Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Today's News

WWE release:

Knuckles Madsen was released yesterday, he had been in developmental since 2012.

Billy Gunn:

Billy Gunn will return to the ring to face Bo Dallas this Thursday in Florida.

Dolph Ziggler:

Dolph Ziggler's fortunes are set to change, his win on Raw is the start of him getting back into the WWE stories in a more positive manner. He has been getting buried recently due to a series of outspoken interviews about fellow stars, namely John Cena and Randy Orton.

AJ Styles:

FW4 are reporting that talks have opened up between TNA and AJ Styles, and a new deal is being negotiated.


For December 23.

* Jerry Lawler missed the show.

* WWE gave out Santa hats to everyone in the crowd.

* Randy Orton was given the night off.

* 12 Diva ''Jingle Bells'' match.

* Curtis Axel vs Sin Cara.

* Daniel Bryan & The Rhodes Brothers vs The Wyatt Family.

Note, Cody Rhodes was badly hurt during this match, he was bust open and left bleeding all over the ringside area.

* Christmas Carol singing contest.

* Dolph Ziggler vs Fandango.

* Prime Time Playaz vs The Uso's.

Note, Darren Young took a lot of abuse during this match after he got the name of the city wrong.

* Bad Santa (Damien Sandow) vs Good Santa (Mark Henry).

* Los Matadores vs Real Americans.

* Kofi Kingston vs Ryback.

* Big E. Langston, CM Punk & John Cena vs The Shield.

The Rock:

The Rock will not be at WrestleMania 30. He is going to Australia next April to start filming the multi million dollar disaster movie ''San Andreas''.


Tonight is the 200th episode of NXT.

Royal Rumble:

Here is a TV ad for next months WWE supershow...

Shawn Michaels:

WWE have told Shawn Michaels that they would like him to come out of retirement to wrestle Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania 30 next year, and say that ''The ball is now in his court''.

WWE TM challenged:

A comedy club named Second City is challenging WWE's use of the term ''Second City Saint'' they use for CM Punk.


A group of WWE stars led by Vince McMahon are heading overseas to visit troops, no word on where they are going.

New Diva's:

New signings have been given their ring names today...

* Leah Van Damme - Carmella. 

* Ashley Sebera - Dana Brooke.

WWE Title:

WWE had been planning to drop the World (Big Gold) title as soon as the belts were unified, but a last minute decision saw Orton use both belts for his Raw coronation, they still do intend to drop the WHC at some point and continue with the WWE strap as the sole title.

Where Are They Now?:

Featuring Jimmy Wang Yang.

WWE Hall Of Fame:

Jim Ross has confirmed that the Hall Of Fame classes are chosen by a vote of industry peers...

''If it is an actual voting system, who are the people who get a vote? Used to be an informal committee making suggestions.''

CM Punk also hinted at this last year by saying he was going to vote for Lilian Garcia to be inducted.

HOF'er surgery:

Sunny had surgery as part of her cancer treatment today, the surgery went longer than expected but she is now in recovery.


Who would get your vote for WWE Hall Of Fame class of 2014???.

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