Austin provides advice:

Steve Austin says if Cesaro wants to get to the top, he needs to clean up his look. Cesaro may have heeded that advice, as he clean shaved his head for last nights match.

WWE / Flintstones:

WWE have released the name of their upcoming Flintstones movie...

"The Flintstones and WWE in Stone Age SmackDown."

Los Matadores:

Los Matadores defied WWE's orders to wrestle for WWC under their WWE gimmicks. They did work a match under the masks, but after being attacked by other stars, pulled them off to tell them Primo and Epico would be ready to face them any time they were ready. This follows a fan backlash following a promo they cut in broken Spanish for their appearance over the weekend.

Animosity lifting?:

WWE have started selling CM Punk merch on their site again. They had stopped after he issued them with a letter threatening lawsuit. Word is the two sides have come to a deal, and he will be re-added to the Flintstones movie. This likely does not mean he will back on Raw next week, but it is the first sign of a thawing in what have been very icy relations since January.

JBL and Cole land new deals:

JBL and Michael Cole have signed on with Epic Times Network. Their popular radio show / podcast will be aired on the Network from now on.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Today's News

WWE to drop PPV:

Elimination Chamber is reportedly no more, a backstage leak has Elimination Chamber being replaced with a new event called Fast Lane, or Fast Track. The change is because WWE feel, now there is only one top champion, the Royal Rumble should be the match to make a number one contender, and the chamber match would detract from the importance of the Rumble, even if the champ was in the Chamber match. WWE are said to be looking at moving the event to June, but for the time being at least, it is cancelled.

The Chamber itself will not be done away with however, WWE will bring it to other PPV events when the time calls for them to do so, the idea of having it as a special event, exclusively used at SummerSlam has been raised.

WWE defend policy change:

WWE have responded to challenges from Chyna and Debra in the wake of their new domestic violence clause to their contracts. WWE say they want to reflect the NFL, in cracking down on abuses by their employees, citing cases of their own, such as Chris Benoit, who killed his wife and son, and Stone Cold Steve Austin, whose abuse of his wife Debra, was said to be open knowledge backstage in WWE. WWE feel circumstances like this can no longer be tolerated.

Debra was not impressed, she said of her time in WWE...

"They're not going to rat on the top money-maker in wrestling. And everyone else knew this was going on, but no one's going to stop it, because Steve would make millions of dollars for Vince [McMahon]."

WWE prepare shareholders for disappointment:

WWE say the subscriber count for the Network, is not where they want it to be, the announcement of the figures will be in the middle of next week.

Randy Orton:

WWE have confirmed Randy Orton is hurt, but have played down the severity of the injury.

Chris Jericho on why Chris Benoit will not appear on his new DVD:

"Putting together a couple of my DVDs, and we're working on the second one right now, that's probably a combined total of about fifty matches that are on there between those two DVDs but I could never include a Benoit match. One, I don't think I'm allowed to. Two, I don't know if I'd want to, and that was one of the greatest moments of my career. Absolutely one of my favorite opponents and probably a dozen classic matches that I'd want to put on there, including the ladder match we had at the Royal Rumble in 2001, which I think is one of the best ladder matches of all time, totally forgotten because of Chris and the fact they don't show any of his matches anymore. Also too what was voted the best match in Raw history by a lot of people, Jericho and Benoit vs. Triple H and Austin, so famous for being the night H tore his quad during the match, the crowd going bananas and the first time anybody had vanquished the evil Steve Austin and Triple H. It was a huge night in WWE history, a huge moment in the history of the Tag Team Championships and a huge moment in the history of my career, and I can't ever see that match really. I can't watch that match. I think I've watched it once and it's good, it's a great classic five star match, but it's always tainted when I see Chris Benoit…"

I'm Ready to come back:

Carlito says he does not need the job, or the money, but if WWE came calling he is now ready to accept a return to the promotion.

Hell In A Cell (Possible SPOILER!!!):

Tonight is Hell In A Cell, and interestingly, WWE have decided to fly Ryback into the show, may be something, may nothing, we will have to wait and see.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Today's News

Survivor Series:

WWE have released a TV spot for next months Survivor Series...

Dolph Ziggler on what he needs to step up:

"There's one huge thing my character would have to do: he'd have to talk on the microphone [so the audience can] get to know that character just a little bit better than a guy who does really good wrestling matches. And if I got a chance to talk on the microphone every once in a while, more than a sentence or two, there's a very good chance that you would see awesome character development, enough to where the crowds were chanting my name to be in these matches for the main event."

The Boogeyman:

The Boogeyman was at WWE HQ recently to film a series on Halloween pranks on WWE office staff. WWE have released this...

Former WWE star files lawsuit:

Billy Jack Haynes, who will be best known for his match at WrestleMania 3, has filed a 42 page document suing WWE for mis-treatment of wrestlers, hiding medical information, and more...

"Under the guise of providing 'entertainment,' WWE has, for decades, subjected its wrestlers to extreme physical brutality that it knew, or should have known, caused long-term irreversible bodily damage, including brain damage," according to the lawsuit filed by Portland attorneys Steve D. Larson and Joshua L. Ross of the firm Stoll Stoll Bernie Lokting & Schlachter. "For most of its history, WWE has engaged in a campaign of misinformation and deception to prevent its wrestlers from understanding the true nature and consequences of the injuries they have sustained. WWE's representations, actions, and inactions have caused its wrestlers to suffer from death, long-term debilitating injuries, lost profits, premature retirement, medical expenses, and other losses as alleged herein."

WWE responded with this statement...

"Billy Jack Haynes performed for WWE from 1986-1988. His filed lawsuit alleges that WWE concealed medical information and evidence on concussions during that time, which is impossible since the condition now called chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) had not even been discovered. WWE was well ahead of sports organizations in implementing concussion management procedures and policies as a precautionary measure as the science and research on this issue emerged. Current WWE procedures include ImPACT testing for brain function, annual educational seminars and the strict prohibition of deliberate and direct shots to the head. Additionally, WWE has committed significant funding for concussion research conducted by the Sports Legacy Institute (SLI), leaders in concussion research, and WWE Executive Vice President Paul Levesque sits on SLI's Board."

New promotion:

Short Sleeve Sampson is set to launch Midget Wrestling Warriors in Canada next month.

Sign my... baby!!!:

Ric Flair has revealed he was asked, but refused, to sign a woman's baby at a recent fan event.


Survivor Series 2014 promotional poster.

Steve Austin confirms Mania story:

Stone Cold has confirmed that Shawn Michaels almost no showed the main event of WrestleMania 14, because he did not want to lose, what he at the time believed would be his last match, due to a back injury. Austin said...

"It was a real pain even getting to the match, and Shawn will tell you this, he wasn't in a good place, physically or mentally. He had a real bad attitude on him and didn't feel like dropping the strap."

He went on to say that Shawn was almost tipped over the edge of leaving Boston by a famous incident at a press event, where he was hit by a battery thrown by a fan. He also confirmed something Shawn Michaels recently denied, The Undertaker did make Michaels do the match, and do it the right way, and he was waiting behind the curtain with taped fists to deal with him if he did not.

He also revealed he hated the match...

"I walked out of that thing as WWE Champion, but I told Vince that match was the drizzling sh-ts".

Friday, October 24, 2014

Today's News


The next NXT special will be on December 11, and will be called Takeover Evolution. Sami Zayn vs Adrian Neville will headline, and Zayn says he will quit WWE if he does not win the NXT title.

Also confirmed...

NXT Women's Title Match...

Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte

NXT Tag Team Title Match...

Aiden English and Simon Gotch vs. Sin Cara and Kalisto

Finn Balor and Hideo Itami vs. The Ascension

Also on NXT, WWE Alum Maxine was spotted in the crowd at last night's NXT tapings.

WWE release:

WWE quietly released Cody Barbierri, the man involved in the Alberto Del Rio incident, earlier this month, after two years in his job.


The former Brodus Clay has discussed his role in TNA...

"TNA is not my mission or concern, I don't work for TNA. I work for the Carter Family and my mission is to keep EC3 safe and undefeated. I have no records, no goals… I simply want to cash the large checks from the Carters. I am here to beat, destroy, injure, intimidate and end careers, if necessary, if anyone stands in the way of any member of the Carter Family. The Carters pay me to do what I love: hate everybody - and I get paid well."


Alexa Bliss was bust open last night, by Sasha Banks.

WWE Alum blasts Cena as ''Fake'':

Zeus, who had a brief WWE career in 1989, says of the WWE poster boy...

"John Cena, I'm calling you out to all your fans. You want to come do reality shows, take that make-up off John, it don't look good on you. Be a real cat, real cats don't wear make-up. John, get off that reality show. I'll meet your ass in the ring... in your house and I'm calling you out. Because I see the WWE they got too damn soft."

New job for legends:

Matt Hardy says he wants to join the TNA creative team, and The Undertaker, has started work as an adviser to the NXT developmental team.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Today's News

Jeff Jarrett:

Double J had meetings with ROH today, Jarrett, whose GFW promotion wil debut in January next year, are set to do a co-promotion in Japan, and some of the talent booked are contracted to ROH. ROH talent have a non compete clause for other US based promotions, and Jarrett was trying to gain permissions to show the matches their talent are involved in, so the event is not depleted when it goes to air. They also started early deliberations for a co-promotion between ROH and GFW in the future.

Rey is done:

Former WWE announcer Hugo Savinovich has confirmed that Rey Mysterio is done with WWE, and will not return to the promotion, wanting instead to join AAA.

Justin Roberts:

Justin Roberts offered to continue working for WWE, under his old contractual pay, whilst they worked out terms on a new deal for him, but WWE did not want to play ball, and released him.

WWE Championship:

Brock Lesnar will not work Survivor Series or TLC, but WWE are talking to their champion about getting him on TV more, as they feel having no champion until the Royal Rumble, is too long.

Attitude Era:

Michael Cole will be the host of Volume 2 of the Attitude Era DVD.

ROH vs Elgin:

Michael Elgin has released an E-Mail from ROH, he says threatening him to come back to work...


We already have the flight bought (which you should have gotten already). No room to eat the costs. It will all be fine and you can come back and get back to normal. There is really no choice because if you are not in Florida it will get messy and we don't want that.

We want to finish this out and then we can see what to do next.

In Florida we will do a match and an interview. In the interview you need to apologize and be sure to reference Kalamazoo by name since it is a TV market. Do NOT mention the visa situation. Just say that you have had personal issues that kept you away. Reference the World Title and say you respect Jay Briscoe. It doesn't need to be long but we need to make sure you talk about your remorse for missing events, etc.

Lets just do this the easy way and get through the tapings starting fresh. You have been great here for the last couple years and it is in all of our best interests to keep it going like it was before. I don't want to see you make another mistake so it is best to listen to us in this regard.


Cena on why he will never be heel:

"When you do that, everything you said, everything you stand for gets erased. It's a poor business decision."

Milestone for Cena:

Should John Cena vs Randy Orton be the final mach at Hell In A Cell, John Cena would become the first person in history to reach 100 PPV main event matches.

Chyna slams Stephanie:

Chyna has blasted Stephanie McMahon as dangerously ignorant. She says Stephanie is ''Bad for business'', and needs to get off screen. This follows the announcement of the new ''Moral clause'' in WWE contracts. Chyna says her time with WWE, and the abuses she claims to have suffered there,  destroyed her, and still negatively affect her life more than 10 years later. She also hit out at the hypocriy of Stephanie claiming to support women, relating her own issues with her during the HHH affair, as proof of the contrrary. 


Christian has signed on to appear in Edge's TV show Haven for a number of cameo appearances on the next series.


Chris Jericho says he wil never work for any body but Vince McMahon, and the day Vince says he does not want him anymore, will be the day he retires.

JR says WWE should hire TNA stars to improve ''Stale'' product:

"Been getting this question and I will admit that I do NOT know the answer but if Impact Wrestling talents were to become available and WWE did not consider hiring some of them to short term deals to work with the WWE's NXT rookies then that is a mistake in my view. Rookies cannot get better working with other rookies nor can they improve without working with their betters in front of a paying crowd 3-4 night per week. It's just that simple. Plus, who knows, the experienced hands may find new life and actually get over which would help the main roster which is somewhat stale at this time."

AJ on why she does not want to go on Total Diva's:

''As for me. No, I like having people know the AJ I play on TV, on RAW, and I go home and I get inside so no one talks to me [laughs].''

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Today's News

Cena branching out:

John Cena is preparing to launch a new reality show. He will produce, and may present, but that is not a deal breaker, a show focusing on everyday Americans, as they go about their daily lives, whilst also having a compelling story to tell. It is one of a number of non WWE projects Cena has in the pipeline.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Damien Sandow & The Miz vs Los Matadores...

* Alicia Fox vs AJ Lee...

* Dolph Ziggler vs Cesaro (IC Title)...

* Brie Bella, Naomi & Natalya vs Cameron, Nikki Bella & Summer Rae...

* Bo Dallas, Goldust & Stardust vs Mark Henry & The Uso's...

Hell In A Cell:

Dolph Ziggler vs Cesaro 2 out of 3 falls for the IC Title has been added.

NXT star has faith in the WWE future under HHH:

Sami Zayn says of his boss...

"I have a lot of faith in Triple H as far as in that I know he wants the best for us, for this business and company. It's not just NXT and his guys, but WWE. So I think he obviously wants us to be featured in the best possible way when it does happen. I think it may be a good starting point, but I have a lot of faith that everything will be alright."

No shock Hall Of Fame induction:

Fred (Tugboat / Typhoon) Ottman says WWE have never offered him HOF induction under his Shockmaster gimmick.


Frankie Kazarian says he quit WWE becasue Vince McMahon suggested he cut his hair. Kazarian, who usually wore his hair in a pony tail, was asked to wear it long by John Laurinaitis at a SmackDown taping, and Vince apparently did not like it, telling him as soon as he came back through the curtain he wanted him to change his look, Kaz, who admitted he was already growing frustrated with WWE, asked for his release on the spot, and it was granted.

No Y2J:

Chris Jericho has absolutely ruled out any involvement for him at WrestleMania 31.

WWE vs Punk:

WWE are set to start a Punk who campaign against their former champion. Talks have deteriorated so badly that they will completely disassociate themselves from, including removing signs, and editing off chants from TV, they will likely also stop talent, such as Paige, Cena and Orton from reacting to crowd chants, and questions about him in interviews.

Huge injury for WWE?:

A fan in attendance at Raw this week has noted a conversation he heard Randy Orton have with WWE medical team staff as he left the ring following his match, he is reported to have said...

"The ruptured disc in my back is f--ked."

Orton has had a number of issues with his back in recent years, but the injury is not confirmed as yet, so should be considered hearsay for the time being.

First talent scholarship:

Maria Kanellis has been awarded the first WWE sponsored scholarship. She revealed what she plans to do with the money, in an interview with

"I was very excited, it's a tremendous opportunity. I can't wait to start [classes for my major] at school in December. School will be a lot more relaxing since I have the scholarships."

Raw soldier named:

The soldier on Raw was indy wrestler, and owner of Magnum Pro, Jason Strife. He is not, and never has had any military experience, and was just a plant. Rumours of WWE looking at firing Rusev for attacking a serviceman are false, the angle went as planned.

WWE suffer another financial hit:

A report calling the WWE Network a failure, and rubbishing chances of them hitting a million subscribers has wiped 7% off the WWE stock price today.

John Morrison talks wrestling future, why he has not joined TNA:

"I'm booked to wrestle Jeff Jarrett on December 6th, might talk a little talk about Global Force. TNA and I have had talks, I live in LA, Florida is far. Wrestling is a business, the more promotions the better, more opportunities for wrestlers to work. Both of those companies could be fun to work with. Right now I'm signed with Lucha Underground and I'm happy with where I'm at. Backstage is great, no drama, great shows, great people involved, and in my hometown of Los Angeles."

Outspoken WWE interview:

Dean Ambrose on Hell In A Cell...

"If… we're not the main event, then somebody's making a mistake. They're going to regret it."

On Lesnar as champion...

"You're not going to see him much. He took the belt back to his castle and he locked it up in the attic. You've got to go a long way to get a championship match with him."

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Today's News

AJ Lee:

AJ Lee was told she would not be added to the Total Diva's cast because of her marriage to CM Punk.

Mick Foley:

Mick Foley made a surprise return to WWE last night on Raw, so much so, he did not even tell his children.

Hell In A Cell:

Gold/Stardust will defend their Tag Titles vs The Uso's at the special later this month.

Renee Young, Alex Riley, Booker T and Paul Heyman will be the pre show panel.


The US soldier that was attacked by Rusev was seemingly not legit. Several fans noted a number of discrepancies on social media during Raw, such as, he was not wearing a proper Army uniform, as the American Flag was on the wrong sleeve.

See No Evil 2:

Kane's new movie hits stores today. WWE's plan to have Kane come out on Raw as the lead character to promote the release were scrapped.

Alberto Del Rio:

Alberto Del Rio has done an interview with RF video to discuss his WWE departure, it will be released soon.

Slam City:

WWE have signed a deal with Nickelodeon to air Slam City, their cartoon series, on the channel.

WWE add new clause to talent contracts:

They are calling it the ''Morals clause''...

"WWE has zero tolerance for matters involving domestic violence, child abuse and sexual assault. Upon arrest for such misconduct, a WWE talent will be immediately suspended. Upon conviction for such misconduct, a WWE talent will be immediately terminated.''

This comes in the wake of high profile incidents with sportsmen in America, being involved in some of the above mentioned crimes. Stephanie McMahon announced the WWE position during an interview today.

Orton vs Creative:

Randy Orton is upsetting the creative department of WWE, he apparently has a new way of killing any angle he does not want to do. He tells them to talk to Triple H about it, and Triple H tells them not to go forward.


Adam Pearce, a former NWA champion is reportedly set for an interview to replace Eugene as a trainer at the WWE PC at some point this week.

Stephanie McMahon denies edict:

Stephanie McMahon says the cast of Total Diva's are incorrect about the rule, that no member of the cast can win the Diva's Title, she says no such rule exists.

Developmental star blasts Bob Holly:

Kenny Omega, a former WWE trainee, says of Hardcore Bob's coaching style...

"We had guests come in at times like Benoit (Chris), William Regal, Dean Malenko, and Bob Holly would come and kick our a$$. I don't know what the guy problem was he was always grumpy. I remember one time he got mad at one of the guys and kept punching him in the face…"

Rapper to wrestling:

Wale, a self confessed WWE obsessive, has announced he will host his own wrestling event in 2015.

John Cena:

John Cena's collaboration with Wiz Khaifa has been released.

Survivor Series:

The first Survivor Series match has been leaked, a 10 woman elimination match, that will see teams captained by Nikki and Brie Bella.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Today's News

Brad Maddox:

Brad Maddox was reportedly scouting PWG star Uhaa Nation at this weekends Pro Wrestling Guerilla show, WWE are said to be very high on him, and have been for some time, going so far as to make an approach during his time with DGUSA.


Ox Baker died today at the age of 80, Jerry The King Lawler broke the news via Twitter. He had been ill for some time. Baker was one of few wrestlers to find fame outside of the ring, with his role in the John Carpenter movie ''Escape From New York''. The director of that added his tribute to the WWE icon on his Facebook, and WWE released this statement...

''WWE is saddened to learn that Ox Baker, a feared villain of the ring for more than three decades, passed away Monday morning at age 80. A 6-foot-5 behemoth from Waterloo, Iowa, Baker originally competed in WWWF in the late 1960s and became one of the most intimidating forces known inside the squared circle — both due to his unique look and devastating heart punch. Over the span of an impressive career, the big man traded blows with the likes of WWE Hall of Famers Hulk Hogan, Dusty Rhodes and Harley Race. Outside the ring, Baker also put the hurt on actor Kurt Russell as the brute played an appropriately savage warrior in the post-apocalyptic world of John Carpenter’s 1981 sci-fi classic, “Escape from New York.'' WWE extends its condolences to Baker’s colleagues, friends and family.''

RIP Ox...

Diva wants to come back:

Mickie James, who recently gave birth to her first child, says she is interested in a return to WWE.

John Cena defends Punk:

John Cena feels CM Punk deserves his spot in 2K15...

"Whether he's here or not, he's certainly left a mark in WWE. He's got to be in the game, and it's cool that that moment is not forgotten."

Hell In A Cell:

AJ Lee vs Paige for the Diva's Title has been added to the card. The Uso's vs Gold/Stardust for the Tag straps is also expected to be announced tonight.

Ring announcers:

WWE have officially confirmed Lilian Garcia will become the Raw announcer, and Eden Stiles will take over at SmackDown, in the wake of Justin Roberts WWE departure last week.

Total Diva's:

Alicia Fox and Paige have been added to the cast of Total Diva's for the next season.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Today's News

Brad Maddox:

Brad Maddox of WWE was spotted at a Pro Wrestling Guerilla show this weekend.

The Rock:

Japanese Legend The Great Muta, confronted The Rock during promotion for his movie Hercules in Japan, Muta, dressed as Hercules threatened to attack him, but they eventually shook hands, and played to the crowd for a while.

Al Snow says TNA can make it:

"Back in the day in the US when there was different territories and things like that, one territory would get hot, become very successful and another one would cool off. It went that way. TNA has got all the tools to be a major success and a major competitor in the wrestling landscape. It's just a matter of when, not if, it'll fall together and click. Visit Wrestling Inc. Everybody will be like, 'See, I told you it was going to happen' when they've been naysayers this entire time. Everybody will jump off the bandwagon at that point. 'I always knew that they could do it'. Sure you did."

WWE will be ''Destroyed'' within a year:

The owner of the WWE.Org domain, before this weeks court ruling handing it over to WWE, has signed off on the site with an epic rant against the promotion, during which he announces he will ''destroy'' the WWE and put them out of business within a year, as revenge against them for taking away his prize...

"Congratulations on and sorry about the $1700 damage. you also caused me a damage which you owe me still and you will pay back one way or another. my question is: are you paying back? if your answer is no and i guess it is no, then keep reading.... last time, you said i was threatening and blackmailing you, no i was not. this time i am. and i am not afraid of your stupid multi billion dollar corporation, i have nothing to lose. i swear god i will destroy your wwe within a year or less. even if i will flight it for the rest of my life. well, i have already adopted my precausions and it is time to get you busy, i mean real busy. how many domains can be registered with a reserved amount of $10,000 ? calculate the time, effort and the huge amount of money that you will be spending on the upcoming thousands of UDRP cases. example: 10 cases will cost $13k. 1000 cases will cost you $1.3mil. UDRP or even court cases if you wish, i do NOT care. you will be fighting with your tradmark to claim the upcoming thousands of wwe related domains. you will be also fighting for your business welfare which will be destroyed by these domains' websites that will be identical to your website. identical in many ways as your entire website content has been downloaded and saved. expect a total destruction of your goods and services offered on those sites. oh some won't be really identical because they will be promoting other stuff like porngraphy and some other disturbing stuff. oh let me give you a small disappointment. you won't be able to make a case for all domains at once. they won't be registered at once or with same registry, registrar or registrant or related in any way regarding email or contact details, they will be even registered from different countries (by the way i am not a Malaysian). not only that, one will only appear after another once and only after you are engaged in a case and that you have already made a $1300 loss. then the ball will keep rolling. i see you smiling having this message as evidence to sue me, hahaa no problem you can use it to sue me in any court you like. you know how to fight using a sneaky law, let us see how good you are in a street fight. i swear god, you must regret it. no need to reply, but you can forward it to your CEO.''

He then seemed to see sense, but clearly did not calm down, he used all capitals to show he meant business...


Randy Orton:

A Scottish Football team, (Dundee) celebrated a goal this weekend by following the current vine craze of using the RKO finishing move of Randy Orton.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Today's News

WWE Network:

WWE have defended putting adverts on the Network, they say they took the move to avoid having to raise the subscription price.

Faarooq talks breaking barriers:

"That feeling on that night was so special and the way the fans celebrated with me is something that I will always remember. Being able to share that historic moment with the fans that supported me through everything meant more than you'll ever know."

Chris Jericho talks rocky relationship with Vince:

"Yes, there is a lot of confrontations with Vince, but that's because there's a mutual respect. And some of them get out of control… It's only because both of us respect each other, trust each other, and believe each other. It doesn't mean I'm always going to like the things he does or the things he wants to do. And it doesn't mean that he's going to like the things that I do and the way that I act and react to things either."

Jericho also revealed a fight between the owner and Kofi Kingston on a plane, McMahon had made a disparaging jibe at Kofi, which Kofi was visibly upset about, but took no action, until that is Y2J told him to stand up for himself. Kofi did challenge Vince, and Vince started the brawl by taking him to the floor with a leg takedown, they then scuffled for a while, before Vince stood up, and laughed the incident off.

New NXT star:

Carmella has been given her official WWE profile.

WWE lie to fans:

WWE announced to fans in Mexico that the original Sin Cara would be working the current Mexico tour, that is not that case, Hunico is under the mask. This is probably a dig at their former star.

Seth Rollins confesses to WWE resentment toward The Rock:

"Uhhhh...I mean there's a little bit of resentment there there's gotta be, but it's mostly envy because we all want to have the level of success that he has. We want to have the ability to walk into a room and um, ya know be as well received as he was. Although, he did take the cheap route I think by um just talking about all the boroughs and wearing his little Brooklyn jacket. But that's The Rock, that's how he does his thing."

The Boogeyman:

The Boogeyman is at WWE HQ today, possibly to do something for Halloween.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Today's News


TNA have informed their business partners that they will make an announcement on their TV deals within the next 10 days.

CM Punk loses a fan:

A fan at an NHL game was not impressed by his meeting with the former WWE champion...

"Now I dont know if I put this is the wrong section or not but anyways. I was at the hawks game and im standing getting food and i look to my left and literally 2 feet next to me aj and punk are standing. Now I am obsessed with both punk and aj so i had a little heart attack. But what I kind of didnt like is the only think I said to them was Hey Phil can I get a picture please and he smirked and totally ignored me looking around like he was spacing the hell out. I didnt say anything else so he didnt think I was a crazy fan but dude has punk always been like this in public? It seems like hes got a stick up his ass and doesnt even want to acknowledge his fans that spent lots of money to get him super famous and rich. But at the same time I understand because I am sure he is totally sick and tired of always having people wanting photos with him and talk to him and asking him about coming back to WWE. I wasnt going to ask him that but still he shouldve at least said hi or sorry not."

Bully Ray:

TNA and Wrestle-1 have confirmed Bully Ray's challenges to NJPW stars during Bound For Glory, were not sanctioned by either office.

Iconic manager talks heat with Dixie Carter:

Sinister Minister Jim Mitchell says Dixie developed a personal dislike for him, because she did not like his character..

"Two overlaying things with TNA. One is much bigger than the other. And Jim, one of 'em is like almost unbelievable to say, okay? Dixie Carter, I hate to say this, and I hate to use this word, but after owning the company for so many years, Jim, was still such a mark that if Jim Mitchell would be the Devil on television and was getting heat because that was his job, and that's what he was paid to do, because people were booing and hissing you, Dixie did not like Jim Mitchell. Not that she, and you shouldn't laugh, this is a shoot, so literally bro, if you're getting heat and people are booing you and she doesn't like you because of your "character", a lot of times that transforms into her not liking you.''

WWE returns:

WWE are currently working on a long term plan for Stone Cold Steve Austin's return, that would not include a match at WrestleMania 31, but may see him lace them up one more time in 2016. They have also sent out ''Feelers'' to the Dudley Boyz, they have reportedly reciprocated.

Total Diva's:

Natalya and Tyson Kidd are not getting divorced, the angle on the ''Reality'' show, is strictly for dramatic purposes.

HIAC change:

John Cena vs Randy Orton is now expected to be the last match at Hell In A Cell.

WWE backstage notes:

Curtis Axel and Ryback will be back on screen within a month, but Mojo Rawley is going the way, WWE have confirmed his injury, and say he will be missing for a while.


Raw on December 8 will have the return of Brock Lesnar, and the rescheduled Slammy Awards show, WWE briefly cancelled plans for the awards, but have instead brought it forward a couple of weeks.

Mick Foley talks quitting WWE, why he returned:

Talking about Montreal '97...

"This will be my first return to Cornwall since '97 when I quit WWE over the Montreal Screwjob with Bret Hart. There was a Monday Night Raw that I missed following that pay-per-view out of protest. Then when my wife read my contract to me over the phone and I realized I'd just breached my contract and couldn't work anywhere in the world for five years, I did return in Cornwall. I try to take every city where I've had history and incorporate it into the show."

WWE score big win:

WWE have won the rights to the domain name A quick witted individual had registered the domain for himself, and was asking WWE for $50,000, to use it, but the courts have ruled in favour of the WWE, and it now belongs to them.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Today's News

WWE snubbed:

Vickie Guerrero was not the only former star to turn down an appearance on SmackDown 15.

WWE names:

Arda Ocal got his WWE ring name from two different Nascar drivers, and Diego and Fernando were named after Christopher Columbus' sons.

Slammy's dropped:

WWE have cancelled this years Slammy Awards episode of Raw.

Major name to sign for TNA:

TNA officials say they are in the closing stages of securing a huge name, and an announcement is pending, they say the star that is coming in will shock the wrestling world. No word at this stage who it is, but It will not be CM Punk or Mick Foley.


WWE have released the amount of shares owned by the McMahon family. Stephanie owns 2,511,071 shares of company stock, which is worth $34,050,122. As of the weekend, Shane owned 1,541,204 shares worth $20,898,726 and Vince owned 39,272,641 shares worth $532,537,010.

Stephanie's figures are inflated, despite the recent firesale of her stock, due to her Father setting up two separate trust funds in her name, each holding just shy of a million shares, her actual portfolio has 661,678 shares.

Hell In A Cell:

Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose will be the last match, but WWE are at pains to say the event will have a double main, with John Cena vs Randy Orton earning equal billing on the night.

Benoit to HOF:

Chris Jericho says his friend should ''Never'' be inducted by WWE.

Kane... The Movie:

Kane says he would love to take his WWE role onto the big screen...

"That actually would be quite interesting, wouldn't it? Because the thing that made Kane so unique, and such a great character in WWE, is that he does have a backstory that's unique to him. He's a character within sort of the WWE Universe, and he's a clearly defined character. So yeah, that would be really cool, because you could get into the whole history of what happened with Kane and The Undertaker as kids, so that would be interesting."

He also put his hat into the ring for a match vs Sting at WrestleMania, but conceded his kayfabe Brother, The Undertaker vs the WCW icon would have more gravitas, as they are each icons of their respective promotions.

TNA star loses Father:

Samoa Joe says his dad has passed away, condolences both to you and your family.

British great to HOF?:

Actor David Hasselhoff has added his voice to calls to get The British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith into the WWE Hall Of Fame, he urged fans to sign a petition that has been circulating for over a year to get the Englishman in.

Austin vs Punk:

WWE insiders have revealed WWE were looking at CM Punk vs Stone Cold Steve Austin as far back as WrestleMania 28, but that now likely will never happen. Austin has again played down rumours he is coming back...''There's little to no chance of returning at WrestleMania 31 and (he) has no desire to get back in the ring'', although he went on to say if he did come back, Brock Lesnar would be looking up at the lights.

NXT injury:

Mojo Rawley may need surgery on a shoulder injury.

JBL rubbishes story:

JBL says there is no truth at all to rumours of a fight between Michael Cole and Justin Roberts on Raw, the night he was fired.