Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Today's News

As WrestleMania gets ever closer, I will be posting a tease of each match on the card, each day, today John Cena vs Bray Wyatt, could Wyatt do it, beat Cena at the show of shows, or is it destined to be another super Cena performance?, your thoughts please...

Jim Ross talks relationship with WWE:

"There's nothing unresolved. My relationship with WWE is exactly what we want it to be. I'm staying very busy and doing something for WWE Network on an ongoing basis would be challenging. They've moved on and so have I with no regrets."

WrestleMania 30:

Ricardo Rodriguez has confirmed he will be on the Spanish announce team.

Brad Maddox added himself to the Battle Royal, leaving 3 spots open, it looks like we will be having some surprise entrants.

A host of Reality stars have been invited.

The official press conference happened in New York today.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

SmackDown down was taped early this week, due to WrestleMania, here are the matches taped for Friday...

* Hulk Hogan promo...

* Dolph Ziggler vs Titus O'Neill...

* Los Matadores vs Real Americans...


Fan incident on Raw:

Rapper Wale was involved in a fist fight during last night's Raw. He had been arguing with a fan who was heckling, he then reached out and punched him in the face, leading to WWE security pulling the men apart and taking them out of the arena. They eventually returned, and acted as though nothing had happened.

WWE wedding:

Don't expect this one to be on Total Diva's, but the rumours of the past few days have been confirmed. CM Punk and AJ Lee are engaged. Rumours have been swirling since the weekend, but a still of AJ on Raw wearing a new ring, has confirmed the news, however neither have spoken publicly as yet.

Lanny Poffo calls on WWE to induct his Brother:

Lanny Poffo, Brother of Macho Man Randy Savage, has revealed that Savage and Vince McMahon's feud went on MUCH longer than previously thought. He says it was not just being moved out of the ring and behind the comms desk in 1993, and the long standing rumour about Savage and Stephanie, but that Mach never forgave McMahon snubbing his Father in 1987. Lanny spoke about a ''Legends Battle Royal'' a match held to showcase some of the stars of the pre pay per view audience to the new fans they had made since the debut of WrestleMania. Macho had talked his dad into coming out of retirement for the match, and finally got approval from him, only to be told by Vince that he did not want him in the bout. This caused Savage real offense and embarrassment, and Lanny claims he never forgot it.

After leaving, another incident angered the former Champion. Macho told his Brother that he would never forgive the Nacho Man skits WWE aired in the mid 90's.

He then discussed the 2010 negotiations to get Macho inducted. He reiterated that Macho wanted his whole family inducted, and rejected the WWE offer when they would not agree to his terms, Lanny rejected the honour on Macho's behalf in 2012, but now is ready to step aside and allow it...

"This is for the fans. They want to honor Randy and see him get his respect. So if the WWE wants Randy in the Hall of Fame but not my father or me, they should do it."

Jake The Snake talks gaining Vince McMahon's forgiveness:

"People have to remember that an alcoholic and a drug addict can be known to tell a lie or two and I certainly did my share of it with lashing out and was pretty ugly about it. For Vince McMahon to forgive and forget — maybe he hasn't forgotten, but at least he's forgiven — and to invite me into the Hall of Fame […] it's going to be an awesome, awesome moment."

Post Mania feud teased:

Brie Bella is teasing getting physical with Stephanie McMahon, a possible post Mania angle?.


The Undertaker opened Raw because WWE thought they would lose fans to the last episode of How I Met Your Mother.

Triple H announced a WrestleMania flyover.

Mark Henry:

Mark Henry has announced he has dropped below 400lbs for the first time in many years, he is at 397.

NXT promotion coming:

Sami Zayn, formerly El Generico is on the post Mania tour of Saudi Arabia, a clue to his impending promotion to the main roster.

Hall Of Fame:

Jake The Snake says he will speak without a script, and talk from the heart.

Howard Finkel will not attend the event, he is on Axxess duty.

Paul Heyman talks The Undertaker:

"I don't think it was as much the character as it was the man behind the character. I think The Undertaker is, much like Brock Lesnar, a once-in-a-lifetime wrestler, a once-in-a-lifetime athlete and a once-in-a-lifetime performer. You can't just put somebody in that slot. You need someone who can own up to the role and someone who makes the role theirs, who walks in the skin of the character. When that gels, when the athlete and the performer come together, then you have someone who is truly box office. This is not something that someone else could have accomplished. You couldn't have given that name and that character to anybody else - they would have never survived."

Chris Jericho rules out Mania:

Chris Jericho says he has no intention of being a part of WrestleMania 30 unless WWE put him in an angle worthy of his legacy...

"If I'm going to be at WrestleMania, it's going to be in a position that I can sink my teeth into, a position that I think is significant enough for somebody of Y2J's experience level and notoriety. Looking at the card this year and you see everybody who came back — Brock Lesnar and Undertaker are back, Triple H is back, Batista is back, and it's the ascension of Daniel Bryan — how many spots are there available for Jericho at this point in time? Even though the shadow of WrestleMania was looming, just to be there is not a reason enough for me to go back. On the last four WrestleManias before last year, I had one of the main events or one of the most prominent matches on the show. Unless I'm going to get that position again, and I'm not saying I'm entitled to it, but if it's not going to go that way, then it's just better for me to stay away."

When pushed as to what could get him back, he said a heel Y2J vs a WWE World Champion Daniel Bryan, would be too good to turn down.

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