Monday, December 16, 2013

Today's News

TLC report:

Results and notes from last night's final WWE PPV of 2013...

* Fandango bt Dolph Ziggler in the pre show match.

* Kofi Kingston and The Miz, who was on the pre show panel got into a fight, leading to a match on the card.

* The show started with Stephanie McMahon announcing that the winner of the unification match would be called the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. This means they did not go with the winning term of the fan poll announced on Raw.

* The opening match saw CM Punk bt all three members of the Shield on his own, he took advantage of Roman Reigns inadvertently spearing Dean Ambrose to get the pin on the US champ.

* Roman Reigns was injured (Eye) during the match, he attempted a spear on Punk outside of the ring, Punk moved and Reigns went sailing over the announce desk, hitting his face on the base on JBL's chair as he landed, he spent most of the rest of the bout being tended to at ringside by WWE medics before coming back in briefly for the finish.

* Match 2 saw AJ Lee successfully defend her Diva's title in a really solid bout vs Natalya. I hope the controversial finish (AJ pulled Nattie's hair to get her in a roll up) will lead to a continuation of this feud.

* Big E. Langston pinned Damien Sandow in a scruffy IC title match, he retains the gold.

* The Rhodes Brothers retained their tag titles in the four way elimination match, last eliminating Big Show and Rey Mysterio, also involved were Real Americans (Who looked strong before Big Show wiped them out) and RybAxel.

* There was also a little hint to the future Rhodes Brothers stories, with a couple of moments of tension between the two brothers, most notably when Goldie was hurt outside the ring and Cody came to check on him, only to be told to go back to his corner, and a couple of tagging opportunities were not taken by the older Brother.

* Brodus Clay's heel turn continued in another bonus match, Tensai and the dancers walked out and left him after he took many bad guy shortcuts in his hopes of winning the match vs R-Truth, but ultimately lost after R-Truth took advantage of him watching his friends leaving.

* Kofi Kingston bt The Miz in the other bonus match.

* These two took the brunt of what was a very poor undercard, ''This is boring chants'' reverberated throughout the arena during their match.

* The Wyatt's bt Daniel Bryan in a 3 on 1 match. This match, and Daniel Bryan in particular managed to wake the crowd up a bit, a highlight for me was Bryan performing an incredible tope on Luke Harper that sent the big man over the announce desk, taking Michael Cole out.

* Randy Orton bt John Cena in the main event to unify the WWE and World Titles and to make history as the first ever WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

* John Cena took an awful bump, falling from a ladder and landing face first onto a propped up table, he was not able to protect himself and took the bump full in the face, he is still expected to be on Raw tonight, so can't have been too badly hurt.

AJ Lee heat:

More on AJ Lee vs TV host Michelle Beadle. Michelle Beadle who says she has known and has been friends with CM Punk for years, greeted him at the show in a jokey, but possibly offensive manner, (something like Hi F-face) AJ took offense to this and went to defense of her man, but WWE found her behaviour to be unprofessional and conduct not becoming of a champion.

PWI are reporting the story differently saying AJ was calm when she approached the situation and told the star she found her tone to be inappropriate, but Dave Meltzer, who broke the story is adamant he is right, and that AJ did it out of jealousy because Punk had a brief romance with Beadle. He also alleges that WWE talked to Michelle Beadle and asked her to make a statement to pour cold water on the story, hoping to protect AJ from negative media reports.

AJ is also the butt of a practical joke in the back that has worked it's way online. (Pic to follow) Based on the video of her as a child meeting Lita, and using the fact she is currently dating Lita's ex CM Punk, someone has created an explicit cartoon poking fun at her relationship.

Dream Mania match:

WWE diva Kaitlyn says she wants to face Stephanie McMahon to relive the iconic feud between Stone Cold Steve Austin and Vince McMahon during the attitude era.

Zack Ryder:

Zack Ryder is taking some abuse on Twitter for being fat, he defended himself with...

"220 and ZACKED. You must have seen a bad picture. bulking."

Tribute To The Troops trailer released:

Raw official tease:

* Is Daniel Bryan close to joining The Wyatt Family?

* Who will be next to test Cody Rhodes and Goldust?

* Is Roman Reigns The Shield's weak link?

* Is Big E Langston starting a streak?

* How long will it take before The Authority puts Randy Orton to the test?

Total Diva's:

The second series will begin in March 2014.

AJ Styles:

AJ Styles has released the following statement confirming he is no longer an employee of TNA wrestling...

Today for the first time in 11 years, AJ Styles awakes to find himself without a professional wrestling contract. I can't help but think how did I get here, what must I have done wrong, did I not deliver in the ring, etc. All of those are pertinent questions that any man or woman who finds himself or herself unemployed would ask.

I have always prided myself in being the wrestler that stays away from the things in this business that could easily destroy myself, my family, my marriage, and even my career. A wrestler who goes above and beyond to give the fans what they paid to see.

I move forward not bitter, but better for the blessings and memories that I have been a part of since TNA's inception.

When this contract renegotiation journey started several months ago, my wife and I began praying for God to close doors that needed to be closed and to open the doors that He wanted us to walk through. We asked him to prepare us for this journey and to help us to have the faith to be obedient to what He would have us to do. I am assured by the name Immanuel in Matthews 1:23 that I will never be alone. Hebrews 13.5, says He will never leave us or forsake us. There is a lot in this world that I am unsure of, especially in this moment, but there is one thing that I am certain. Contracts may expire, but the promise of Immanuel will never expire.

As my family and I move forward with my wrestling career, we will turn to Jabez's prayer found in 1 Chronicles 4:10.

Oh, that You would bless me indeed,
and enlarge my territory,
that Your hand would be with me,
and that You would keep me from evil.

My family and I are both grateful for the platform that TNA has allowed me to experience. TNA has been a blessing to our family for many years. We have made many friendships and many more memories. While you may not be seeing AJ Styles in TNA, you can be sure that he will be traveling the world and delivering many more Phenomenal matches. Visit for a complete list of bookings.


AJ Styles

The Rock:

The Rock is the highest grossing actor of 2013. Helping to earn $1.3 Billion for movies he has been in.


What did you think of TLC???

Also with 2013 in the books now (For PPV at least) what was the WWE PPV event of the year???

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