Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Today's News

Ryback talks future career plans:

He says he wants to play a comic book villain, and replace Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator.

He told StarPulse.Com...

"I feel like I'd be the perfect comic book villain. I've always said that I've been waiting for the Terminator remake to happen so that I can take on that role. So if anyone out there is listening - the big guy wants to be the Terminator. If we're able to work something out and if we have a weekend off here and there to do a movie or to go that route and still be a WWE Superstar, then, let's do it! I'm well-rounded and I feel like I could take on any roles. We've just got to wait and see. If it's meant to be it will. If not, I'm enjoying being a WWE Superstar."

The history of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship:

This is the video package WWE aired before the unification match at TLC, It was one of the best parts of the show for me, so thought I would share it for those that may have missed the PPV.

Speaking of the newly unified championship, there will be no new belt for Randy Orton. One of the titles will be dropped, and as you will probably be able to guess, Big Gold is the one to go. The new WWE title belt is still very new, so they are going to keep it but under the new title of WWE World Heavyweight Championship, however Randy Orton will continue to use both belts for the time being.

AJ Lee:

AJ Lee won the Diva's title match at TLC, despite WWE saying she did not behave as a champion should because the promotion want the story to go away, and feel punishing her would only draw it out for a longer period of time.

Brock Lesnar:

Paul Heyman tweeted that Brock Lesnar is interested in the new WWE championship, and is watching Randy Orton.

Batista returning to WWE?:

Big E. Langston has possibly spoilt a WWE return for the animal Batista in a recent interview he said there is talk of him coming back, and that he wants to get a chance to face him in the ring.

Jim Ross vs Vince McMahon:

Jim Ross has revealed his sometimes turbulent relationship with the WWE chief Vince McMahon in a UK interview, also criticizing his skills as a producer...

"I had good days and bad days being produced by Vince. No one likes to be yelled at but after working for Bill Watts there was nothing that could be yelled at me by McMahon that I hadn't heard before. Vince is aggressive and a perfectionist and is set in his ways, by and large. Working as a broadcaster isn't easy and being overproduced can detract from a broadcast in my view. I survived aggressive producing better than some because I tried to not take it personally. Good producers should motivate and lead... not rant and rave."

Tough Enough reunion:

Stone Cold Steve Austin will interview some of the cast of the series he presented for WWE on his podcast later today. Austin also confirmed his guest invite to one of his greatest rivals The Rock was not accepted by the former WWE champion and will therefore not happen.

Roman Reigns:

Shield member Reigns says he will be WWE champion in 5 years...

"In five years I want to be WWE Champion. It's simple as that. If somebody else told you something else, they would be lying to you. I will be riding in a private plane called 'Roman Air' or 'Roman Empire'. No matter what the plane is called, I will have gold around my waist."

He also bit back at criticism over his mic work...

"I've never been bothered about what a fan thinks. That's their prerogative, that's their opinion. Everybody can see what I am doing in ring, but people will still criticize me. I am a student of the game, so I'm working on things every day. If it's not physical it's mental and cutting promos is mental. Anytime I'm thinking about wrestling, I'm going to run thoughts through my head to improve myself in all areas."

Jimmy Hart plugs Legends House:

"It's probably one of the greatest things I was ever a part of in my life, with all the legends together. When we were on the road we never spent a lot of time together. But we were in the house for over a month, and it was just a great experience for me to go through that, it really was."

Vince McMahon vs Barack Obama:

Vince McMahon had the Raw commentary crew take ''Selfies'' on Raw as a jab at the US President, who did the same at the memorial ceremony for former South African President Nelson Mandela last week. McMahon is not a fan of Obama and was said to have enjoyed the rib.


Nikki Bella was bust open after taking a superkick from Tamina on Raw.


WWE Alum Skinner has had hip replacement surgery today.

Boxer's wrestling debut cancelled:

Riddick Bowe was to work for Preston City Wrestling in the UK next year, but what has been described as ''Crooked agent dealings'' have killed the appearance. Bowe had his agents demand a raise of the already agreed fee by $4,000 and that PCW take care of his travel and hotel bills, they refused and the boxer's advisors called the match off and returned his retainer. AJ Styles will take the booking in late February over.

Tuesday night SmackDown:

WWE are prepared to move SmackDown's night and to host the show live. They are currently renegotiating their TV deals and want significantly more than they currently earn. They feel this could help raise more revenue. WWE are using a deal done by Nascar as a benchmark, Nascar recently signed an $820 Million 10 year deal. WWE point out they host more shows per year than the motor sport does, and on average gets more viewers of their broadcasts.

WWE currently earn $139.5 Million, and are looking to treble the figure.

NBC are favourites to win the bid for the shows, but WWE are also talking to many other companies including Viacom, Disney, A&E, 21st Century Fox and Discovery.

TNA will be watching what happens, especially in the talks with Viacom, who own Spike TV, the channel that airs their show in the states. Feeling is WWE would demand TNA be dropped from the channel before they would go ahead with them, which would leave TNA without a US network deal.


Who will (Or who should) be the top star in WWE in 5 years time???

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