Thursday, February 27, 2014

Today's News

Kevin Sullivan on The Radicalz walking out on WCW:

"I think it might have been personal, it probably was personal. I just made on of them World Heavyweight Champion, and it takes a lot of balls to ask did [Sid] Vicious to lose to a guy that is five foot six. But, they felt that I was going to do something, or they didn't feel comfortable, or they got an offer from Vince. I really believe that it was either me or them, and the company stayed with me. If I was the guy running the company! I don't know if I would've done that. I think it was a personal problem, but I didn't take any problems at work personally. Plus, I knew they were the best talent that I had, why would you sh*t where you eat? I can dislike somebody, but when it's business, put it aside. When you put the World belt on one of them and then the next week you are going to put the tag belts on them, I think I gave the olive branch as much as I could. I think they had made their minds up. Plus, prior to me coming back I think they had their minds poisoned by the other two, [Vince] Russo and [Ed] Ferrara."

Mosh talks Beaver Cleavage gimmick:

''I honestly think if that would have been let to go ... that would have really gotten over. What happened was that started kicking off right when Owen had his accident, and then Sable had her sexual harassment suit. So anything controversial like that was just cut off. So unfortunately because of some other things that were going on, that's why things got cut off. That's the story I was given ... [But] it was a fun character. People would have gotten into it. That was the whole thing back then. Everything back then was geared toward sex, and that's exactly where that was going. The whole gimmick was insinuating I was having sex with my mother. So ... you had The Godfather, you had Val Venis, you had Meat back then. It was right up that alley. So there was no doubt in my mind that it would have gotten over.''

Triple H:

Triple H is hosting a Q&A session on Twitter as I write this.

Shelton blasts WWE:

Shelton Benjamin is not happy that WWE snubbed the late Nelson Frazier on Raw this week...

"I am extremely disappointed in the WWE for not acknowledging the passing of Nelson Frazier AKA Big Daddy V, AKA Vicera, AKA Mabel. Brother put in too much time and deserved at very least and R.I.P. package. i understand there is something on smackdown but it should have been on Raw, the Flagship show''.

WWE edits footage:

WWE are editing chair shots out of their old footage, as part of the concussion awareness campaign.

WWE vs MMA legend:

WWE may be facing legal action with Frank (Brother of Ken) Shamrock. The MMA great has trademarked an insignia for a line of tees, that is very similar to the one WWE use for Sheamus.

Roddy Strong:

Indy star Roderick Strong has been added to the next WWE try out camp, Kevin Steen has confirmed he will also attend, but Michael Elgin has not confirmed that he has accepted the invite yet.

New promotion:

Despite being worth more than $500 Million, Toby Keith is not the only financial backer on Jeff Jarrett's new promotion. Jarrett is looking at getting a Tuesday TV slot for the show, which he confirms is ''A go''.

WWE remove fans:

WWE removed a number of fans for signs on Raw this week, the messages that offended the company included...

* Macho Man to Hall Of Fame...

* Ronda Rousey can armbar John Cena...

* Less Talk, More Wrestling...

* UFC is better than WWE...

* And another sign about CM Punk...

WrestleMania 30:

Two title matches are set to be added to Mania, and they will both be Multi person bouts, one for the Diva's gold, and the other for the Tag straps.

WCW man to retire:

El Dandy will wrestle his last match on April 27. Another star, WWE Hall Of Famer Afa is to come out of retirement for a one off match this weekend.

Major angle nixed:

The Triple H vs Vince McMahon angle planned for Mania, where the two compete for ownership of WWE will not now happen, Vince McMahon is not lined up to return to TV this side of Mania 30.

Jake The Snake Roberts:

Despite 5 1/2 hours of surgery, Doctors are concerned they have not gotten all of the cancer Jake is suffering, they found lumps, similar to the one they removed, on the other leg. The only saving grace they offered is that the cancer is in it's early stages, but they are not sure what kind of cancer he has.

WWE movie:

The Miz and Eve Torres will star in ''Queen of the ring'' an adaptation of a french comedy movie, about a Mother who uses her sons love of WWE to re-connect with him, by becoming a wrestler herself.


One of the UK episodes of TNA Impact set the record as the highest viewed show in Challenge TV history, Dixie Carter has announced.

See No Evil 2:

October is the planned release date for the Kane horror sequel, the movie should be out in time for Halloween.

JR wants Mania return:

"I would love to call a match at WrestleMania. If I was being greedy, I'd love to call anything the Undertaker does at WrestleMania until he's no longer doing it. But without sounding overly pessimistic, I just don't see that happening. I hope I'm wrong. I'm ready to go do it. But I do think somewhere along the way, I'm gonna broadcast something."

Hall Of Fame 2014:

Diamond Dallas Page has now been confirmed as the inductor of Jake The Snake Roberts.

Mick Foley pays tribute to two greats of the past:

"I also had the chance to revisit an old friend who is no longer with us - Eddie Guerrero. Of course, anyone who was around when Eddie wrestled remebers what an amazing in-ring performer eddie was. But with the help of the new network, I was reminded of what an incredible entertainer he was, as well. I'd forgotten how funny his segments could be, and how the slightest expression - the wide-eyed look of wonder when he "accidentally" defeated Chyna for a championship - could create such a sense of fun; a reminder to me why just so many people loved the Attitude Era above and beyond the wilder elements that usually define it. For someone like Chyna, the WWE Network offers longtime fans a reminder of why she was such a big part of the Attitude era, and for newer fans, allows them to see past the charicature that she can often come accross as to the fans who weren't on hand to see her blaze a trail for future Divas, by offering up not just an unlikely image of what a heroine and sex-symbol could be, but by allowing us to remember the curious study of contrasts that made her one of the shining lights of the era she helped define. Unfortunately, Eddie's not with us anymore. It's unlikely that we'll see Chyna back with the company she did so much for anytime soon. But with the WWE Network, their legacies - and the legacies of so many others - are alive and well."

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