Friday, December 6, 2013

Today's News

Xtreme Tiger:

In a follow up from yesterday, it is now confirmed that AAA star Xtreme Tiger has signed for TNA.

Jim Ross vs WWE:

Jim Ross says he found it ''Strange'' that some of his WWE friends did not get in touch with him, whilst in his home town earlier this week.

Styles leaves TNA:

This has SPOILERS!!!, so skip if you do not want to know some upcoming TNA stories...

In a match taped for the January 9 Impact, AJ wrestled a unification match for the TNA title, and lost. He then made an out of character speech to the TNA fans and said goodbye, it seems his time with the promotion has come to an end.

It is said that the two sides are very far apart on agreeing a new deal, and money is the main issue.


WWE list:

WWE have ranked it's 50 greatest Raw matches.

Irish grappler has first WWE match:

Becky Lynch, AKA Rebecca Quinn lost to Bayley last night at an NXT live show.

Sami Callihan also debuted as a computer hacker (Pic to follow).

Top WWE stars to retire:

CM Punk and Alberto Del Rio are talking to WWE about retiring from the ring within a couple of years, Punk has had a dreadful run of injuries and ADR has been very vocal about wanting to stop young to retain his health.

WWE match of the year:

WWE have listed the following nominations for Match of the Year, the slammy award will be presented by Bret Hart...

* Undertaker vs. CM Punk (WrestleMania 29)

* John Cena vs. The Rock (WrestleMania 29)

* Cody Rhodes & Goldust vs. Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns (Battleground)

* Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar (Extreme Rules)

Also insult of the year, to be presented by The Miz...

* Stephanie McMahon insults Big Show

* AJ goes off on "Total Divas"

* Paul Heyman's insults toward CM Punk

* Zeb Colter's insults.

WWE Network:

WWE have released a very brief update on the network's status...

"In addition to not being able to confirm timing of WWE Network launch, WWE is still considering all options for distribution, pricing and role of pay-per-view."


Triple H is working with Natalya, and is teaching her how to tell a story in a match.

The Miz:

Here is The Miz's appearance on the Muppet's show.

Bret Hart interview:

Including saying he regrets leaving WWE in 1997...

On favourite rival...

"There was a happy rivalry with 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin in that he was a lot of fun to wrestle with, and I think I helped launch his career. But on the not so happy, the brilliant work I did with Shawn Michaels. You can never underestimate what we did at WrestleMania XII, even though it was the last match we had and part of the infamous Montreal Screwjob, it was still a fine match. I could have wrestled the Undertaker a few more hundred times as well.''

On Montreal...

"I've calmed down a lot. There were a lot of things I did to escalate that whole thing with Shawn Michaels and Vince McMahon. I wouldn't change anything I did in terms of my own conduct but I regret all of it. I wish I had never left the WWE but I've moved on. I went back and shook Shawn's hand and it was good for everyone to bury the hatchet."

On future (British) champions...

"Oh I think so, there are a lot of good wrestlers coming out of the UK. Also, Swiss wrestler Antonio Cesaro is one of the best wrestlers going, if you ask me."


Who will be missed more when they retire...

* CM Punk...

* Alberto Del Rio...

And Why???

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