Sunday, April 27, 2014

Today's News

Stephanie McMahon:

Stephanie McMahon was reportedly furious with the leak of a recent Raw script. She was said to be so mad she could have beaten Ronda Rousey in a fight. The script was apparently left behind after the show, and was posted online by a member of the arena's janitorial staff, who had found it lying around in the backstage area.


Iron Sheik visiting a WWE live show last night.

Daniel Bryan:

Brie Bella has released a statement on behalf of Daniel Bryan, after the loss of his Father, and his young fan Connor Michaelek...

"I want to thank everyone for all their love and support through this difficult time. You have no idea how much it means to us. Heaven gained two beautiful angels this week, Buddy and Connor. They will forever touch our hearts. It's hard to find a rainbow in the midst of a storm but when you do you realize it's all going to be ok. We found that rainbow today. It's not goodbye, but til we meet again. Love to you all and thank you again.''

Dusty Rhodes blasts WWE:

Dusty Rhodes is not impressed with his number 5 ranking on the top 50 talkers list, he feels he should be at number 1.

TNA want women:

TNA are reaching out to female wrestlers for an upcoming One Night Only PPV.

NXT stars repacked:

Baron Corbin and Raquel Diaz will portray a biker couple, photo of their new look.

WWE business:

WWE have been told they are no longer eligible for tax breaks in the state of North Carolina, Reality shows, late night TV taping's and pro wrestling have had their tax exemptions revoked. This could cost as much as $570,000 per year for the promotion.

Wade Barrett:

Vince McMahon is personally working on a push for Bad News Barrett. McMahon has said to have been a fan of the Englishman for a while, but his impromptu speech at the Hall Of Fame ceremony sold him completely, he has a big 2014 ahead of him, starting with a shot at the IC title at Extreme Rules.


Vader has screwed a promotion in Germany out of a pay cheque. He is on a European tour, along with the likes of Rikishi, Terry Funk and Chris Masters, which he has been paid for in advance. However, upon landing in Germany, he refused to get in the cab to the show, instead heading to the hotel. He refused to leave the hotel for the show, or the meet and greet, and as a result failed to fulfill his contractual obligation.


WWE are asking their developmental stars to come up with names for the finisher's.

Hall Of Famer speaks out on CM Punk:

Superstar Billy Graham says Punk will be back at SummerSlam...

"Hi fans, I thought you might enjoy seeing this shot from 1977 with the pink cap on and the belt over my shoulder. The question I have for all of you good fans out there is this, when do you think we will see the return of C M Punk and why ? I say he will once again be in a WWE ring at this coming SummerSlam 2014. Why ? Because its a perfect PPV event and tons of time has past since he left and he doesn't want us to forget about him does he ? The man does bring a lot of talent to the table. Superstar"


An early plan for the return of The Miz and Summer Rae is to have them face Fandango and Layla in a mixed tag match at SummerSlam. The Miz and Summer Rae are currently away making the movie Marine 4.

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