Sunday, April 20, 2014

Today's News

Kurt Angle:

Kurt Angle says his TNA deal ends in September, and he will then take a few weeks to decide where he wants his future to be. He will announce whether he plans to stay with TNA, or go back to WWE in December. He added that wherever he ends up will be his last employer, but that he still has 5 years left in him, so it will not be one more run.

Roman Reigns:

The current Evolution vs The Shield story is being used to push Roman Reigns to the top of the WWE roster. The two groups will feud for a few months leading to a match for Roman vs Triple H at SummerSlam, from which he will go on into the title stories, getting a title match at either Hell In A Cell or Survivor Series.

Nash vs Piper:

Kevin Nash and Rowdy Roddy Piper are slating each other on the internet today. Kevin Nash took offense to Piper telling a backstage story about him during their WCW days, and called him a...

''Deranged old fool''

He then spent some time challenging Piper to back his words up by inviting him on to his podcast.

The offending comments seem to have been made on Piper's first podcast, he said he had a horrible match with Nash, and that he could not work. He also said he did not respect the veterans and felt he knew better, and was a liar. Before talking about a backstage incident where he accuses Nash of coming into his locker room and telling Piper he was the boss, and Piper should know his place, to which Piper pushed him out of his room by charging at his legs. He was later told by either Eric Bischoff or Ric Flair (He couldn't remember which) that Nash had a banged up knee, which he (Piper) did not know about before, but if he did would have made a point of going after.

Nash accuses Piper of going after the leg deliberately, and says that he got the better of the fight.

TNA vs Jeff Jarrett:

TNA have told all rostered talent not to take photo's with either Jeff Jarrett or his wife Karen. Some stars that have appeared in pictures with the couple, cheekily posted to the GWF Twitter account, have received huge heat from officials.

TNA are also dealing with some upset talent. Stars that were booked to lose to new or returning stars at the last One Night Only's have been critical of the decision, saying it makes them look weak to lose to unsigned talent, and is counter productive.

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