Saturday, February 22, 2014

Today's News

Hulk Hogan:

He's back... WWE have confirmed the return of the immortal Hulk Hogan to the WWE roster, and announced that he will be the host of WrestleMania 30. The company have moved his profile onto the active roster on .Com, and he will make his first appearance for them since 2007 on Monday's Raw.

Vince McMahon said of the news...

"We are thrilled that Hulk Hogan has returned home to WWE. It's fitting to have him help us celebrate 30 years of WrestleMania and usher in a new era with the launch of WWE Network."

Hulk Hogan has also shared his excitement...

"Words cannot express how excited I am to be back in the WWE family. I only have one question for the WWE Universe: whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild as the host of WrestleMania 30?"

He later said that this would be a final hurrah for him, but it will not be a one off, WWE are planning to make him an authority figure after Mania, possibly Raw GM, Sting is also under consideration for that role.

Prince Devitt on WWE deal:

"Of course it's on my radar; it'd be silly of me to say it's not on my wish list of things to do in life. It's very flattering because I grew up watching WWE, but to be even considered employable by a company like that is a big honor for me. I'm very happy with what I'm doing now, but if the situation came up and it was the right move, I'd like to try it.''

Kane botches angle:

It seems Kane has botched a planned angle for this Sunday's Elimination Chamber PPV. He announced that Brock Lesnar was going to be at the show on local TV in the area. WWE followed by releaseing a statement denying the news, and saying he mis-spoke, but they did concede that Lesnar would be at the following night's Raw.

Hall Of Fame 2014:

Kevin Nash is being discussed as a probable inductee into this years HOF class, many WWE insiders feel with Scott Hall now considered a ''Lock'', Nash is sure to follow.

Paul Bearer will be the next name announced, probably on this Monday's Raw, and The Undertaker will ''Likely'' do the job of inducting him.

Elimination Chamber:

Mark Henry, The Miz, and Rey Mysterio will be the pre show panel.

WWE List:

Top 50 ''Coolest moves''

50 - Gorilla Press Slam (Ultimate Warrior)...
49 - Widows's Peak (Victoria)...
48 - Clothesline From Hell (JBL)...
47 - Air Goat (Daniel Bryan)...
46 - Texas Cloverleaf (Dean Malenko)...
45 - Superman Punch (Roman Reigns)...
44 - Spinebuster (Arn Anderson)...
43 - Cactus Elbow (Mick Foley)...
42 - Old School (The Undertaker)...
41 - Stomach Claw (Killer Kowalski)...
40 - Killswitch (Christian)...
39 - Harlem Hangover (Booker T)...
38 - Backstabber (Carlito)...
37 - Lionsalt (Chris Jericho)...
36 - Tazzplex (Tazz)...
35 - European Uppercut (Cesaro)...
34 - Mandible Claw (Mankind)...
33 - Sliced Bread (The Brian Kendrick)...
32 - Dragon Sleeper (Ultimo Dragon)...
31 - Three Amigo's (Eddie Guerrero)...
30 - Warrior's Way (Kaval)...
29 - Asian Mist (Great Muta)...
28 - Rolling Single Leb Boston Crab (Lance Storm)...
27 - Samoan Drop (Umaga)...
26 - Ringpost Figure Four Leg Lock (Bret Hitman Hart)...
25 - Superfly Splash (Superfly Jimmy Snuka)...
24 - Piledriver (Paul Orndorff)...
23 - Tarantula (Tajiri)...
22 - Death Valley Driver (Perry Saturn)...
21 - Triple Jump Moonsalt (Sabu)...
20 - Batista Bomb (Batista)...
19 - 450 Splash (2 Cold Scorpio)...
18 - F-5 (Brock Lesnar)...
17 - Five Star Frog Splash (Rob Van Dam)...
16 - Chokeslam From Hell (Kane)...
15 - Giant Swing (Cesaro)...
14 - Sweet Chin Music (Shawn Michaels)...
13 - Razor's Edge (Razor Ramon)...
12 - Swanton Bomb (Jeff Hardy)...
11 - RKO (Randy Orton)...
10 - Spear (Goldberg)...
9 - Van Terminator (Rob Van Dam )...
8 - Frankensteiner (Scott Steiner)...
7 - Perfect Plex (Mr. Perfect)...
6 - Elbow Drop (Macho Man Randy Savage)...
5 - Sharpshooter (Bret Hitman Hart)...
4 - Tombstone (The Undertaker)...
3 - Stunner (Stone Cold Steve Austin)...
2 - Air Bourne (Evan Bourne)...
1 - DDT (Jake The Snake Roberts)...

What do you make of this list, what moves would you like to have included, or excluded???

WCW DVD trailer released:

WWE to lose another distributor:

ComCast are set to follow DISH in dropping WWE PPV events, the company are training their staff in handling complaints from customers in preparation for an announcement expected to come next week.

WWE Top 10 Cesaro uppercuts:

WWE Alum being used in donation scam:

Mo, former Tag Team partner of the recently deceased Mabel, has revealed some are using his friends death to falsely raise money in his name. He also revealed that, due to not having life insurance, his family are in real need of money, and he worries that the actions of these con artists will ruin their own appeal for funds. He took to his Facebook to ask fans to make any financial donations directly to the Family, or to contact him, and he would act as a go between, to make sure the funds went where they are needed...

"While I appreciate family, friends and the great fans who have kindheartedly been willing to help with Nelson`s farewell, I also find it a sad shame that I`m receiving phone calls and emails from various people who say they wanna help and contribute,but only in a manner that will benefit them afterwards. Listen here ladies and gentleman, I love my brother dearly regardless of what others may say or think. I am in no way interested in your money for my own personal gains nor is Cassandra Frazier, with that being said Nelson`s ring attire nor any other of his personal property is for sale. By gods grace and mercy push come to shove I will lay my brother to rest in a respectable manner conducive to the person he was when he lived amongst us. Anyone who is serious about donating to help Cassandra Frazier out, can contact me personally by phone at 828-319-5779 or inbox me, and I will give you the information needed in regards of where you can send personal donations, to include cards letters etc. Thanks and God Bless all of you who Loved my brother Nelson, Long Live King Mabel!!!!!!!!!!!"

This is the address for donations...

Cassandra Frazier
P.O. Box 280292
Memphis, TN 38168

Ultimate Warrior:

The full contents of the new Warrior DVD have been released, and are posted on our Facebook, along with the cover art.


Miz and Maryse's wedding.

Where is She Now?:

Shaniqua... Is now an NCAA Referee.

Stephanie McMahon on Kurt Angle return:

"In terms of Kurt Angle, I would just say, never say never in the WWE. I guess I'll leave it at that,"

Ethan Carter talks going from WWE to TNA:

"Not one hesitation what so ever because one place has given me a golden opportunity to shine and I've taken that as far as I possibly can. It feels good to be in TNA right now because it's an atmosphere where everyone has their eye on the prize. Everyone's focused on one goal and that's to continue to move forwards and to drive and succeed with each other."

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