Friday, February 28, 2014

Today's News


NXT Arrival results and notes...

* Cesaro bt Sami Zayn.

* Mojo Rawley bt CJ Parker.

* NXT Tag Team Champions The Ascension, retained vs Too Cool.

* Paige retained the NXT Women's belt vs Emma.

* Tyler Breeze vs Xavier Woods ended in a no contest after Alexander Rusev interfered, this match had issues with the streaming on some devices.

* Adrian Neville became the new NXT Champion, ending the reign of Bo Dallas in a ladder match.

WWE released this statement about the technical issues during the show...

"During tonight's live NXT ArRIVAL special, we unfortunately experienced technical difficulties, which are to be expected when launching a new digital network. We will work aggressively to solve these glitches and deliver quality service. The complete event will be available on-demand overnight."

Most of the roster had to watch the event from a neighbouring building, due to lack of space.

Sylvester LeFort hurt his neck in his post show match, where he lost to Mason Ryan.

There was a ticketing issue, 200 people had to be turned away due to the arena over selling tickets.

Some stars appeared in the crowd, including John Cena and Ric Flair, they were not there for the whole show, but moved into position just before the on camera spot, and then left again.


Kurt Angle is now officially a TNA Hall Of Fame inductee, his induction aired yesterday.

Jeff Hardy:

Here is the latest Willow vignette...

Willow is not the only debut coming, Extreme Tiger will be known as Tigre Uno, when he joins soon.

Dixie snipes at Double J:

Dixie Carter tweeted during her Ask Dixie chats on Twitter that...

''I only compete with things that are real. And I take that very seriously.''

Change of heart for TV company:

ComCast have decided to continue airing WWE PPV events after all. They had been preparing to make the announcement they were to drop the WWE. No word on why they changed their plans.

WWE Network:

WWE cannot air PPV events until 24 hours after the original air date, because of a contractual agreement. The previous agreement, and one that still stands for Raw and SmackDown was 30 days.

They later clarified that this was for the on demand viewing of events, so events can air live, but cannot be repeated for at least 24 hours after the live broadcast ended. The confusion came from a badly worded statement about the Elimination Chamber's availability on the Network, that event, like the Royal Rumble is subject to the 30 day contract, so cannot be shown until March 24.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Today's News

Kevin Sullivan on The Radicalz walking out on WCW:

"I think it might have been personal, it probably was personal. I just made on of them World Heavyweight Champion, and it takes a lot of balls to ask did [Sid] Vicious to lose to a guy that is five foot six. But, they felt that I was going to do something, or they didn't feel comfortable, or they got an offer from Vince. I really believe that it was either me or them, and the company stayed with me. If I was the guy running the company! I don't know if I would've done that. I think it was a personal problem, but I didn't take any problems at work personally. Plus, I knew they were the best talent that I had, why would you sh*t where you eat? I can dislike somebody, but when it's business, put it aside. When you put the World belt on one of them and then the next week you are going to put the tag belts on them, I think I gave the olive branch as much as I could. I think they had made their minds up. Plus, prior to me coming back I think they had their minds poisoned by the other two, [Vince] Russo and [Ed] Ferrara."

Mosh talks Beaver Cleavage gimmick:

''I honestly think if that would have been let to go ... that would have really gotten over. What happened was that started kicking off right when Owen had his accident, and then Sable had her sexual harassment suit. So anything controversial like that was just cut off. So unfortunately because of some other things that were going on, that's why things got cut off. That's the story I was given ... [But] it was a fun character. People would have gotten into it. That was the whole thing back then. Everything back then was geared toward sex, and that's exactly where that was going. The whole gimmick was insinuating I was having sex with my mother. So ... you had The Godfather, you had Val Venis, you had Meat back then. It was right up that alley. So there was no doubt in my mind that it would have gotten over.''

Triple H:

Triple H is hosting a Q&A session on Twitter as I write this.

Shelton blasts WWE:

Shelton Benjamin is not happy that WWE snubbed the late Nelson Frazier on Raw this week...

"I am extremely disappointed in the WWE for not acknowledging the passing of Nelson Frazier AKA Big Daddy V, AKA Vicera, AKA Mabel. Brother put in too much time and deserved at very least and R.I.P. package. i understand there is something on smackdown but it should have been on Raw, the Flagship show''.

WWE edits footage:

WWE are editing chair shots out of their old footage, as part of the concussion awareness campaign.

WWE vs MMA legend:

WWE may be facing legal action with Frank (Brother of Ken) Shamrock. The MMA great has trademarked an insignia for a line of tees, that is very similar to the one WWE use for Sheamus.

Roddy Strong:

Indy star Roderick Strong has been added to the next WWE try out camp, Kevin Steen has confirmed he will also attend, but Michael Elgin has not confirmed that he has accepted the invite yet.

New promotion:

Despite being worth more than $500 Million, Toby Keith is not the only financial backer on Jeff Jarrett's new promotion. Jarrett is looking at getting a Tuesday TV slot for the show, which he confirms is ''A go''.

WWE remove fans:

WWE removed a number of fans for signs on Raw this week, the messages that offended the company included...

* Macho Man to Hall Of Fame...

* Ronda Rousey can armbar John Cena...

* Less Talk, More Wrestling...

* UFC is better than WWE...

* And another sign about CM Punk...

WrestleMania 30:

Two title matches are set to be added to Mania, and they will both be Multi person bouts, one for the Diva's gold, and the other for the Tag straps.

WCW man to retire:

El Dandy will wrestle his last match on April 27. Another star, WWE Hall Of Famer Afa is to come out of retirement for a one off match this weekend.

Major angle nixed:

The Triple H vs Vince McMahon angle planned for Mania, where the two compete for ownership of WWE will not now happen, Vince McMahon is not lined up to return to TV this side of Mania 30.

Jake The Snake Roberts:

Despite 5 1/2 hours of surgery, Doctors are concerned they have not gotten all of the cancer Jake is suffering, they found lumps, similar to the one they removed, on the other leg. The only saving grace they offered is that the cancer is in it's early stages, but they are not sure what kind of cancer he has.

WWE movie:

The Miz and Eve Torres will star in ''Queen of the ring'' an adaptation of a french comedy movie, about a Mother who uses her sons love of WWE to re-connect with him, by becoming a wrestler herself.


One of the UK episodes of TNA Impact set the record as the highest viewed show in Challenge TV history, Dixie Carter has announced.

See No Evil 2:

October is the planned release date for the Kane horror sequel, the movie should be out in time for Halloween.

JR wants Mania return:

"I would love to call a match at WrestleMania. If I was being greedy, I'd love to call anything the Undertaker does at WrestleMania until he's no longer doing it. But without sounding overly pessimistic, I just don't see that happening. I hope I'm wrong. I'm ready to go do it. But I do think somewhere along the way, I'm gonna broadcast something."

Hall Of Fame 2014:

Diamond Dallas Page has now been confirmed as the inductor of Jake The Snake Roberts.

Mick Foley pays tribute to two greats of the past:

"I also had the chance to revisit an old friend who is no longer with us - Eddie Guerrero. Of course, anyone who was around when Eddie wrestled remebers what an amazing in-ring performer eddie was. But with the help of the new network, I was reminded of what an incredible entertainer he was, as well. I'd forgotten how funny his segments could be, and how the slightest expression - the wide-eyed look of wonder when he "accidentally" defeated Chyna for a championship - could create such a sense of fun; a reminder to me why just so many people loved the Attitude Era above and beyond the wilder elements that usually define it. For someone like Chyna, the WWE Network offers longtime fans a reminder of why she was such a big part of the Attitude era, and for newer fans, allows them to see past the charicature that she can often come accross as to the fans who weren't on hand to see her blaze a trail for future Divas, by offering up not just an unlikely image of what a heroine and sex-symbol could be, but by allowing us to remember the curious study of contrasts that made her one of the shining lights of the era she helped define. Unfortunately, Eddie's not with us anymore. It's unlikely that we'll see Chyna back with the company she did so much for anytime soon. But with the WWE Network, their legacies - and the legacies of so many others - are alive and well."

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Today's News

CM Punk:

CM Punk has now been pulled from his last WWE date, he will be replaced at the Kentucky Comic Con by Randy Orton.

UK fans who were promised a signed CM Punk card with the best of Raw DVD have been told they will get a Daniel Bryan collectable card instead.

WWE Network:

The early data suggests between 250,000 and 350,000 people signed up on day one, WWE need 1,000,000 to sign up to break even on the venture.

DDP Interview:

On one more match, he names Randy Orton as his favoured opponent...

"I have no intention to do it anywhere other than WWE. The only person I would consider wrestling would be Randy Orton and only because our storyline is built in. We could have a hell of a run but it would break my body up so bad. There is no reason for them to put him in an angle with me because he is too far up the ladder and I'm grateful for that because I'd take it if they offered it."

On inducting Jake The Snake into the HOF...

"It's been talked about but everything runs through the WWE so I don't know what decision they will make. I would be honored to do it, but it won't hurt my feelings if they pick someone else because it's Jake's night."


Gunner vs James Storm has been added to Lockdown.

The company have officially confirmed Sting is no longer employed by them.

Extreme Tiger is now a member of TNA, Super Lucha's confirms he has signed, and say he will debut at Lockdown.

Another match has been added to Outbreak...

* Samoa Joe, Rene Dupree & Masayuki Kono vs. The Great Muta, Rob Terry and a mystery partner.

The end of the streak:

The chosen person to end the streak of the Undertaker, by the man himself was Kurt Angle, according to former creative man Cort Bauer. This was in 2006, the idea, proposed by Taker himself, was shot down by Vince McMahon, who said if Taker wanted to lose the streak, he (McMahon) wanted Mark Henry to be the man to do it. Taker did in fact wrestle Henry that year, but the original plan was changed, and Taker went over.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Batista starts the show with his heel turn promo.

* Big E & Mark Henry vs Real Americans.

* Alberto Del Rio vs Sheamus.

* Batista vs Dolph Ziggler.

* The Shield vs The Wyatt's is announced for Raw.

* AJ Lee vs Cameron (Diva's Title).

* Daniel Bryan & The Uso's vs Kane & The New Age Outlaws.


Also at SmackDown, a video of highlights from WrestleMania 29 was shown to the crowd, the package did not include the CM Punk vs The Undertaker match.

The Nelson Frazier tribute that was pulled from Raw, will air on SmackDown.

Jake The Snake posts health update:

"Surgery went well & feeling good. Won't know if the growth is all removed or spread until tests come back. Doc optimistic and so am I."

WWE stars land big gigs:

Lilian Garcia and her band will perform at a Nascar race in March, and Chris Jericho and Fozzy have been added to the main stage line up for the Download festival in the UK this summer.

Rey Mysterio:

Rey Mysterio's WWE departure is looking ever more likely, and his future seems to be heading to AAA. He is very good friends with Konnan, who is set to run the new AAA TV show, and Rey is likely to have one last run as a major player on the show. He will join his former partner Sin Cara, who is already signed up to appear.

The show will be taped in LA.

Backstage talks have been ongoing for the past 48 hours about Rey's future, he has 3 months left on his active deal.

John Cena:

Cena is still booked for this weekend's lives despite his kayfabe knee injury.

Tyler Reks shoots on WWE stars:

On John Laurinaitis...

''If you're not on the radar, he doesn't care about you. I got belittled by him quite a bit. When I came back as T. Reks, that was Vince. Next thing you know, I was Johnny's best friend. And when all that ended, he wouldn't give me the time of day. He is not a nice person. He is all strictly business.''

On Triple H...

''Nice guy. He's got everything dialed in for the company and he's taking it in the right direction. Definitely into helping his talent.''

On Sheamus...

''Was nice in the beginning, them I realized that he steps on heads and suddenly isn't your friend anymore. He only does what's good for Sheamus.''

On John Cena...

''He's a workhorse. He does incredible things for the company and he busts his butt. Outside the ring, I can't stand the guy. He's not a nice guy, he holds talent down. He steals ideas. He's a prick.''

Where Are They Now???:

This month Scott Norton.

Daniel Bryan:

Daniel Bryan was spotted in a hotel lobby last night by some fans, he came out to sign autographs, leading to a larger group joining what became a long line. He stayed and signed for every fan in the line, before going back inside.

Nelson Frazier:

The funeral arrangements for the WWE Alum have been released, he will be interred at 2:00 pm on Tuesday, March 4th at Pentecostal Praise (2922 Holmes Rd., East Memphis, TN, 38116).

His wife Cassandra is furious with WWE and TMZ, and is ready to give a full and frank interview and will blast both. She says WWE offered her no condolences after his death, and blames WWE for the loss of Frazier, and many others before him. She also says TMZ lied about their story, citing her. And has expressed her outrage at fans accusing his former partner Mo of trying to scam people for money, and says she wants him to be left alone.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Today's News

Jeff Jarrett interview:

In this video Jeff Jarrett talks TNA, quitting, and his future plans.

Matt Hardy:

Matt Hardy and his wife Reby Sky have been ordered to under anger management classes, pay all court fees and to stay out of trouble for two years. This follows a fight the pair had on New Years Day.


WWE were working on a plan to turn Batista heel at last night's Raw. The original plan was for a turn, at or post Mania, and then a feud going into the summer with CM Punk, however the company feel they will not be able to win the fans over re: the Animal, and are set to bring the turn forward. That angle will be taped tonight, for this weeks SmackDown. WWE say he will tell the WWE fans exactly what he thinks of them. He has already started, responding to some Twitter haters...

"Seems that people think Im joking when I say I don't let the opinions of negative a$$hole dictate my life. Think again.. onelife Peace!... By the way...I left because I had to not because I wanted to. And I came back because I wanted to not because I had to. dreamchaser"

WWE have also confirmed a new DVD, entitled Batista - The Animal unleashed, which will hit stores on June 10...

Here is the synopsis...

"The Animal, Batista, was one of the most dominant Superstars of the 21st century, until his abrupt departure from WWE in 2010. Now, the former WWE and World Heavyweight Champion is back to reclaim his place at the top of the food chain. In this release, fans follow his path from the struggles that drove him away from WWE to his triumphant return in 2014.Why did he leave? What conquests did he pursue while he was away? How did he train? And how does he plan to conquer WWE all over again?"

Great Khali:

Here is a video of the Great Khali becoming an American citizen...

John Cena:

John Cena had to be stretchered out of the arena after the attack by the Wyatt's on Raw, he reportedly injured his knee. It has since been rumoured to be a work.

WrestleMania 30:

The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar became the second match confirmed for the PPV, on last night's Raw.

Hall Of Famer snubs WWE:

Mick Foley turned down a guest spot on the first Raw pre show panel, due to his negative feelings toward the creative angle involving Daniel Bryan.

Double snub for dead Alumni:

WWE pulled the tribute graphic for the recently deceased Nelson Frazier, and the Hall Of Fame video package for the late Paul Bearer, both due to air on last night's Raw. The company say they ran short of time to play the Paul Bearer package, but did not explain why they did not air the Frazier tribute.

They later said the next Hall Of Fame announcement will air either on this week's SmackDown, or next week's Raw, but did not confirm that it was going to be for Paul Bearer.

Sin Cara:

WWE have threatened AAA with legal action, should they use the Sin Cara gimmick on their TV show. They instead had him stand in shadow. Sin Cara says he will confirm he has the rights to the name and character by the time he debuts in May.

WWE Network issues:

Fans are complaining about being charged for use of the WWE Network, despite the first week being advertised as free, WWE are only giving refunds until this Sunday, so if you have been charged, you should contact them ASAP.

TNA Outbreak:

Two more matches have been announced, and a third changed following the Tag Title change on Sunday, The Wolves will defend their gold in place of former champs BroMans...

* Abyss vs. Yoshihiro Takayama

* Satoshi Kojima vs. Yasufumi Nakanoue


Royal Rumble 2014 was released today.

Jake The Snake Roberts:

DDP has posted a video of Jake The Snake preparing for his cancer surgery, which takes place today...

WWE Alum wants rematch:

Zeus responded to Hulk Hogan's WWE return, by stating he wants a rematch, the two feuded in 1989, during the promotion of No Holds Barred, the WWE movie.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Today's News

Today's Photo:

I know today's photo has nothing to do with wrestling, but to know me, you have gotta to know I loved the Ghostbusters, and I am heartbroken to have heard that Harold (Egon) Ramis died today, so I am dedicating the photo spot today to him. RIP, and thank you...

Elimination Chamber report:

* The Rhodes Brothers bt RybAxel in the pre show, RybAxel had Larry The Axe Hennig, Curtis Axel's Grandfather in their corner for the match.

* Big E. retained the Intercontinental Championship in the opener, in what was a surprisingly good bout vs Jack Swagger.

* The New Age Outlaws retained the Tag straps in match 2, beating The Uso's.

* Titus O'Neill bt his former partner Darren Young.

* The Wyatt's bt The Shield in the long anticipated bout between the two factions, Bray Wyatt pinned Roman Reigns.

* AJ Lee retained the Diva's title, beating Cameron. Cameron won the match by DQ.

* Batista bt Alberto Del Rio, but he still doesn't look fully match ready to me, and Mania is now just 40 days away. He needs to get as many matches under his belt as he can between now and then IMO.

* Randy Orton retained the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in the chamber, beating Sheamus, who was pinned by Christian, after a splash off the pod. Christian was eliminated by Daniel Bryan. Cesaro tapped to John Cena, who was next out, after an attack by the Wyatt Family, Kane then gave an assist, helping Orton get the pin on Daniel Bryan.

The entry order was...

* Cesaro & Sheamus starting...

* Daniel Bryan...

* Christian...

* John Cena...

* Randy Orton...

Notes, Michael Cole apologised to Naomi for mis-speaking during the event, he said she needed surgery, she does not.

Brock Lesnar was not backstage.

Hall Of Famer Blackjack Lanza was in attendance.

There was some concern that Batista was injured (Arm) but he was fine after checks backstage. Cody Rhodes decided not to wear his knee brace, and hurt himself again when he performed a moonsalt in the pre show, he told a fan that, leaving it off did not help him much.

Ex WCW man Konnan was not impressed, he blasted the show...

"Bad finish in the Usos match, they are over with da fans..Shield/Wyatts match very good, great camerwork at the end..Whichever Funkadactyl wrestled AJ, still sucks..Match had about as much heat as an icecube in a freezer in da northpole..Wow, Batista has turned ADR babyface,they hate him..Fans have chanted CM Punk, Bryan. & even Lesner & Y2J during da match. Wow, how many different ways are there to f--k Daniel Bryan? Incredible."

Highlights for me... Mick Foley replying to one of my tweets during the comms, and from the show Cesaro hitting Cena with a German Suplex as he did the AA on Daniel Bryan, plus the whole Shield vs Wyatts match was epic. There was a few dud matches, and the amount of outside interference in the chamber was silly, what is the point putting them in a chamber if people can walk in and out as they please?. Also D-Bry was screwed over again, which did not please any body in attendance. 7/10 for me.

WrestleMania 30:

Following last nights PPV, the first match for WrestleMania 30 is now confirmed...

* Randy Orton vs Batista (WWE World Heavyweight Championship).

Hulk Hogan has been added to the Axxess weekend events.


The Wolves bt BroMans last night at a live show to become the new TNA Tag Team Champions.


Batista has told WWE magazine, what he offers to the roster...

"I hope I have something to offer. If I say I'm going to come back to be the savior, well, the company doesn't need saving, I'm just an addition. I'm going to bring my style of wrestling back, a little bit more aggressive and more explosive. I think I'm going to be coming back and bringing a little more attention with the projects I've done outside the company. I'll pull my weight, I think I have the credibility and respect factor."

New signing gets WWE name:

Tommy Maclin will be called Stephen Kupryk.

Raw tease:

* Is Hulk Hogan already in danger or will he show everyone where the power lies?

* Has the clock finally struck midnight for The Shield?

* Will The Authority be forced to pick sides between Randy Orton and Batista?

* What do John Cena and Daniel Bryan have in store for Kane and The Wyatt Family?

* For the first time ever, fans get to experience the RAW Pre-Show and Backstage Pass

I am also hearing they plan an angle between Hogan and Jack Swagger.


WWE are planning a title change tonight, at first it was thought that the US title would be switched, but after last night's show, it is now thought the tag titles will go to The Uso's during the show.


WWE Network:

The WWE Network launches today, Vince McMahon posted this video welcoming new subscribers...

The launch is rife with problems, signing up has been very slow and difficult, and even when fans have gotten signed in, the streaming is very poor, slow, or crashes and sends them back to the sign in page. WWE put the problems down to an extremely high demand, and urged people to be patient. Some have had to wait for as much as four hours to get signed up.

Some events are not yet available, including...


* No Holds Barred: The Match/The Movie (1989)
* Insurrextion (2000)
* Royal Rumble (2011)
* Royal Rumble (2014)


* The Great American Bash (1991)
* Japan Supershow (1991)
* Japan Supershow (1992)
* Japan Supershow (1993)
* When World's Collide (1994)
* Collision In Korea (1995)
* Millenium Final (2000, German only)


* Massacre On 34th Street

The handling of Chris Benoit situation is a warning before events he is in, reading...

"The following program is presented in its original form. It may contain some content that does not reflect WWE's corporate views and may not be suitable for all viewers. WWE characters are fictitious and do not reflect the personal lives of the actors portraying them. Viewer discretion is advised."

They have also made all shows featuring Benoit PG, so they can be blocked using parental controls. At least one event that had Benoit on the PPV poster has been changed, Cactus Jack and Randy Orton replaced him on the Backlash 2004 poster, and finally the search feature, which can be used to search for all events featuring a particular talent, does not show any results for the Canadian.

And on Over The Edge 1999, the event that Owen Hart died at, the pre show disclaimer reads...

"In memory of Owen Hart (1965-1999) who accidentally passed away during this broadcast."

The company have also confirmed the status of their TV shows, Raw and SmackDown will be available to view on the Network, 30 days after the original air date.

The content is not completely unedited, Nudity is blurred out, one example is the night Miss Kitty won the Women's Title in 1999, and followed the win with a flash of her breasts.

Chris Jericho:

The name of the 3rd part of Y2J's Biog is...

"The Best in the World: At What I Have No Idea"

It will be in stores on October 13.

Jake The Snake Roberts:

Jake The Snake has posted this message before he goes under the knife tomorrow...

"Thank for for all of the support and well wishes about my procedure tomorrow. The doctors are optimistic that the growth is contained and tomorrow's removal should take care of the problem. However, we will not know for sure until it is taken out and further tests are done. I am fine and just as optimistic as the doctors. Did my DDP Yoga this morning and looking forward to all of my upcoming appearances with the fans. I will keep you posted but no need to worry about the Snake."

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Today's News

Tonight is Elimination Chamber, and I will be doing a live PPV comms, so tune in.


Here is a tease of Kaitlyn's first post WWE shoot interview...

WWE Network:

Stephanie McMahon has urged cable companies to continue showing WWE PPV events, to give fans the best possible access to it's content, promised that WWE talent will be paid well and fairly for use of their image on the Network, and that, they do not have plans to take Raw and SmackDown onto the Network, but added that, that may change. (Possibly a thinly veiled threat to TV companies?).

WWE angry at website:

WWE are not happy that TMZ reported that Hulk Hogan was at the WWE PC a couple of days ago, they were hoping to keep his return, planned for Monday, a secret.

CM Punk:

CM Punk made his first public appearance at last night's UFC event, he then went to a party with former WWE Diva Eve and her partner.

Also on a positive note, friends of the former champion say they believe Vince McMahon will be able to talk Punk into returning to the company in time for WrestleMania 30.

Sami Zayn:

Sami Zayn no showed a fan meet and greet in Florida last night.

NFL star makes wrestling debut:

Quinn Ojinnaka, a one time WWE target, had his first wrestling match for DGUSA last night,

Dixie Carter talks becoming TV character:

''From the beginning, I think people just assumed I would step in and become a character, and I did resist it for a long period of time. This year they came to me and said, "We feel if we could tie some of our younger, newer talent to you [on the show] that it would really, really help them." It was something that I didn't jump at. I really was a little concerned about being able to pull it off, honestly. I'm becoming more and more comfortable with it as time goes by.''

New Tron:

Titus O'Neill's new entrance video has been released...

Elimination Chamber:

AJ Lee vs either Cameron or Natalya for the Diva's Championship is penciled in as an extra match for tonight's card, time allowing.

Insiders say CM Punk, Hulk Hogan, The Undertaker and Jimmy Hart are NOT backstage. At least 3 will be on Raw tomorrow.

Rift healing:

Goldberg tweeted good wishes to Scott Hall yesterday, possibly ending a long standing, and bitter feud between the two men...

"Hopefully he's a changed man. Happy for him...(can't believe I said that)"

Botched angle revealed:

Brock Lesnar looked set to take Christian's Elimination Chamber spot at tonight's PPV, however Kane accidentally announcing that Lesnar was going to be at the show has killed the angle. Christian may still be taken out of the bout, but WWE insiders say Lesnar will NOT be the man to take his position.

Mick Foley writes letter to WWE:


Please, please, please, please, have a great show tonight.

As a fan of pro-wrestling – have a great show.

As a father of four who has ordered every PPV for the past year – have a great show.

As the guy whose big Christmas present to his family was a family trip to New Orleans for Wrestlemania, even though he knew he wasn't likely to appear on the event – have a great show.

On behalf of all those other dads or moms who have done the same thing; spent considerable money on an event that thus far is not capturing our imaginations – have a great show.

As a Disney fan who wouldn't want to arrive at the Magic Kingdom just to find out all his favorite attractions were closed – have a great show.

As someone who still remembers how it felt to be 18 years old and see Jimmy Snuka dive off the top of the cage - to see the magic pro-wrestling was capable of creating - and knows you have the ability and personnel to make people feel that same magic - have a great show.

As the estranged son who still loves his WWE family, and, no matter what, in some strange way, always will – have a great show.


Mick Foley"

Hall Of Famer in medical emergency:

Jake The Snake Roberts has revealed he has been diagnosed with cancer, and needs to undergo emergency surgery to remove a large cist behind his knee.

He goes under the knife om Tuesday, and says he will be at WrestleMania, to accept his HOF induction, no matter what.

R-Truth talks new album:

''I've spoken already with Juvenile. I'm in talks right now with DMX and MGK. I spoke a little bit with E-40 about doing something but thats not confirmed yet, but I'm still working on features. I already got John Cena on two tracks and thats banging already, so expect that.''


The full contents of Signature sounds has been released, and is on our Facebook, along with the cover art.

Kamala interview:

On Andre The Giant...

"Andre wasn't the friendly guy that he appeared to be. He was real temperamental and had a nasty attitude. When I first started working with him, he called me a (derogatory) name in the ring and I beat him up. After that, I never had another problem with him. A lot of (top guys had problems with Andre too). He would just go out and mop the floor with people. He treated (wrestlers) nasty, and the fans too. Andre would do it just about every night. Guys would watch through the curtain to see what he was going to do."

On Hulk Hogan...

"We had a lot of good matches and drew a lot of fans all over. Working with Hogan was easy and a treat. I loved working with him."

On WWE racism...

"In Summerslam 92, I had one of my biggest matches against the Undertaker. He made a half million dollars and I made 13 (thousand). There was a lot of racism in the WWE. I remember so many times when I was there, I would get there early and find me a nice dressing room; the agents would (kick me out and) let (the white stars) have the dressing room. When I went out to the ring, I was a superstar; backstage I was a nothing."

On The Undertaker...

"I love the Undertaker. If I see him on TV, I'll stop and watch. I love his gimmick, and I like him. He's a respectable man and I got along real good with him, and I love his work."

Then a  very controversial attack on WWE chief Vince McMahon...

He accuses McMahon of forcing wrestlers to perform sexual acts on him to get away with drugs fails, and says pedophilia was also an issue within the company...

"Vince McMahon has certain people that he will pay. If you get along with Vince, do him sexual favors, you'll get along good with him. But if you just (do your job and) mind your own business, then he doesn't like you for some reason. There was a lot of men with men in those days and even men with boys. I know a lot of guys that (failed drug tests) and it was documented that they passed, and I know what they did."

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Today's News

Hulk Hogan:

He's back... WWE have confirmed the return of the immortal Hulk Hogan to the WWE roster, and announced that he will be the host of WrestleMania 30. The company have moved his profile onto the active roster on .Com, and he will make his first appearance for them since 2007 on Monday's Raw.

Vince McMahon said of the news...

"We are thrilled that Hulk Hogan has returned home to WWE. It's fitting to have him help us celebrate 30 years of WrestleMania and usher in a new era with the launch of WWE Network."

Hulk Hogan has also shared his excitement...

"Words cannot express how excited I am to be back in the WWE family. I only have one question for the WWE Universe: whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild as the host of WrestleMania 30?"

He later said that this would be a final hurrah for him, but it will not be a one off, WWE are planning to make him an authority figure after Mania, possibly Raw GM, Sting is also under consideration for that role.

Prince Devitt on WWE deal:

"Of course it's on my radar; it'd be silly of me to say it's not on my wish list of things to do in life. It's very flattering because I grew up watching WWE, but to be even considered employable by a company like that is a big honor for me. I'm very happy with what I'm doing now, but if the situation came up and it was the right move, I'd like to try it.''

Kane botches angle:

It seems Kane has botched a planned angle for this Sunday's Elimination Chamber PPV. He announced that Brock Lesnar was going to be at the show on local TV in the area. WWE followed by releaseing a statement denying the news, and saying he mis-spoke, but they did concede that Lesnar would be at the following night's Raw.

Hall Of Fame 2014:

Kevin Nash is being discussed as a probable inductee into this years HOF class, many WWE insiders feel with Scott Hall now considered a ''Lock'', Nash is sure to follow.

Paul Bearer will be the next name announced, probably on this Monday's Raw, and The Undertaker will ''Likely'' do the job of inducting him.

Elimination Chamber:

Mark Henry, The Miz, and Rey Mysterio will be the pre show panel.

WWE List:

Top 50 ''Coolest moves''

50 - Gorilla Press Slam (Ultimate Warrior)...
49 - Widows's Peak (Victoria)...
48 - Clothesline From Hell (JBL)...
47 - Air Goat (Daniel Bryan)...
46 - Texas Cloverleaf (Dean Malenko)...
45 - Superman Punch (Roman Reigns)...
44 - Spinebuster (Arn Anderson)...
43 - Cactus Elbow (Mick Foley)...
42 - Old School (The Undertaker)...
41 - Stomach Claw (Killer Kowalski)...
40 - Killswitch (Christian)...
39 - Harlem Hangover (Booker T)...
38 - Backstabber (Carlito)...
37 - Lionsalt (Chris Jericho)...
36 - Tazzplex (Tazz)...
35 - European Uppercut (Cesaro)...
34 - Mandible Claw (Mankind)...
33 - Sliced Bread (The Brian Kendrick)...
32 - Dragon Sleeper (Ultimo Dragon)...
31 - Three Amigo's (Eddie Guerrero)...
30 - Warrior's Way (Kaval)...
29 - Asian Mist (Great Muta)...
28 - Rolling Single Leb Boston Crab (Lance Storm)...
27 - Samoan Drop (Umaga)...
26 - Ringpost Figure Four Leg Lock (Bret Hitman Hart)...
25 - Superfly Splash (Superfly Jimmy Snuka)...
24 - Piledriver (Paul Orndorff)...
23 - Tarantula (Tajiri)...
22 - Death Valley Driver (Perry Saturn)...
21 - Triple Jump Moonsalt (Sabu)...
20 - Batista Bomb (Batista)...
19 - 450 Splash (2 Cold Scorpio)...
18 - F-5 (Brock Lesnar)...
17 - Five Star Frog Splash (Rob Van Dam)...
16 - Chokeslam From Hell (Kane)...
15 - Giant Swing (Cesaro)...
14 - Sweet Chin Music (Shawn Michaels)...
13 - Razor's Edge (Razor Ramon)...
12 - Swanton Bomb (Jeff Hardy)...
11 - RKO (Randy Orton)...
10 - Spear (Goldberg)...
9 - Van Terminator (Rob Van Dam )...
8 - Frankensteiner (Scott Steiner)...
7 - Perfect Plex (Mr. Perfect)...
6 - Elbow Drop (Macho Man Randy Savage)...
5 - Sharpshooter (Bret Hitman Hart)...
4 - Tombstone (The Undertaker)...
3 - Stunner (Stone Cold Steve Austin)...
2 - Air Bourne (Evan Bourne)...
1 - DDT (Jake The Snake Roberts)...

What do you make of this list, what moves would you like to have included, or excluded???

WCW DVD trailer released:

WWE to lose another distributor:

ComCast are set to follow DISH in dropping WWE PPV events, the company are training their staff in handling complaints from customers in preparation for an announcement expected to come next week.

WWE Top 10 Cesaro uppercuts:

WWE Alum being used in donation scam:

Mo, former Tag Team partner of the recently deceased Mabel, has revealed some are using his friends death to falsely raise money in his name. He also revealed that, due to not having life insurance, his family are in real need of money, and he worries that the actions of these con artists will ruin their own appeal for funds. He took to his Facebook to ask fans to make any financial donations directly to the Family, or to contact him, and he would act as a go between, to make sure the funds went where they are needed...

"While I appreciate family, friends and the great fans who have kindheartedly been willing to help with Nelson`s farewell, I also find it a sad shame that I`m receiving phone calls and emails from various people who say they wanna help and contribute,but only in a manner that will benefit them afterwards. Listen here ladies and gentleman, I love my brother dearly regardless of what others may say or think. I am in no way interested in your money for my own personal gains nor is Cassandra Frazier, with that being said Nelson`s ring attire nor any other of his personal property is for sale. By gods grace and mercy push come to shove I will lay my brother to rest in a respectable manner conducive to the person he was when he lived amongst us. Anyone who is serious about donating to help Cassandra Frazier out, can contact me personally by phone at 828-319-5779 or inbox me, and I will give you the information needed in regards of where you can send personal donations, to include cards letters etc. Thanks and God Bless all of you who Loved my brother Nelson, Long Live King Mabel!!!!!!!!!!!"

This is the address for donations...

Cassandra Frazier
P.O. Box 280292
Memphis, TN 38168

Ultimate Warrior:

The full contents of the new Warrior DVD have been released, and are posted on our Facebook, along with the cover art.


Miz and Maryse's wedding.

Where is She Now?:

Shaniqua... Is now an NCAA Referee.

Stephanie McMahon on Kurt Angle return:

"In terms of Kurt Angle, I would just say, never say never in the WWE. I guess I'll leave it at that,"

Ethan Carter talks going from WWE to TNA:

"Not one hesitation what so ever because one place has given me a golden opportunity to shine and I've taken that as far as I possibly can. It feels good to be in TNA right now because it's an atmosphere where everyone has their eye on the prize. Everyone's focused on one goal and that's to continue to move forwards and to drive and succeed with each other."

Friday, February 21, 2014

Today's News

Vince McMahon defends WWE Movies:

"We understand storylines. It's another opportunity for our stars to appear (in other content). Going forward, we believe it will be a considerable contributor to the bottom line."

RVD on WWE return:

He tweeted he will be back... "Soon. But not today."

TMZ criticised for Big Daddy V comment:

TMZ posted this comment about the passing of Nelson Frazier...

"Obviously, the weight loss came too late ... or it was too much too quickly. R.I.P."

Fans have complained about the tasteless remark, coming so soon after his death.

TMZ defended themselves by saying they had contacted his wife, (Despite her asking for privacy, and time to grieve) and she told them that he had lost 100lbs in six months, after being warned about his weight starting to cause him serious health problems, by his Doctor.

Mark Henry confirms retirement plans:

Mark Henry says he will retire, for real this time, when his two year deal, signed last summer, expires. He will then move into a coaching role at the PC.

Sheamus scalded:

Sheamus has revealed getting into serious trouble with his Gran, during a trip home to Ireland whilst nursing his injury last year. She is not happy that he appears on TV next door to naked, and told him so...

"I got back home to Ireland, saw my 91-year-old grand mother. She was asking me why I'm running around half-naked on national, global television. 'We didn't do that back in my day,' she said.'' He went on...

''And I got to see me Ma, on the west coast of Ireland. I got to see my friends & family, and I got to reflect on my last couple years which I hadn't got to do before that. You know a lot of things, but after about three months I was ready to come back.''


WWE continue to tease Sting's debut, with a feature, written by Bill Apter, on .Com today.

Jeff Hardy Promo:

Here is the latest Willow tease from TNA...

Jeff Jarrett:

Here is the latest tease for Jeff Jarrett's new promotion:

Great Khali:

The Great Khali became a US citizen yesterday (Pic).

Elimination Chamber:

Kane has announced that Brock Lesnar will be at this Sunday's PPV.

WWE wedding:

The Miz and Maryse married last night, in the Bahama's, many stars both past and present attended, including Zack Ryder, Kelly Kelly, John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler.

Stephanie McMahon talks WWE medical screenings:

"We do cardiovascular screening. We do ImPACT testing. We do blood work. There is a drug testing component. It's really with the idea of having our athletes and our superstars have the best health possible."

CM Punk:

Kofi Kingston and John Cena have discussed CM Punk today...


"With Punk, I consider him to be like a brother to me. He's one of the guys who took me under his wing when I first came. So we've been able to maintain a good relationship. And there are very few people in the business that you can call true friends, so I consider Punk to be that and more. So yes, "road wife" is the term we used to sum that all up."


"He would be a good interview to have, because he would have the answers to those questions,"

Hulk Hogan:

Hulk Hogan comes home to WWE on Monday, TMZ confirm. His WWE return started today, with a visit to the PC (Photo).

WWE Title appears in music video:

About 52 second mark...