Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Today's News

Ex TNA man attacks WWE developmental:

Joey Ryan said Bill DeMott and John Laurinaitis were disparaging about indy wrestlers, said women know nothing about the sport, and that Daniel Bryan would be nothing without WWE...

"At WWE camp, Bill DeMott said nobody on indies is as good as NXT guys. I'd LOVE to debate Bill DeMott on what he thinks 'good wrestling' is."

"Another thing Bill DeMott said at the WWE camp is that 'WWE retrained Daniel Bryan or he wouldn't be as good as he is today.'"

"Trying to get WWE job in 2010, John Laurinaitis told me 'I have enough 5'9" guys. I can't make money with Daniel Bryan, how can I with you?'"

"Candice Michelle went to PWG in 2008 & raved about me to John Laurinaitis. When I saw him, he said 'What does a Diva know about wrestling?'"

"'Don't wrestle the way John Cena does. Wrestle the way that I teach you.' - Bill DeMott at WWE camp."

He sniped back at the two men...

"You have coaches in place that have never drawn a dime in their careers trying to determine who and who cannot draw money which is the true flaw in your system. I have had far more successful names in wrestling, some within WWE itself, rave about my creativeness, character acting and ability to engage an audience and your evaluators missed it. Perhaps it's time for you to reevaluate your evaluators."Good luck in finding your next big superstar."

He also said WWE pulled him from a match vs Great Khali, because they thought he would be more over than the Indian.

Ex WWE man wants to join Jarrett:

Big Vito wants a job with Jeff Jarrett's new promotion...

"Jeff, I'd like to work for you. I'd like a job, I don't care what kind of job it is. If it is wrestling I would be more than happy to wrestle with you. If you wanted me to be in creative, if you wanted me to help out backstage, great I'd do it. If you wanted me to be an agent, a trainer, I'd be more than willing to do it. Because you know why? I've done it all in wrestling and any job I'm given now I would accept."

Stephanie McMahon talks Daniel Bryan's popularity:

"Throughout WWE's history our Superstars and their catchphrases have often become part of the pop-culture lexicon, and Daniel Bryan's 'Yes!' chant is the latest example of this phenomenon," said Stephanie. "WWE is all about having fun, bringing people together and making them smile, and the Yes! Movement accomplishes all of this at WWE events and beyond."


WWE have applied for new trademarks today, including...

* "NXT: Arrival"

* "Yes Movement"

* "Daniel Bryan."

NXT Arrival:

The pre show panel will be Bret Hitman Hart, Kevin Nash and Paul Heyman.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Daniel Bryan vs Jack Swagger...

* Daniel Bryan vs Cesaro...

* Rey Mysterio & The Rhodes Brothers vs The Wyatt Family...

* Emma vs Summer Rae...

* Dolph Ziggler vs Titus O'Neill...

* Jimmy Uso vs Road Dogg Jesse James...

* Christian vs Sheamus...


WWE Alum burglarised:

DH Smith's home was robbed, whilst he was on the road earlier this week.


WWE star Rosey is coming close to finally being released from hospital after having major heart problems. He says Doctors have controlled the problem, and he should be released tomorrow.

Former TNA star arrested over murder threat:

Bruce Santee, a former TNA jobber, offered a $100 to anyone that killed a poilce officer, who had stopped him for a traffic violation. He posted the name of the cop on his Facebook.

Police arrested him for the threats, and released him on bond.

WWE Alum dies:

Nelson Frazier, better known as Mabel, King Mabel, Viscera and Big Daddy V died today. He debuted for WWE in 1993, as a member of the kid friendly tag team MOM, before turning heel in 1995, and winning the King Of The Ring tournament, earning him the biggest match of his long career, in the main event of SummerSlam that year vs then champ Diesel. He appeared less often after the 96 Rumble, but returned as a surprise entrant at the 1999 Rumble, as Mable. He was kidnapped by the Ministry and turned into Viscera. This run lasted for about a year, before he became surplus to requirements during the invasion and was one of a number of stars released, he returned for a fourth run, now known as Big Daddy V from 2004 - 2008 and is officially recognised on .Com as an Alumnus.

He died of a heart attack, just four days after his 43rd Birthday (Some dispute on his age, some say 42, his wife says 43, I think she probably knows best, so am going with that).

As is now the norm, stars took to Twitter to leave memories, and described a warm, caring and genuine, friend...

His former employers released this statement.

RIP Nelson, Thank You...

Steve Austin interview:

Stone Cold says he did not announce his retirement because it would negatively affect the PPV buys at Mania 19, according to Vince McMahon.

He says, with agreement from JR, that The Undertaker should end his career against John Cena, and he should win.

He also said WWE did not ask him to be at WrestleMania 30, in any capacity.


Edge says he still regrets that he did not get to face Christian at WrestleMania, and he would be his dream opponent if he ever got to wrestle one more match.

Ex WCW man reveals feud with Macho Man:

The Maesto said of their time in Atlanta...

"In [my] first year with the company, I was known as Gorgeous George. But then during that first year is when [Randy] Savage all of a sudden pops the idea with giving the name to his new girlfriend/valet at the time. It perplexed myself and the whole company basically because of all the provocative names you can give a lady ... But I was with Eric Bischoff and we kind of talked things over and that's where The Maestro came to play ... [But] I was heated. I'm a big traditionalist ... Gorgeous George was a legend. [He was] basically a pioneer for TV wrestling at the time."

Triple H talks inventing the Elimination Chamber match:

"I'm the one who invented it. I drew a square cage and put four other squares in the corners, and I said, 'It's six guys. Two start and every few minutes, another cage opens and one more guys enters the fight, and everyone fights until there's one guy left.' I thought it could be interesting because, if the Superstars involved have issues, then there's intrigue."

Personal Note, I always thought that It was Eric Bischoff that created the chamber.

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