Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Today's News

Firstly thank you for another year of supporting the page, I hope you all have a Happy New Year.

Page News:

I will be making an announcement about the future of this page tomorrow.

European fans snubbed:

WWE have withdrawn the Raw 20th anniversary box set from it's planned European release citing costs relating to production.

Clean sweep for Daniel Bryan:

Daniel Bryan has won almost all the awards in the end of year PWI magazine honours. Winning the wrestler of the year, most popular wrestler of the year, match of the year (SummerSlam), and feud of the year (vs The Authority).

Great news for Hall Of Famer:

Sunny has revealed she is cancer free.

New Age Outlawz:

Billy Gunn has tweeted he and Road Dogg Jesse James will reunite on Raw next week. Others set to appear include Ric Flair, Diamond Dallas Page, Million Dollar Man, IRS, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Rikishi, Scotty 2 Hotty, Booker T, Mean Gene Okerlund, Bob Backlund and Dusty Rhodes.

Royal Rumble:

The WWE World Championship match at the Royal Rumble will see Randy Orton defend vs John Cena.

Batista is the first name confirmed for the 30 man Royal Rumble match, it will be his first wrestling match since 2010.

Brock Lesnar:

Brock Lesnar said on Raw last night that he wanted a shot at the WWE World Champion, but that he did not need to win the Rumble to get one.

WWE are looking at changing his Royal Rumble match, with Big Show as a potential new opponent, other idea's currently in the fire are Mark Henry and Big E. Langston.


WWE were suffering technical issues during the broadcast of Raw last night, their cable feed kept cutting out.

Mark Henry:

Mark Henry was taken to Hospital with bruised ribs following the brawl with Brock Lesnar on Raw last night.

Jim Cornette blames Vince Russo for Owen Hart's death:

"Believe it or not, I was not there. That was actually the first WWF pay per view that I had missed in about five years because I was preparing to move from Connecticut back here to Louisville to start the developmental program with Ohio Valley Wrestling and was not needed that night at the pay per view. I was like everybody else, I was sitting at home watching it live as it happened. Obviously the incident was not aired on television because, it was, fortunately, in a videotaped replay segment that it happened. But when the camera came back in the arena and Jim Ross was trying to cover basically for why there was no action going on and that there was somewhat of a pall over the proceedings, and he didn't know exactly what had happened so he was trying to choose his words carefully, I knew instantly that something was wrong, but we didn't know exactly until sometime afterwards what exactly had happened. That was, you know Owen, I just said guys can get hurt. They're risking their lives, but that was completely unnecessary. It was something that Owen was doing, that he was not comfortable with, that he was asked to do. Still to this day I blame Vince Russo, like a lot of people do, because for those who don't know, Owen, instead of being able to do a normal entrance into the ring and have a wrestling match, which is dangerous enough, they decided that he would make a superhero entrance and be lowered into the ring in this outlandish costume that Russo had booked him to be in and was being lowered by a rigging company that didn't check the rigging or whatever and there were lawsuits, etc. etc. But he fell a hundred feet from the roof of the Kemper Arena in Kansas City into the ring and was killed. Owen was a great wrestler and Owen didn't need all that hoo ha around him, but Vince Russo didn't feel that he was exciting enough as himself and wanted to make him a superhero, and came up with the idea of doing that. Owen wasn't comfortable with it, but he had already turned down a few things that he wasn't comfortable with, and he didn't want to be Negative Nancy and be known as the guy who kept saying 'no', so he went along with it, and it didn't turn out well. That's one of the many things that I blame Vince Russo for, for spoiling the wrestling business, not only for the people in it, but for the people who like to watch it."

Christian works WWE match:

Christian was a guest referee for a Kane vs Big Show match at last night's lives.

Jeff Jarrett vs Dixie Carter:

There are mixed reports surrounding Jarrett's reasons for quitting TNA, which is official as of January 6, some claim Jarrett, who has the second biggest stake in the company after Panda Energy plans to make life difficult for Dixie Carter, and use his stakeholdership to try to force change in the promotion, while others say Dixie has gotten her wish in the removal of Jarrett, as the pair have clashed many times over the direction of the company. We will probably never know the real reason because of the gagging clause Jarrett signed.

Nikki Bella:

Nikki Bellas has called her new finish the ''Rack Attack''.

Weight loss challenge:

JBL and Michael Cole are to compete in a weight loss challenge in 2014.

Jillian Hall:

WWE Alum Jillian is looking at starting a career as a talk show host.

TNA use Tommy Dreamer:

Tommy Dreamer signed a one night deal to work a PPV special, but was announced to appear on two events by the promotion, he found out on the internet. Despite this he did work both the Hardcore Justice and One Night Only PPV, as well as a couple of lives, he is however not signed to a TNA contract or is in talks for one.


WWE plan to push the Lithuanian grappler in the new year.

Worrying news for Hall Of Famer:

Mae Young has reportedly been hospitalised in the past few days, she has now been moved to a hospice and will not be able to accept her booking to appear on Raw next week. My thoughts and best wishes are with her, keep fighting Mae 

Matt Striker:

Matt Striker has landed a role in the next Star Trek movie, he will play a Romulan.

WWE video:

WWE have released this video of the 13 most impactful moments of 2013...


All of the WWE crew's are or have been stuck in airports for hours today, the crew in Canada had a 12 hour delay in their flights back to the US.

The Rock:

Former WWE Champ The Rock has ended speculation and confirmed he does NOT plan to be at WrestleMania 30, also revealing the match WWE had planned for him for the show... Brock Lesnar. He did add that he would be open to a possible return at Mania 31 in 2015...

"Between Vince, Brock & myself our Wrestlemania 30 plan was ROCK vs BROCK. No plans now for 30 but possibly WM 31.

Rock is also working on writing a second autobiography.

Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mania 30 or never ultimatum:

WWE have been working at getting Steve Austin to come out of retirement for one more match at WrestleMania 30, however, Austin wants to work with Punk, problem being so does Triple H and the match is already planned for the show. WWE insiders now say with Austin's lack of interest in any other angle, and his age, this may be his last ever opportunity to get back in the ring.


Steve Austin, should he take whatever match WWE plan for him, so he can have one last hurrah, or should he hold out for Punk?, If not should he stay retired and leave his legacy in tact?. What of Triple H, is his ego going to kill Austin's fans hopes of seeing him one more time, or can a compromise be met in time???

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