Monday, February 10, 2014

Today's News

WWE staffer dies:

Frank Bullock, a long term WWE employee, and ring side technician died yesterday of Cancer. Stars past and present have remembered a well liked and dedicated member of the promotions family.

RIP Frank, thank you...

Jim Ross on Angle / Benoit:

Jim Ross says he is glad that Kurt Angle is potentially coming back to WWE, and that Chris Benoit will be featured on the WWE Network...

He was though critical of Angle, and Cody Rhodes for a spot both men do...

''My only suggestion for Kurt or even Cody Rhodes for that matter is to eliminate the top of the cage moonsaults from their repertoire. The win/loss ratio attempting that maneuver isn't good and to me is ill advised. This is another spectacular finishing maneuver that has been relegated to a 'high spot' which, to me, is insanity.''

On Chris Benoit...

''Glad to see that the much anticipated WWE Network will air some Chris Benoit matches accompanied with the proper 'warning.' What Chris did in the last days of his life are unpardonable but no one has ever said that Benoit wasn't a great in ring technician. Should Chris be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame? Absolutely, not. However seeing some of his matches on the new, WWE Network feels fitting even thought there will be some who will raise hell over it just because they can somehow justify it via their keyboards.''

CM Punk:

WWE stars The Shield cut a long anti CM Punk promo before a live show this weekend, each member ran Punk down, one fan in attendance saying they really went after him.

Kurt Angle:

Kurt Angle wants a WWE return, he told a fan on Twitter yesterday, after being asked about rumours he wants to come back, that, ''It's true'' he does.

Cody Rhodes responded that he was a big fan, and would like the chance to beat him, however JR was less positive, he worries that Angle will not pass the WWE medical.

WrestleMania 30:

WWE's plans for Daniel Bryan's WrestleMania match have boiled down to two possibilities. He will either be added to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match, making it a Triple Threat, or will go one on one with Triple H. The decision will be made post Elimination Chamber.

New signing gets ring name:

Swedish star Sarah Blackman will be called Shara.

Feud ends:

Samoa Joe says he and Vince Russo have cleared the air over past issues between the two.


A Chevy Impala has been given a bit of Latino Heat... Painted with an Eddie Guerrero tribute by a car club in LA, who were hosting an event, including a guest appearance by Batista. The appearance was filmed by WWE for a new Batista DVD set.

Matt Hardy challenges website:

In response to more recent negative stories about himself, Matt Hardy has challenged website TMZ to report a positive story, about meeting an ill child...

"I have a question. Why doesn't @TMZ run this story? Ex-WWE Wrestler Matt Hardy meets C.H.A.R.G.E. survivor Cody Goodman in Kentucky, and makes Cody's dreams come true?Here's a chance for TMZ to prove that they're not all about 'doom & gloom', but yet about celebrities giving back. The biggest problem that I have with the media right now is the fact that only the negative stuff sees the light of day.. Why would any media outlet not report the great, positive stuff like this story? If you feel the same, go to TMZ and let them know."

He also posted a photo.

Chris Masters:

Highlights from WWE Alum Masters recent ''Ask me anything''...

* He said the most underutilized talent in WWE is Drew McIntyre.

* Masters said "most but not all" WWE talents took performance enhancers when he was there.

* Regarding WWE's current product, Masters said if he was a fan now like he was growing up, he thinks he would be bored with today's product.

* His favorite opponent was Shawn Michaels. He also praised working with Carlito and Dolph Ziggler. His least favorite opponent was Jack Swagger.

* He said Triple H is accessible backstage but Vince McMahon is "barely" accessible.

* He said John Cena is "stern and full of energy" backstage.

* Masters confirmed that there was a backstage fight between Big Show and The Great Khali at one point. The story goes that Show was upset that Khali was using a certain move, Show went after him but slipped and fell, and Khali got the upperhand.

* He said he was frustrated with the way WWE creative handled him and probably won't be returning to WWE.

Vince's romantic plans:

Vince McMahon tweeted earlier, that he plans to ask Betty White out for a date after tonight's Raw.

She is the guest host tonight.

Hardcore legend to WWE:

Necro Butcher was asked if he would join the Wyatt Family, he responded...

"Hell, I'd be a ballerina if they (WWE) came calling! Put me in a pink tutu and I'd be laughing all the way to the bank!"


WWE have confirmed they will change their logo to the same one already released for their Network, when the channel launches later this month.

Rockin' Robin:

Former WWE Women's Champion and sister of soon to be Hall Of Famer Jake The Snake Roberts, Rockin' Robin, has opened up about her, and her Brothers (Jake and former WWE star Sam Houston) difficult childhoods at the hands of their late Father (Grizzly Smith), and the kidnap and murder of their sister JoLynn at the age of 18.

John Cena:

John Cena said he is ''Beat to hell'' on Twitter today.

Dan Severn talks threats to shoot during his WWE days:

"They can 'ask' me to job. What would happen when I walk in to your Mickey Mouse cartoon world and I turn fantasy into reality? Which of your so called 'champions' do you think stand a chance?"

He went on to reveal he considered hijacking the 1999 Royal Rumble match, and was toying with the idea of contacting WCW boss Eric Bischoff, and asking how much it was worth for him to do so...

"It crossed my mind to contact WCW and say to Eric Bischoff and Ted Turner, 'what's it worth to you guys for when it is time for me to exit the ring and I turn fantasy into reality and I clear that ring? It's live. Every 90 seconds they're (WWE) going to feed me some fresh meat. Eventually they're going to get me out of the ring, but they haven't gotten me out of the arena yet.' I could have caused a lot of havoc."

Personal Note, that Rumble was terrible, I don't think any one would have noticed to be honest...

Mick Foley talks main eventing WrestleMania:

Mick Foley has urged CM Punk not to over think the main event of WrestleMania, and to return and give the performance of the night. Adding that as long as he enjoys the match, and people remember and leave talking about him, that is just as good. He did concede losing out on a Mania main event of his own in 1999, broke his heart, and he therefore understands why it is so important to him, but went on to say Punk deserves a better end to his career than this.

He went on to say Daniel Bryan deserves to be in this years Main event, because he is as over as any wrestler has ever been.

Foley did main event a Mania, the year after missing out, at Mania 2000.

Bret Hart:

Bret Hart has discussed how he would change WWE, in a video interview...

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