Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Today's News

Mick Foley:

WWE have asked Hall Of Famer Mick Foley to present a wrap up show on .Com after each weeks Raw, following his vlog yesterday about the CM Punk situation. He says he will consider it, but only if they let him do it honestly, adding that if the show ends up on his own YouTube channel then he and WWE could not agree on either content or money.

CM Punk:

WWE have removed CM Punk from their App, the opening credits of Raw and a trailer for the Network. They have however re-added him to the listings for the next Raw from Chicago, possibly hoping to have the issues sorted by then, and to bring him back in front of his home town crowd.

WWE were concerned about ''Internet fans'' hijacking Raw with Punk chants last night, and had stars keep promo's short and snappy, in particular Randy Orton, to try to keep the crowd quiet. It didn't work, there was chants for Punk sporadically during the show.

Several wrestlers have reached out to Punk, but he is not returning phone calls or messages.

He was not at Raw last night.

Some insiders say, with Punk's departure and Cena's bizarre injury to his eye, after Randy Orton poked him during a match on Saturday, that WrestleMania 30 is "Falling off the rails".

Members of the locker room are said to be suffering with their morale in the wake of Punk's departure, because he is a strong vocal presence in the back, and regularly speaks up for others.

Promotion returns:

Chikara have announced they are coming back. They will host their first show in almost a year on May 25.


Mexican promotion AAA hope to return to IPPV at some point in 2014, according to Konnan.


2K sports have confirmed they will make WWE 2K15, but it may be released at a different time of year than normal this year. It appears the game will be for X-Box One and PS4.


Hollywood legend Betty White will host Raw next week.

Mark Henry will return next week.

Emma debuted in a dance contest.

Naomi (Eye) and Roman Reigns (Cut, and possible Concussion) were injured, Reigns will be Impact tested before tonight's SmackDown taping.

WWE attempted to gimmick the crowd in favour of Batista. They played a promo in an ad break before his appearance in front of the crowd, of him popping for the city, and the city's sports teams, trying to earn him some cheat pops. 

Didn't go entirely to plan, he smashed a mic, and pieces flew into the crowd, however no injuries were reported.

Ryback took a shot at Sheamus, saying he took a six month vacation, and CM Punk...

"I'm the hardest working man in WWE, I wasn't taking some vacation, I didn't quit. I'm here day in and day out."

Not clear if this was sanctioned, but WWE are trying to keep tight lipped on Punk, so I would guess not.

John Cena did appear after the show went off air, but could not compete in the advertised dark match.

A fan at the show said he was one of a group of 40 people that were ejected from the arena for chanting ''CM Punk''. That has been disputed. However WWE did remove a lot of fan signs about their now former star.

Tensai, Alex Riley and Booker T were seen taping something for the Network as fans entered the arena, it was said to look like a PPV kick off show. WWE are Possibly planning a Raw pre show kick off for the Network, further extending the running time of the broadcast.

Vickie Guerrero and Tamina Snuka had a travel nightmare getting to the show, they drove 3 hours in the wrong direction and got caught in a snow storm.


None of the current TNA Champions had their belts with them at the Joker's Wild PPV taping last night.

Kurt Angle is using a wheelchair to get around.

Magnus was honoured with a trip to Parliament to mark his achievement of being the first British World Champion in 108 years. Dixie Carter accompanied him for the private tour.

The promotion have now returned to the US, and Gail Kim says she is glad to be home after a fun, yet grueling tour.


WWE creative team members went to meet some of NXT's top talent on Thursday. Probably to brainstorm ideas for their main roster debuts.

Hall Of Fame 2014:

The ''Big'' name Stephanie McMahon is working on bringing to the Hall of Fame is thought to be... Stacy Keibler. The promotion have long chased Keibler, hoping to bring her back, and are now prepared to offer HOF induction as part of their most lucrative bid yet to try to get her back on the roster, as an on air talent.

Keibler has said in the past that she would return for a Mania match for $1,000,000.

Stephanie and Stacy met for 15 - 20 minutes a couple of weeks ago.


It seems Kenta is staying in Japan, he gave the impression that he would be staying with Pro Wrestling NOAH upon his return, after a week in America trying out for WWE.

Kurt Angle:

Kurt Angle is expected to have knee surgery next week, meaning he will not be able to fulfill his LockDown PPV match vs Ethan Carter III.

He also denies arguing with Big Gaburick.

However Gaburick did argue with Eric Young, he said EY took too long selling an injury and should of gotten out of the ring sooner after a match vs Abyss. Young is said to rarely be outspoken, but on this occasion defended himself vigourously.

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