Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Today's News

Actor takes shot at WWE:

In response to WWE changing Leo Kruger's gimmick to Adam Rose, an actor of the same name tweeted...

"So a pro wrestler named Leo Kruger changed his name to Adam Rose and started using the hashtag Rosebuds. Why'd it have to be a wrestler?"

Elimination Chamber:

New Age Outlaws vs The Uso's is expected to be added to the card, the Tag Team Championship will be on the line.

Name change for WWE man:

WWE have re-branded Antonio Cesaro. He will now be known simply as... Cesaro. They have already altered his profile on .Com to reflect this.


WWE Alum Goldberg has confirmed that he would be open to one more match, telling a Twitter follower...

"I would consider it."

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Christian, Daniel Bryan & Sheamus vs The Shield...

* Jack Swagger vs Kofi Kingston vs Mark Henry vs Rey Mysterio (Number one contenders match for shot at IC Title).

* Alicia Fox vs Eva Marie.

* New Age Outlaws & RybAxel vs The Rhodes Brothers & The Uso's.

* Damien Sandow vs Darren Young.

* Fandango vs The Miz.

* Cesaro vs Randy Orton.


Notes, A pre show trial was taped before the event, so both Raw and SmackDown will be getting a pre / post show Network panel chat. It had the same cast as the Raw one, Booker T, Alex Riley, Tensai and Renee Young.

WWE Network:

Triple H has announced that this years Hall Of Fame ceremony will air in it's entirety on the WWE Network.

Also on the HOF, the already announced inductees have congratulated the latest member of class of 2014...

Jake The Snake Roberts...

"There goes my plan to be the best looking @WWE Hall of Fame inductee. Congratulations Lita. Great talent & well deserved. @AmyDumas"

The Ultimate Warrior...

"Ain't nothing more powerful than being in the company of a strong, smart, creative and independent woman. Congrats @AmyDumas. See ya WWEHOF"

Jake vs Orton:

Jake The Snake Roberts took a shot at Randy Orton on Twitter, telling him he needs to get lessons in how to deliver the DDT from Diva, Cameron.

Austin slams report:

It was claimed by someone close to Austin, that his time on Tough Enough, made his mind up that a ring return was out of the question. The source stated that Austin getting in and messing around with the cast made him realize how difficult it was going to be to return to the ring, due to the increased physicality, and the toll his brief forays into the ring for the show had on him.

Austin was not impressed, he angrily tweeted the story was not true, (Although in more Austin like language).

If recent comments continue to sum up how he feels about returning, this does not mean he will be back, but he does think he could if he wanted too. He told Chris Jericho on his podcast, why he probably would not come back to the ring...

"To totally get ready for a high caliber match like WrestleMania 30, I would think that would mean a three month training window - for timing, getting back in the ring, taking bumps, to do it right. You do that, you bump for three months, you get in the storylines, you go to the Monday Night RAWs, you do the creative, you have the big blast-off match at WrestleMania... and then, there it is. There's the big match at WrestleMania. Then what?. Then three months later you're going to get your paycheck after all the pay-per-view counts come back, and then you cash your check. Then what?. Where do you go? You make some money, but you get all revved up. You have your thirty minute window, and then what? You've gotta decompress, download, maybe recover... I know where I'm at in my life right now where anything's possible. Being involved in some capacity would be fun. But, I like the way I operated back then, I like the way the landscape was back then, I like the creative liberties and freedoms I had back then. I don't know that walking in there right now, that I would have those same freedoms, and I don't know that I could operate in that system.''

Booker T on racism in wrestling:

"Throughout my whole time in wrestling on the road, going out and being around some of the whitest people in the world I've never had any problems with anybody. It was never black or white. Booker T was just a wrestler. I did that by design. When people see me come out of that curtain, it's never been a black guy. It's just been Booker T and I've always tried to make it that way."

Ex WWE man at awards show:

Giovanni (Romeo) Roselli accompanied Jenny McCarty to the recent Screen Actors Guild Awards, he appears in her comedy show.

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