Sunday, February 16, 2014

Today's News

CM Punk:

An ever growing list of MMA fighters are challenging former WWE Champion CM Punk to an MMA fight, all hoping to be his first opponent after his WWE deal ends in July.

Jim Ross on Hogan / Sting at Mania:

''When I suggested that I thought that @HulkHogan and @Sting would be great additions for WWE to market at WM30 I wasn't inferring that the two greats should wrestle each other. Hulk can be a major asset at WM30 in many, non wrestling roles while Sting still seems to be on that 'short list' of future, Undertaker opponents. I'd love to see that match especially if it were be built over a long period of time. Nonetheless, the window for that bout ever occurring is rapidly closing.''

Garrett Bischoff:

Garrett Bischoff says he is still an employee of TNA, although, not to expect him back on TV any time soon, because ''Creative has nothing for him''.

Big Show on WWE evolving:

Big Show is on a promotional trip to India, and discussed the changes in the product, during his WWF/E run...

''The business has completely evolved. when I started in 1995, it was like rock and rol. We couldn't do anything wrong. The arenas were sold out. Our boss took good advantage of that and started building for the future. WWE went from teenage material to young adult to more family oriented which I think is a great move for our company. Nowadays it's hard to get families together to watch a programme. Our product is something that everyone can watch. I like to shake my big butt and make the kids laugh. it's a good feeling.


Naomi has been to an eye specialist regarding her injury. She does not need surgery, however, due to the swelling affecting her sinus cavity, she will not be allowed to fly for 4-6 weeks, meaning she will be off the road for that time. Unfortunately that means she will be out of WrestleMania for the second year in a row.

TNA hits milestone:

"Thanks to our incredible fans, today the TNA Impact Wrestling YouTube channel has exceeded 500 million views, beating other popular YouTube channels such as UFC, NHL, MLB, NASCAR, MLS, WNBA, Marvel, CNN and Fox to the milestone."

Scott Hall plays down HOF rumours:

"ATTENTION: I've made no commitments to appear in New Orleans at this time. I'm a businessman and am welcoming offers. Thanks #BadGuy"

"Not sure I'd pass the popularity contest with the suits in Stamford, CT who make the decision..."

Scotty Riggs:

Scotty Riggs, formerly of WCW, has done an interview to confirm his retirement from wrestling. 

He shared his thoughts on the big names behind the WCW curtain...

On Eric Bischoff...

"Eric Bischoff never had the final say so in what was being done. Vince McMahon has the final say so. There were too many chiefs in WCW and not enough Indians. Eric was a great business man when it came from going from Saturday night shows to getting us on (primetime) TV. He was never groomed as a booker. He was never groomed to understand the inner workings of an angle or storyline. The booking committee was getting things done for him; he left things in the control of people like Kevin Sullivan and Arn (Anderson)."

On Vince Russo...

"Vince Russo came in and tried to turn WCW into another WWE. He didn't care about wrestling; he cared more about his 'crash TV'. He had skits and promos longer than the matches."

Val Venis:

Val Venis was backstage at Raw this week.

Mike Mondo changes mind:

After winning an Indy Championship this weekend, Mike Mondo has decided not to retire from wrestling.

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