Friday, April 11, 2014

Today's News


TNA have  announced they will tape some Impacts in New York's Manhattan Centre, Grand Ballroom. The original home of WWE Raw, in June.

Samoa Joe and Angelina Love are both suffering concussions.

Eric Young won the TNA title from Magnus last night.

There is some backstage concern about TNA's TV future, as there is still no deal in place with Spike, who are in the running for the WWE rights.


Kurt Angle returns for next weeks episode.


WrestleMania 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 news:

Dallas Cowboy's stadium will soon be confirmed as the venue for WrestleMania 32, Orlando is strong favourite to get the Mania 33 event. WWE met with representitives from five cities, all bidding for the chance to host WrestleMania 34 in 2018. The bidders were  Indianapolis, Columbus, Ohio, Toronto and Philadelphia. New Orleans have requested that WWE return to the SuperDome in 2019, for Mania 35, WWE officials say they would consider the offer, and thanked them for being great hosts this year.

Vickie Guerrero:

There is no heat on Vickie Guerrero for leaving the promotion. She wants to move into more regular employment, and WWE support her decision.

WWE business:

WWE have lost $100,000 after ending their contract with Ion to host Main Event. They have also decided to drop the term Pay Per View, from now on their monthly shows will be called ''Special Events''.

WWE have changed their hiring and firing strategy. Instead of cutting stars, they will now make a decision about stars future's at the end of their contract, as with Ezekiel Jackson over the weekend. However there are two exceptions, NXT talent can still be cut as and when WWE choose too, and disciplinary issues, such as three fails of the wellness test.


WWE are growing increasingly worried about Christian's future. He has still not been cleared from his concussion, and some in WWE feel, even when he is, he may choose not to come back.

Shawne Merriman:

WWE will put the former NFL star on announce team duties, until he is good enough in the ring to start his wrestling career. WWE are looking at hiring more NFL stars, wanting players that are young enough to make the transition.

Damien Sandow:

Damien Sandow spent a day giving $10 bills to homeless people in and around New Orleans last week. This was not a WWE event, or for publicity, as no camera's were with him during his walk around.

NXT promotions:

The planned order of promotions from NXT to the main roster, between now and SummerSlam is...

* Bo Dallas...

* Adam Rose...

* Sami Zayn...

* The Ascension...

Tyson Kidd:

WWE are working on repackaging Tyson Kidd.


The deal is reportedly done. Sting has signed with WWE. He may be a TV regular, but will not be brought in yet. He will not be a regular active wrestler, and the match he agreed to, as part of his deal (Vs The Undertaker) is now up in the air, after Taker lost his streak.

Hulk Hogan:

The Hulkster is coming to the UK, he has been added to the SmackDown taping in London on May 20.

Bret Hart remembers Ultimate Warrior:

"I'm deeply saddened at the sudden passing of Jim Helwig, The Ultimate Warrior. I wish I'd been kinder to him in the last moments that we had this past weekend at WrestleMania 30. We did cross paths once or twice, but we were all so busy. I never went out of my way to see him, but if I could... I'd tell him he looked good. He looked content and he looked like he'd finally found happiness within his children and his wife. He never ever harmed me nor did we really work with one another... I wish we had. His final ring promo breaks my heart. I've many fond memories of times we shared, only now do they pile up in my head. I'd also tell him that he was right, he never was such a bad guy. My thoughts are with his wife and children. I never thought his time would be so short. I know one thing, I will never forget him. - Bret"

WWE will host an Ultimate Warrior tribute episode of Raw next week.

Zack Ryder:

Zack Ryder is stopping his new YouTube show after just 3 episodes.


John Cena's references to the Ultimate Warrior have been edited from tonight's SmackDown. He made some jokes about the Warrior's promo style, which WWE deem inappropriate, given the sad news since the show was taped.

WWE wedding:

Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella are marrying today. Congratulations.

Rey blasts Sin Cara:

During an interview in Mexico, Rey Mysterio says he is upset with his former partner the original Sin Cara. Rey believed he would be the man to take over from where he leaves off, but his poor attitude, refusal to learn English, numerous botches, and proneness to injury were all too much for WWE to deal with. Rey added that the guy's ego let him down.

AJ Lee / Naomi punished for Mania botch:

AJ Lee dropped the Diva's belt, and Naomi has had a run with the gold nixed, after the two botched the end of their WrestleMania match. AJ was supposed to use Naomi's hand to tap out with, however after a while in AJ's submission, Naomi tapped out herself. it is not clear if AJ forgot her spot, or Naomi was premature in her's, but WWE were not happy. They took the belt off AJ, on Raw this week, with NXT star Paige winning the gold on her first night on the main roster. Naomi was originally going to get the match, and the title.

Andre The Giant Battle Royal:

The original plan to have the Andre tribute Battle Royal every year, has seemingly been dropped. This comes after Jack Swagger destroyed the trophy on Raw.

New Age Outlaws:

The NAO will not be on TV for a while, they will be selling their injuries from Mania.

Ric Flair:

WWE are planning to reform Evolution, but iniders say Ric Flair will not be involved.

The streak:

It was Vince McMahon's idea to drop the streak. A WWE insider claims that Vince felt if Taker wanted to stop, it was better to go out with a loss. The source confirmed the original plan was for a Taker win, but The Undertaker did agree with Vince McMahon's decision, and he did not protest. The six people that knew about the change in direction have too been named, and interestingly, do not include the referee. Only Vince McMahon, Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, The Undertaker, Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman were aware of the new plan.

Chad Patton went on instinct and his training. All referee's are taught that if a guy does not kick they should continue the count, which he did.

Lesnar whispered to The Undertaker whilst pinning him, he said ''Thank You''.

It is suggested the poor subscription rate for the Network was the reason, WWE hoping the shock loss would increase interest in their product, and nostalgia for Taker's past matches, and would then bring new people to their channel. 

Bob Backlund:

WWE Hall Of Famer Bob Backlund wants an in ring return. He was urging fans to start an online campaign to tell WWE to bring him back during the Mania weekend.

Rock star tribute:

Mia, daughter of Aerosmith's Steven Tyler, got herself an Ultimate Warrior tattoo today.

Mick Foley:

Mick Foley is offering his services to other promotions, now that he is free of WWE. ROH seem to be his favourite, he wore a T-Shirt bearing their logo recently.

ESPN blast CM Punk:

Colin Cowherd has restarted his personal feud with CM Punk. He took Punk to task on a show where he was talking about the Ultimate Warrior's death. He says Warrior's death was not a surprise, and anyone who thought drugs were not involved were dumb. He then referenced a CM Punk tweet, denying Warrior was on drugs. However the tweet was not from CM Punk, his account has not been used since he quit WWE, the tweet was from a fan account.

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