Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Today's News

Tugboat interview:

On Hulk Hogan...

"It was incredible…they put me together with him and I am this big 'green" guy, 'cause I'm still green as goat crap as far as my experience in the ring…He was unbelievable. Such a gentleman, such a nice guy, I mean, it was incredible, in and out of the ring…He was awesome…he was down to earth, he had a big heart. I feel real bad about some of the stuff that he has gone through in the last few years and stuff like that, and I hear a lot of different things from a lot of different people, but my memories, with me is that how he has always been is a professional and a great guy and a super wrestler. The people love him, they even love him when he is bad, and then when he comes back from being bad, they love him ten times as much…just think of the longevity that this man has had in this business and there is a lot to be said about that…I couldn't lace this guy's boots, or the other guys that I was working with, but having the opportunity to be there, it was one of the highlights of my career…it was just truly, truly, truly, a tremendous experience."

On The Undertaker...

"I love the gimmick…wrestling now a days is missing the individual gimmicks, too many people are the same…the 'Taker, he was awesome. I had his first match, him and Paul Bearer, and Paul was a great guy…the big man, he is awesome. I knew that he would be great, the first time that he was laid out there and he sat up and the people popped…he was tremendous…Here you got a guy that was about 6'9", and to be doing the kind of stuff that he was doing, tremendous…Very methodical in the way he worked, the matches he had were just tremendous…the gimmick was always full of surprises, and the thing is with that Undertaker gimmick, you can do so much with it, it is an untapped entertainment source. Everybody loves the Deadman, it is that kind of gimmick."

On The Shockmaster incident...

"They just celebrated it, twenty years in the archives of wrestling history…All you can do there, is the show must go on, like I said, that board that was added, was right at the height of my knee and it went all the way across, just below my knee, right where it bends. That was the piece that screwed everything up, other than me, I'm a big screw up, you know, so I must take the hit, I was very upset when it happened, but I did the best and made it because it was live and, you know, the rest is history…I look at it a lot and I laugh at it now, it's funny and it's goofy, but you know what I tell people all the time is the most entertaining parts of the movies now are the outtakes, where the famous actors screw up, so I can kind of put it in that same realm I guess…its history, it happened, hey, I have my own award, the "Shockmaster" award in WWE, for some lucky people out there, Woo Hoo."

Jim Ross:

JR is in talks to appear on a reality show revolving around food and sport.


PWI have named the TNA star the most improved wrestler of 2013.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Daniel Bryan vs Erick Rowan.

* Real Americans vs Rhodes Brothers.

* Damien Samdow vs Mark Henry.

* AJ Lee & Tamina Snuka vs The Bella Twins.

* The Shield vs The Uso's.

* Big Show vs Ryback.

* Alberto Del Rio vs Kofi Kingston.


Big E. Langston vs Damien Sandow (IC Title) and Rhodes Brothers vs Real Americans vs Big Show & Rey Mysterio vs RybAxel (I presume Curtis Axel and Ryback) for the Tag straps have been added to Sunday's PPV card.

A face turn for Antonio Cesaro is expected during this match.

Jake in the Rumble update:

Jake The Snake Roberts has confirmed that WWE have still not contacted him about a spot in the Royal Rumble match next year.

Maxim on WWE:

Maxim have done a feature on wrestling's Man-Boobs, splitting them into various forms of Moobage, with a star as an example, Those mentioned are Dusty Rhodes, Scott Steiner, Viscera and Heath Slater.

TNA's future:

2014 could be a transitional year for TNA, and AJ Styles may not be the only man leaving. The promotion have confirmed all contracts set to expire in the next 12 months would be renegotiated for a lower pay rate, or would not be renewed.

WWE vs Philadelphia:

Despite being long time favourites to win the bidding war for Mania 31 Philadelphia lost out because of their attitude towards the process. They came across as though they were doing WWE a favour by offering to host the event, whereas Santa Clara were very excited and eager to be a part of WWE and it's landmark event.

Philadelphia still hope to host a future Mania and are keen to join the bidding for Mania 32.

Konnan vs The World:

Konnan has been attacking some wrestlers, firstly WWE's women...

"They suck.. only Tamina, Nataly & AJ can go." 

Then TNA's Ethan Carter...

"U couldnt be a star if u were thrown by a Ninja.#BOOM"

Vince to do shoot interview:

Stone Cold Steve Austin says Vince McMahon wants to do his podcast show, and the two are looking for gaps in their schedules to get it done.

Mania 31 Logo:

The Play button on the logo (Pic) is to highlight the fact the event will be in Silicon valley.


Kurt Angle in India.

Ultimate Warrior:

Blurb for his new DVD, coming in 2014...

"He is one of the most colourful and intense Superstars of all time, the Ultimate Warrior! Now for the first time ever, WWE honors his illustrious career with this ultimate collection of bone-crunching matches. Feel the power of the warrior – featuring battles against his biggest rivals such as Hulk Hogan, Jake Roberts, Ravishing Rick Rude, Sgt. Slaughter and more! WWE fans have long awaited another Warrior DVD since the controversial release of 2005?s 'Self Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior'. Finally, with over 7 hours of matches from this larger than life Superstar, this action on this home entertainment release is truly OUT OF CONTROL!!"

Undisputed championship:

WWE have listed 5 ways WWE will change when the top titles are unified...

* The Royal Rumble Match will change

* The Intercontinental Title gets a boost

* Money in the Bank gets a shake-up

* The field of play gets tighter

* The best of the best is determined


Are TNA playing with fire by changing their pay structure, and gambling with their roster's loyalty, or is it a case of desperation on their part, due to the reported financial issues they are facing???

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