Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Today's News

I hope you have all had / are having a great day 


Ricardo Rodriguez will join 3MB until Heath Slater returns to the road, starting on the post Christmas WWE live shows.

Matt Striker on lack of English talent in the US:

''During My time in WWE, Regal was a mentor and a friend and he had been one of my favorite wrestlers and he ended up cooler than I ever thought he would be. The figure reminds me to be as much like Regal as possible. He is such a gentleman and he is so humble yet so tough. It reminds me that you need to be a professional. Back in the day, when it was all about the Beatles, The Sex Pistols came around and boom: we got punk. There is a place for everything if it is real and people subscribe it. Hell, there is a place for Miley Cyrus.''

On future plans...

''I'm happy to wrestle and do the seminars. People from all across the world send me clips and I critique and send them back. I've been doing acting and stunt work. I just auditioned for and was casted in the new Star Trek Equinox. Even if I'm Dead Klingon Number Three, it's a way for me to be creative.''


The first Raw of 2014 will be an ''Oldschool'' special.

Jeff Jarrett:

It seems we will not be hearing why Jeff Jarrett left TNA. It has emerged that he has signed a non disclosure deal as part of his severance package from the promotion.

AJ Styles:

AJ Styles' agent is telling indy bookers that if they want him they need to book him soon, hinting that his talks with TNA are coming to a positive conclusion. He is expected back soon, but will fulfill indy dates he has signed on for wherever possible.


A bidding war is set to break out between the two promotions for the services of Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards. The two indy stars have had an NXT try out match for WWE and have been offered the opportunity to go to the WWE PC for an extended try out in early 2014. WWE are not thought to be interested in the two and have turned them away before, but William Regal is fighting their corner and WWE and giving them an extended look out of respect to him, including the match to see how they handled being tested and gage fans reactions to their performance. TNA are also interested and rumours are they have already made a move for Edwards, TNA are more likely to offer them employment than WWE are, so the two men may have a big decision to make over the holiday period.

WWE to drop Total Diva?:

JoJo is not expected to last much longer in WWE, she has been kept off TV for a few weeks and is being featured less and less on the reality show, word coming out of WWE is her name is high on the list of planned WWE / NXT roster cuts for 2014.

Edge talks brief WCW run:

''I walked in and I was like, oh, this locker room doesn't feel good. You'd see the guys that you could go to, and I remember talking to Chris [Benoit]. He knew I was Canadian, he found out I was Canadian so he pulled me aside and he was like just be careful here. I was like oh, okay. It was about 95, 96. He said don't trust anybody here. I was like okay, got it.''

Dolph Ziggler on his WWE push being shut down:

He blames his concussion, not his outspoken interviews, and also reveals he feared for his career...

''I'm sitting at home with a pounding headache, and I'm thinking I'm going to lose this one opportunity that I was basically never supposed to have. Then slowly over the next two or three weeks, my headaches weren't going away, and then I'm, "Wow, let's put that on the back burner, I need to see if I can ever wrestle again." At week three, [still] a consistent 24-hour headache, I may never be able to get in to the ring again. If I do, I don't know if I could fall down, be as crisp as I was, and I'm nervous about hitting my head or anything like that. Luckily, very slowly but surely, everything came back into order. I picked up right where I left off, and unfortunately the title was very shortly out of my hands. Even though you love this business, it doesn't always love you back. It's always about timing, [and] that was my one shot to prove to the world that I could actually be a Heavyweight Champion.''


When asked who from NXT should be brought up to the main roster, he said...

"Adrian Neville. Not a doubt in my mind. I think he's just phenomenal. I don't know about his promo skills as I haven't seen them as much, but he's a guy who could go out there and perform on any card, anywhere in the world and be a help to that card. I would love to see him up in the WWE. He'll be there I just don't know the time frame."

Jake The Snake on Royal Rumble:

"Daily questions on Rumble. Here is my official statement. I have had no contact from WWE. I publicized returning at the Royal Rumble as my goal about a year ago. Looking back, setting goals that are entirely in someone else's hands was not the best idea. My advice, and my practice now is to set goals that you can control. Do your best to control your destiny. If the Rumble happens, I will do my best to put on a memorable performance. If they want to keep me around, I know I can do some cool stuff. It if doesn't, I still have plenty to look forward to. That's all on the Rumble and WWE for a while. Please enjoy the rest of these holidays with your loved ones. Thanks again for all the support. Remember, the Snake ALWAYS bites back."


You are head of WWE talent management, who from NXT gets the call up for 2014???

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