Friday, February 7, 2014

Today's News

Batista lands first post WWE movie:

Batista will appear in the sequel to Guardians Of The Galaxy in 2016, this comes after his two year WWE deal will have expired.

CM Punk:

Colt Cabana, CM Punk's best friend has offered the first insight into Punk's feelings in the wake of his WWE split, and he believes Punk will not be back for Mania...

"I don't think so, he's pretty p*ssed off right now. But never say never."

Matt Striker was less negative... Slightly...

''The only person that knows for sure is (CM) Punk."

Punk has now been pulled from Raw on March 3 in his home town of Chicago.

No Mania for Sting?:

There is very little chance that Sting will wrestle at this year's Mania, but he may make his debut appearance at the show. Early indicators of his still not yet signed, WWE deal suggest he will then wrestle one or two big matches, leading to a Hall Of Fame induction at next years Mania, where he will be the headline inductee. This could mean he does not actually wrestle at a WrestleMania, unless he continues after his induction, or pulls double duty at Mania 31.

Michael Cole:

Condolences go to Michael Cole, his Father Thomas died on Friday of last week, at the age of 76.

Prince Devitt:

Friends of the Irish wrestler say he still has not decided if he will join WWE, but that he needs to do so by the end of this month.

Kofi Kingston talks his Rumble spots:

"The funny thing about it is that a lot of people think that I think about them year-round, and the past three years now, the idea hasn't come to me until like 12 hours before the event. I don't put any pressure on myself to come up with anything cool. I approach it like any other match. I don't know if I'd put one (escape) above another. Like I always say, the greatest trick of all would be to actually win."

MVP on TNA vs WWE:

MVP says it was ''Time for a change'', and that is why he chose to join TNA over a WWE return.


Ring Of Honor will not be aired on the WWE Network. An article on the promotion, posted on WWE.Com, which was initially largely about CM Punk's time with them, before he left, (and meant the article was drastically edited) is not the start of a pairing up of the two groups, it was a one of feature.

Brock Lesnar:

Lesnar is not advertised for any TV's for a few more weeks, but he may turn up at Elimination Chamber later this month.

WrestleMania 30:

WWE were so impressed with a match taped for tonight's SmackDown, between Ryback and Sheamus, that there is now some talk about having them have another match at WrestleMania 30.

Interesting interview of the day:

Kevin Von Erich spoke with Wrestling's Glory Day's about his family, his real world feud with Ric Flair, and much more... You can listen here...

Triple H:

Triple H says he is trying to make sure his kids do not grow up to be spoilt brats, and that Natalya recently gave one of his Daughters some ring training. He also confirmed that he has total control over NXT, but Vince McMahon decides if, and when, someone gets the promotion to the main show. Adding that WWE will always be Vince's show.

He also said that Vince trains every morning at 2am.

WWE Injury:

Cody Rhodes is in a knee brace following his moonsalt on Raw. Despite missing most of Cody for the spot, there is no heat on Road Dogg.

John Cena:

John Cena is now officially the most popular American athlete on Facebook.

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