Sunday, April 13, 2014

Today's News

Ultimate Warrior:

WWE have sent two senior officials to help the Ultimate Warrior's family through their grieving process. They will look after the day to day needs of Dana, such as grocery shopping, and informing family, whilst she looks after the needs of their girls.

TNA wins and losses:

James Storm has signed a new multi year deal, but Chris Sabin has left the company, he was not impressed with the contract offer they made him, last night's One Night Only, was his last night for the promotion.


WWE are still waiting for Sting to return his now signed contract, they sent it to him seven days ago. That was of course before his projected future opponent lost, what may have been his last match. Is he having second thoughts?.

Brie Bella comments on wedding:

"I've married the man of my dreams. I'm officially Mrs. Danielson. It was a breathtaking sentimental ceremony that we will be sharing with all of you soon. The best part was walking down the aisle barefooted (yes Nikki let me to my husband to be. I will always remember the way he looked at me B+B"

Another wedding is taking place today, former diva, and WWE Alum Eve Torres is marrying Rener Gracie.

Samoa Joe:

The injury story about Samoa Joe is incorrect, he says he is taking some time out to deal with a personal matter.

New baby:

Jesse Neal, formerly of TNA has become a first time Father, to a baby girl today.

WWE live notes:

From Hidalgo, Texas...

Jack Swagger won the IC Title... briefly... The result was overturned due to Zeb Colter cheating.

Darren Young suffered a knee injury.

WWE upset with fans:

WWE are not happy with the crowd reaction to the Undertaker's loss at WrestleMania. They feel they did not give him an appropriate send off.

Rumour killers:

Neither The Rock or Chris Jericho are dead, online rumours, have been ongoing today, after their Wiki profiles were changed, Rock, apparently killed whilst making his Fast 7 movie.

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