Monday, February 24, 2014

Today's News

Today's Photo:

I know today's photo has nothing to do with wrestling, but to know me, you have gotta to know I loved the Ghostbusters, and I am heartbroken to have heard that Harold (Egon) Ramis died today, so I am dedicating the photo spot today to him. RIP, and thank you...

Elimination Chamber report:

* The Rhodes Brothers bt RybAxel in the pre show, RybAxel had Larry The Axe Hennig, Curtis Axel's Grandfather in their corner for the match.

* Big E. retained the Intercontinental Championship in the opener, in what was a surprisingly good bout vs Jack Swagger.

* The New Age Outlaws retained the Tag straps in match 2, beating The Uso's.

* Titus O'Neill bt his former partner Darren Young.

* The Wyatt's bt The Shield in the long anticipated bout between the two factions, Bray Wyatt pinned Roman Reigns.

* AJ Lee retained the Diva's title, beating Cameron. Cameron won the match by DQ.

* Batista bt Alberto Del Rio, but he still doesn't look fully match ready to me, and Mania is now just 40 days away. He needs to get as many matches under his belt as he can between now and then IMO.

* Randy Orton retained the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in the chamber, beating Sheamus, who was pinned by Christian, after a splash off the pod. Christian was eliminated by Daniel Bryan. Cesaro tapped to John Cena, who was next out, after an attack by the Wyatt Family, Kane then gave an assist, helping Orton get the pin on Daniel Bryan.

The entry order was...

* Cesaro & Sheamus starting...

* Daniel Bryan...

* Christian...

* John Cena...

* Randy Orton...

Notes, Michael Cole apologised to Naomi for mis-speaking during the event, he said she needed surgery, she does not.

Brock Lesnar was not backstage.

Hall Of Famer Blackjack Lanza was in attendance.

There was some concern that Batista was injured (Arm) but he was fine after checks backstage. Cody Rhodes decided not to wear his knee brace, and hurt himself again when he performed a moonsalt in the pre show, he told a fan that, leaving it off did not help him much.

Ex WCW man Konnan was not impressed, he blasted the show...

"Bad finish in the Usos match, they are over with da fans..Shield/Wyatts match very good, great camerwork at the end..Whichever Funkadactyl wrestled AJ, still sucks..Match had about as much heat as an icecube in a freezer in da northpole..Wow, Batista has turned ADR babyface,they hate him..Fans have chanted CM Punk, Bryan. & even Lesner & Y2J during da match. Wow, how many different ways are there to f--k Daniel Bryan? Incredible."

Highlights for me... Mick Foley replying to one of my tweets during the comms, and from the show Cesaro hitting Cena with a German Suplex as he did the AA on Daniel Bryan, plus the whole Shield vs Wyatts match was epic. There was a few dud matches, and the amount of outside interference in the chamber was silly, what is the point putting them in a chamber if people can walk in and out as they please?. Also D-Bry was screwed over again, which did not please any body in attendance. 7/10 for me.

WrestleMania 30:

Following last nights PPV, the first match for WrestleMania 30 is now confirmed...

* Randy Orton vs Batista (WWE World Heavyweight Championship).

Hulk Hogan has been added to the Axxess weekend events.


The Wolves bt BroMans last night at a live show to become the new TNA Tag Team Champions.


Batista has told WWE magazine, what he offers to the roster...

"I hope I have something to offer. If I say I'm going to come back to be the savior, well, the company doesn't need saving, I'm just an addition. I'm going to bring my style of wrestling back, a little bit more aggressive and more explosive. I think I'm going to be coming back and bringing a little more attention with the projects I've done outside the company. I'll pull my weight, I think I have the credibility and respect factor."

New signing gets WWE name:

Tommy Maclin will be called Stephen Kupryk.

Raw tease:

* Is Hulk Hogan already in danger or will he show everyone where the power lies?

* Has the clock finally struck midnight for The Shield?

* Will The Authority be forced to pick sides between Randy Orton and Batista?

* What do John Cena and Daniel Bryan have in store for Kane and The Wyatt Family?

* For the first time ever, fans get to experience the RAW Pre-Show and Backstage Pass

I am also hearing they plan an angle between Hogan and Jack Swagger.


WWE are planning a title change tonight, at first it was thought that the US title would be switched, but after last night's show, it is now thought the tag titles will go to The Uso's during the show.


WWE Network:

The WWE Network launches today, Vince McMahon posted this video welcoming new subscribers...

The launch is rife with problems, signing up has been very slow and difficult, and even when fans have gotten signed in, the streaming is very poor, slow, or crashes and sends them back to the sign in page. WWE put the problems down to an extremely high demand, and urged people to be patient. Some have had to wait for as much as four hours to get signed up.

Some events are not yet available, including...


* No Holds Barred: The Match/The Movie (1989)
* Insurrextion (2000)
* Royal Rumble (2011)
* Royal Rumble (2014)


* The Great American Bash (1991)
* Japan Supershow (1991)
* Japan Supershow (1992)
* Japan Supershow (1993)
* When World's Collide (1994)
* Collision In Korea (1995)
* Millenium Final (2000, German only)


* Massacre On 34th Street

The handling of Chris Benoit situation is a warning before events he is in, reading...

"The following program is presented in its original form. It may contain some content that does not reflect WWE's corporate views and may not be suitable for all viewers. WWE characters are fictitious and do not reflect the personal lives of the actors portraying them. Viewer discretion is advised."

They have also made all shows featuring Benoit PG, so they can be blocked using parental controls. At least one event that had Benoit on the PPV poster has been changed, Cactus Jack and Randy Orton replaced him on the Backlash 2004 poster, and finally the search feature, which can be used to search for all events featuring a particular talent, does not show any results for the Canadian.

And on Over The Edge 1999, the event that Owen Hart died at, the pre show disclaimer reads...

"In memory of Owen Hart (1965-1999) who accidentally passed away during this broadcast."

The company have also confirmed the status of their TV shows, Raw and SmackDown will be available to view on the Network, 30 days after the original air date.

The content is not completely unedited, Nudity is blurred out, one example is the night Miss Kitty won the Women's Title in 1999, and followed the win with a flash of her breasts.

Chris Jericho:

The name of the 3rd part of Y2J's Biog is...

"The Best in the World: At What I Have No Idea"

It will be in stores on October 13.

Jake The Snake Roberts:

Jake The Snake has posted this message before he goes under the knife tomorrow...

"Thank for for all of the support and well wishes about my procedure tomorrow. The doctors are optimistic that the growth is contained and tomorrow's removal should take care of the problem. However, we will not know for sure until it is taken out and further tests are done. I am fine and just as optimistic as the doctors. Did my DDP Yoga this morning and looking forward to all of my upcoming appearances with the fans. I will keep you posted but no need to worry about the Snake."

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