Thursday, February 13, 2014

Today's News

WWE re-brand another superstar:

Intercontinental Champion Big E. Langston has had his surname dropped, he will now be known as Big E. This follows the change for (Antonio) Cesaro yesterday.

The changes were made by Vince McMahon.

Rugged Ronnie Garvin talks failing to make it in WWF:

In conversation with Wrestling's Glory Days...

"I told Vince, I can't sing, I can't dance, and I can't rock and roll. I've always liked Vince, he was a very honest guy, but I didn't fit there, you have to be realistic. It was not my kind of wrestling. I go in the ring and I wrestle, I put on a fight and tried to make it as believable as I could. So, instead of going around dressed up like a clown or all in polka dots, I loved that one when Vince put polka dots on the 'fat man' (Dusty Rhodes). I thought that was great, Vince is a genius, putting polka dots on the 'fat man.' But no, I just didn't fit in that environment. I could not do what he wanted, he never told me that, but I could just see it. To be successful there you have to be able to do different things than I was used to doing. When I started in the sixties, we sold wrestling."

WrestleMania dream matches:

Kofi Kingston wants to face Rey Mysterio in his dream match, WWE.Com have also made a list of dream matches, including John Cena vs The Undertaker, Batista vs Brock Lesnar and Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton vs Triple H in a triple threat.

WWE Injuries:

Drew McIntyre needed stitches after a match taped for Main Event vs Big E., he suffered a cut above his eye.

Cody Rhodes damaged his MCL with the cage moonsalt on Raw 2 weeks ago.

Ryback hurt his hand on Raw, this week.

JR speculates on Punk's punishment:

JR has offered some insight on how WWE could punish CM Punk for walking away...

"Several things could happen. Too many unknown variables in this matter to do any thing more than IWC speculation. Unless there is good reason and one fails to report to work they can be potentially in breach of contract which means they can't even retain their future royalties. I don't know all the details of the matter. It will work out in due time."

He has also promoted his new podcast's first episode...

Jim Ross says Stone Cold Steve Austin, his first guest for the Ross Report, will reveal why he never got in the ring with Hulk Hogan, and why WWE did not reveal before hand, that WrestleMania 19 was going to be his last match, even though they knew well in advance that it would be.

Mick Foley on wrestling being ''Fake'':

He reveals how he deals with the question that haunts anyone in/or interested in the business...

"There is nothing worse than sitting on a plane for six hours next to someone whose first question to you was, 'Is wrestling fake?' You know you are not going to have a pleasant experience. I would never think of sitting down next to somebody and insulting what they do for a living. My general answer is, I say, 'Every bit of it is fake,' and then they say, 'Every bit of it?' Then I get people starting to come on my side and saying they know that some of that was real. That's something I learned from Owen Hart. Just say 'yes, every bit of it is fake.'"

TNA LockDown:

Dixie Carter has announced that every match at LockDown will be a steel cage match. This is a return to the norm of the event, after breaking the all cage format at last years show.

Booker T interview:

On Sting to WWE...

"Ya know I would hope so, I really think it's something he should've did some years ago, he had his reasons why he didn't, he's a religious man, I don't know if that's why he hasn't yet, he was a cornerstone of WCW. He deserves to be mentioned as such."

On the CM Punk situation (Although he did not refer to him by name)...

"Well it's real simple, the advice I would give that person you were talking about, if we are talking about the "kid" who worked my PWA show years ago, and saw how good he was and how much potential not to mention the talent he already possessed years ago, ya know it reminds me of something my mother used to tell me when I was a boy, if your 99% about something you keep your mouth shut, if your 100% about something speak up 100% time! It's really hard to say when someone is speaking up 100% and their integrity is on the line, you deal with the consequences, if your only 99% you keep it shut."

Where is she now?:

Terri Runnels, formerly Marlena in WWE, is now working for United Water in Florida.

Bobby Heenan:

Bobby Heenan is said to be doing well at the moment. Still kicking Cancer's A-Doub... Go Bobby...

TNA injury:

Kurt Angle is working with no ACL, and may have been doing so, for several years. Chris Jericho had the same issue in 2008, but continued, and his grew back, at least partially, during his breaks from the ring.

Prince Devitt:

TNA did offer the indy star a contract when he visited the promotion during the Irish leg of the UK tour. He listened respectfully to what they had to say, but said he would only leave NJPW for a big money move to WWE.

He still has not told WWE if he intends to accept the contract they have offered.

Japanese great retires:

Kensuke Sasaki, a former WCW United States Champion, and a member of the Road Warriors in Japan, where he wrestled as Power Warrior has ended his 28 year wrestling career. He has been suffering with neck problems recently.


WWE have an event booked in Dallas, Texas, the night before UFC 171 and takes place in the same arena. The UFC show is a sell out, WWE tickets are not moving as well.

Indy stars to WWE?:

Michael Elgin and Kevin Steen have try outs booked at the PC soon. Steen was told about the trial a while ago, to give him time to get in shape, so WWE will not be happy if he does not turn up looking his best.

Bobby Eaton:

Bobby Eaton has lost a lot of weight and is feeling healthier than he has in years, but after having a pacemaker fitted, will be forced to announce his retirement from wrestling.

Ric Flair:

Ric Flair has signed a WWE deal. It is now confirmed. He can still accept other booking's, but if WWE call he must give them priority on his services.

WWE star retires:

Tensai is probably done as a wrestler. WWE are moving him into an announcers role, initially as a trial, but if all goes well, his ring days will end, and he will join the Raw / SmackDown panel on a regular basis, as well as working comms on some NXT taping's.

Hall Of Fame:

Jake The Snake Roberts says he will announce his inductor soon, and said it won't be a surprise, probably meaning Diamond Dallas Page, the man he credits with saving his life.

The celebrity inductee is now almost certainly going to be Mr. T. Sources close to the actor say he has agreed to being enshrined this year. WWE are still considering inducting Musician Cyndi Lauper too, they had been holding her in reserve, because T has rejected them in the past, but she had a large role at the debut WrestleMania, (as of course did Mr. T) so they may do a double celeb induction.

Sting to WWE:

WWE are said to be dragging their feet on getting the deal done. Sting wants the match vs The Undertaker, and he wants it to happen this year. He has offered to spend his time working privately with The Undertaker to make the match the best it can be. However, WWE still favour Brock Lesnar as the opponent, despite Taker's reluctance to face him, and Lesnar's reluctance to spend the time going through the match prep with Taker.

Money is talking, and WWE feel Taker vs Lesnar will earn more than Taker vs Sting. I am not sure I agree with that, personally.


Layla and Richie Steamboat are still on the WWE books, despite both possibly having career ending injuries.

Batista starts working lives this weekend.

Shane McMahon still owns $35 Million of WWE stock, more than double that possessed by his younger Sister, Stephanie, who has $14 Million left.

WWE's Punk plans:

If WWE cannot get CM Punk back for the March 3rd Raw, in his home town of Chicago, they will use legends, such as Hulk Hogan and The Undertaker, as well as utilizing Daniel Bryan heavily to try to counteract Punk fans hijacking the show.

Stone Cold Steve Austin:

Steve Austin went to this weeks Raw to interview Zeb Colter for his podcast. Ever the opportunist, the Texas Rattlesnake collared many other stars too, and recorded interviews with Big Show, William Regal and John Cena amongst others.


Samoa Joe and MVP are taking a leadership role in the TNA locker room, trying to fill the gap left by some of the promotions big names, who have departed recently.

Joe, in particular is working hard to get new talent signed, and to motivate the current staff to stay on board, with some, who are loyal to Jeff Jarrett said to be biding their time until Double J launches his new promotion, before quitting TNA and joining him, he may have a tough task in that regard.

Hall OF Famer in TV ad:

This advert for Bud Light has a cameo from The Iron Sheik...

Chris Jericho:

WWE had plans for a Chris Jericho return in the early months of 2014, but creative differences stopped a return from happening.


Goldust says he does not want to fight Cody at WrestleMania, because the match would not get the attention it deserves.

WWE veteran to follow Punk out of WWE:

Christian, who has been blighted with injury in recent years is said to be playing out his time with WWE before he moves on. The former World Champion has recently turned 40, and become a first time Father.

Alberto Del Rio is also said to be considering his WWE future, 2014 is looking like it could be a big transitional year for the company.

Jarrett speaks out:

Jeff Jarrett has broken his silence on quitting TNA today, he released a video interview.


* Jarrett said that "we're very excited about the next step of this journey," and that they will be documenting everything on video. He said that the day is coming for him to make a formal announcement, and he can't wait for it.

* He said that this is one weekend of many where he's searching the world to find the best independent talent. He said that they will be looking in Japan, India, Australia, Europe, Mexico and all across North America.

* Jarrett discussed his relationship with AAA in Mexico, and said that they have worked together for over 10 years. He noted that their partnership has been very successful.

* Jarrett said that he feels that professional wrestling is in a boom period. He said that with the WWE Network launching, the new Mark Burnett partnering with AAA, and with what he's working on, the wrestling business is "just about to see a big boom."

* Jarrett finished the video by noting that his family has been in the business for over 70 years, and that it's very "exciting times" for him.

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