Thursday, April 10, 2014

Today's News

Ultimate Warrior:

Triple H today revealed that it took him 18 months to convince the Ultimate Warrior to return to WWE, and to accept the Hall Of Fame induction that happened days before he died.

Bret Hart has discussed his time with the Warrior over the Mania weekend...

"He seemed good, he seemed happy for sure. I had a sense his health wasn't great. He seemed a little frail. He seemed a little less indestructible than he used to be."

Then added his thoughts on the speculation in the media regarding his drugs use...

"I don't think it would be a surprise to know he took steroids for a long time and I don't know if he ever stopped."

Warrior's Media manager has released a statement on the HOF'er's passing...

''I am shocked and profoundly saddened by the death of my friend Warrior. He was a great man and leaves behind a legacy that will forever live in the hearts and minds of those who knew him personally,and his legions of Ultimate Warrior fans. My thoughts and prayers go out to Warriors beautiful family, his wife Dana and their daughters Mattigan and Indiana. No words are strong enough to express my feeling for them at this time. I was honored to be able to spend the weekend with Warrior and his family at WrestleMania 30 and have never seen a prouder father or more loving family. Warrior was the happiest I had ever seen him to bring Ultimate Warrior back home to WWE and share that unmistakeable passion and excitement with each and every Ultimate Warrior fan around the world. I have lost my best friend and my hero but take comfort in knowing his legacy will live forever. I will Always Believe. Steve Wilton Warrior Entertainment''

As expected the US media have picked up on Warrior's death, and the issue of steroids has again been raised. One reporter, named Nancy Grace (Pictured) has caused a firestorm in the wrestling community after her report on Jim Hellwig's death, during which aired a list of other dead wrestlers, whilst implying the drug culture played a part in their deaths. One of those on that list was Owen Hart, and any wrestling fan knows that drugs had nothing to do with his tragic death. Many stars have hit out at the insensitive, and untrue allegations made in the report, including members of the Hart family, Zeb Colter, and Iron Sheik. Some of the strongest criticism (That is repeatable here at least), came from Cody Rhodes...

"Why are folks surprised by @NancyGraceHLN ?? She got dumped by a pro-wrestler in the 80s' and started a life quest to be just awful... ...if she was remotely confident in her accusations, she'd interview an active talent, yet she won't do that because she'd have a... ..."Mark Cuban/Skip Bayless" situation, and she would come-off as the ignorant sweathog she actually is."

Here is the offending piece.

Whilst the host does not directly say that the people on the list shown all died of steroid / drug related issues, the fact that she was discussing the matter at the time the list played, and the potential drugs link to the performer in people's minds created by the story, has hurt a lot of people.

DDP has released a statement about his appearance on the show...

''I went on Nancy Grace last night expecting to discuss Warrior the man. Had I known the only topic discussed would be steroids I would not have participated. At the time I was also unaware of the list that was shown to the viewing audience. To imply that all of the wrestlers on that list died from steroids was wrong and for that they owe the families an apology. Again, my only intention was to discuss Warrior the man and share some stories about how dedicated he was to the wrestling business. I am saddened that was not what happened and my thoughts remain with his family. DDP''

They are not the only ones using Warrior's death to get cheap attention. Deadspin have released an article entitled "The Ultimate Warrior Was An Insane Dick." listing some of his many crazy accusations.

Triple H, told ESPN that the last thing Vince McMahon said to Warrior before they parted after Raw, was...

"I've always loved you. Sometimes, I didn't like you, but I always loved you."


Double Women's Champion Paige, has discussed her incredible WWE debut...

"Oh my gosh, you have no idea. I lost my mind. Firstly just being in the ring with AJ who I've always looked up to, she's an incredible talent and a woman to be around, and then being on Raw is just insane. I've been working my whole career to get to this point, it's been nearly nine years now, and it was just incredible. I couldn't stop crying, I haven't stopped talking to my family about it, it's overwhelming especially getting so much support from the fans and backstage. It's been magical."

She also added that she is not ready to give up the NXT Women's belt yet.

Triple H / Stephanie era beginning:

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon are taking on more and more responsibilities, including running Mania, this does not mean Vince McMahon is stepping down, and he will still be around, but the WWE are in a transitional period behind the curtain. This was evident this week, Vince was too shaken up to talk to the roster about the death of Ultimate Warrior, and the news was broken by Triple H.

Evan Bourne:

Evan Bourne has been cleared and ready to return to WWE for a few months, no word on why WWE have not brought him back yet.

WrestleMania 30:

WWE have released the official attendance figures... 75,167 attended the super show.

WWE for sale:

An investment website has stated that WWE have no choice but to sell to a larger media company if they want to survive. say the promotion face multiple challenges, and their stock, after a strong few weeks, following the Network launch, has since plummeted, and shows no signs of recovery.

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