Monday, April 14, 2014

Today's News

WrestleMania rematch?:

The Izod center, host of next months Extreme Rules, is advertising John Cena vs Bray Wyatt, in an Extreme Rules match for the event.

First names for GFW?:

Former WWE stars Elijah Burke and Lance Hoyt are thought to be the first confirmed signing's for Global Wrestling. The two posed for a picture with Jeff Jarrett and his wife Karen, Hoyt then tweeted it, with the tease ''What could this mean?''.

One more match:

Brutus The Barber Beefcake, wants one more match. A hair vs hair bout against his buddy Hulk Hogan.

Hall Of Famer to retire:

Carlos Colon is starting a farewell tour of Puerto Rico.

CM Punk:

CM Punk has not totally exiled himself from WWE. Rey Mysterio today thanked him for sending him a customised T-Shirt, telling him he missed him.

Davey Richards talks choosing TNA over WWE:

"I never really wanted to go to WWE. The tryout there was awesome. It was really fun and I can't say enough good things and I learned a lot, but I told a few of the guys during the initial tryout with Eddie that this was not for me just because moving down to Orlando is not what I wanted to do and wrestling is not the only thing I want to do with my life. To give up everything and just live in that world is not my idea of a great life or a perfect life. TNA offered me to be able to wrestle with some of the best wrestlers in the world, I could be on television, I could go and entertain crowds but I could still come home and be Wes. I could be Davey, then I could be Wes. It was just better for me and I couldn't be happier in TNA it's been great."

Mania botch confirmed:

During the entrance of The Undertaker at WrestleMania, some fans in attendance reported that a 22-0 graphic flashed up on the screen, it was not shown on TV, and was taken down very quickly. A WWE insider has confirmed that they were testing the graphic ready for the end of the match, which in the end was not needed.

WWE injury:

After suffering a knock to his knee, Darren Young was removed from last night's live event, Goldust subbed for him in a match vs Fandango.

Raw tease:

* How will Triple H punish Daniel Bryan and The Shield?

* Will Paige be ready to fight for her newly-won championship?

* Where does Rob Van Dam go from here?

* How will Cesaro benefit from working with Paul Heyman?

* Can John Cena somehow combat the eerie allure of The Wyatt Family?

The show will be dedicated to The Ultimate Warrior.

Vince vs Hunter:

A potential sign of change in leadership within WWE, could be the handling of the internet. Vince McMahon is said to be completely ignorant of the IWC, however Triple H is much more interested, and often brings up fan comments and complaints about the product in creative meetings. He is also credited for WWE's use of social media to further their brand.

WWE Network:

WWE are trying to improve their Network subscription. They are offering another free week for new sign up's, and say WrestleMania 30 will be available for free during the trial.

Jeff Jarrett:

Promoter and ex ECW man Ian Rotten has accused Jeff Jarrett and his wife of a drunken assault on his 17 year old Brother. Rotten says they turned up in an unfit condition to appear, and as a result of only paying half of his purse, adding that he would send the rest in a couple of days, Karen, Jeff's wife, flew off the handle, and threatened to go to the ring, to tell fans what was happening. Jeff allegedly slapped Rotten's Brother across the face, smashing his glasses. He also launched into a verbal tirade against the IWA roster, cussing and attacking them all.

Rotten later confessed to forgetting to get the money out of his account, and took the blame for not having enough money to pay him, but said that that did not mean the Jarrett's had the right to hold the entire show to ransom. He also advised Jeff to get a lawyer, because he was going to file a police report for assault on a minor.

Jarrett has delayed an announcement for his new promotion.


Former Ascension member Kenneth Cameron worked a dark match for TNA this week.

Shock for Rocker:

Marty Jannetty has reveled that he recently discovered he is a Father to a Daughter.

Ultimate Warrior cause of death confirmed:

The Ultimate Warrior died of a massive heart attack, and had no drugs, nor alcohol in his system at the time of his passing.

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