Sunday, April 6, 2014

Today's News

Today's The Day ...


NXT star Corey Graves was injured during a match at Axxess yesterday.

Hall Of Famer missing Mania:

Edge is on his way home to his Girl (Beth Phoenix) and new baby, and will not be a part of WrestleMania 30.

WrestleMania 30:

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon have been put in charge of this years Mania, Vince has been very hands off, bar working on the Undertaker's stories for the event. Whilst Vince has been around, staffers say Production, booking, set design etc decisions, or issues have all been handled by HHH and / or Steph.

The event will set an attendance record in the city of New Orleans for a wrestling event, breaking a 33 year old long standing landmark.

WWE will not break the Shield up tonight. They are advertised for shows a couple of months into the future post Mania, as faces.

Christian has confessed to doubt over his ability to compete tonight, due to his concussion. Wade Barrett is being held in reserve to take his spot, should he have to withdraw.

Daniel Bryan says he wants to have both his matches tonight back to back.

Hall Of Fame:

Seven new names were enshrined into the WWE Hall Of Fame last night...

The show was hosted, as always by Jerry Lawler...

* Lita - inducted by Trish Status...

Lita made a long speech thanking many people for the influence they had on her career, especially Rey Mysterio for inspiring her to become a wrestler, and Stone Cold Steve Austin for saving her career.

* Jake The Snake Roberts - inducted by Diamond Dallas Page...

Jake told an emotional speech, including the negative influence his late Father had on his life, as well as thanking his inductor for saving his life, later bringing his young grand son onto the stage to help him celebrate.

* Mr. T - inducted by Mean Gene Okerlund...

Mr. T told another long speech, crediting his Mother for his success, his speech did go down well with the crowd, lots of laughs, but it ran well over time, and Kane had to come out to ask him to leave the stage, in what was described as a really awkward moment.

* Paul Bearer - inducted by Kane...

Kane, remembered the impact Bearer has had on him, Taker and the WWE, before the lights went out and The Undertaker entered to pay his own tribute. Bearer's real world sons then came out to accept on their Dad's behalf.

* Razor Ramon - inducted by Kevin Nash...

Nash, bible in hand came out to induct his ''Brother'' and said Hall told him to be quick, because people have to wrestle tomorrow, Hall entered, talked about his love for wrestling, and threw out some of his classic Razor lines, before signing off, with the shortest speech of the night. The Kliq then entered to help him celebrate.

* Carlos Colon - inducted by Carlito, Primo and Epico...

Carlito took a couple of shots at WWE, during his speech, sniping about being told to keep it short before they entered, and joking about his current status, of working in high school gyms and bingo halls, before his Dad entered, making a speech in English and Spanish.

* The Ultimate Warrior - inducted by Linda McMahon...

Warrior entered with his two Daughters, before starting, saying right from the start that some people would be squirming during his speech. He thanked Triple H for the work he put in, getting him back to WWE, he said he has signed a multi year WWE deal, but that one more match will not happen. He said he wished WWE would put the ''F'' back in, and took a shot at ''The wildlife people''. He thanked many, including the Brooklyn Brawler, before moving onto the smear DVD, Self Destruction of... He spoke about his anger and hurt at the documentary, and that it ''Broke his heart''. He then thanked the fans, saying he would have never come back if not for the love and support from them. He confided to the crowd that he did blow up because of his entrance, and often struggled through the following match, before wishing every one a great WrestleMania, ending the show.

Notes, You won't have seen him in the crowd, but The Rock was in attendance. He was backstage working on something special for tonight's show.

Jim Ross did attend, and was sitting in the front row.

Rob Van Dam was backstage, he is not part of the WWE events officially, but did visit before going back to the WrestleCon hotel.

AJ Styles:

AJ Styles debuted in Japan last night, starting a one year contract with NJPW.

Chris Jericho:

Chris Jericho is in St. Louis today, that could mean he is able to get to Mania in time for the show.

Paul Heyman:

WWE's Paul Heyman DVD will be released on August 5.

WWE star leaves this weekend:

The last Guerrero is leaving WWE. Vickie will finish up with the company this weekend, before moving on to further her business ambitions outside of the sport.


Sting told fans at today's WrestleCon event that his new favourite number is 31, a huge hint to his WWE future.

Shane McMahon:

Shane McMahon has denied involvement in tonight's WrestleMania, says he did not leave because of a civil war with his Sister, and that his Dad is a very difficult man to work for, but that was because he expected so much from him.

He also said he will be back with WWE at some point, adding anything can happen in WWE, further stating that WWE is in his blood, and he would consider taking control of WWE in the future.

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