Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Today's News

I'm Freakin' Out!!!:

WWE have posted a video of a fan launching into a conniption fit when meeting John Cena today, it is cute (If you like that kind of thing) for a while, but seriously...!!!

The Miz:

The Miz is to appear with a muppet, but not the one I reported yesterday. He will not be going up against celebrity chef Gordon Ramsey, in his cook off, but is instead is to take on the Swedish chef from the Muppet's TV show. He is to appear as a guest on a webisode later this week.


Booker T and Jerry Lawler will host this years Slammy award ceremony.

Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Eve Torres and Christian will return to present awards.

They have also added four more categories to the list I posted yesterday...

* Trending Now (Hashtag) of the Year

* Beard of the Year

* Fan Participation of the Year

* Breakout Star of the Year

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Big E. Langston vs Fandango.

* Rhodes Brothers vs Curtis Axel and Ryback.

* CM Punk vs Dean Ambrose.

* Natalya vs Tamina Snuka.

* Real Americans vs Big Show and Rey Mysterio.

* Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton.


CM Punk had an accident on SmackDown. He accidentally defecated during his match. He is also working with back and rib injuries.


If you do not want to know who wins the TNA title tournament skip this story...

In a match to be aired on December 19 entitled ''Dixieland'' Magnus beat Jeff Hardy to win the title vacated by AJ Styles. To win the match the winner had to escape a cage, make his way up the ramp, find a ladder and then reach up to unhook the title from a cord which was holding the belt above the arena floor.



WWE may be forced to axe Fandango. The website of the same name has filed a trademark suit against WWE for use of the name. WWE are trying to get a TM for the name, which would mean the website would have to change it's title, they do not want to do so, and have filed an opposition to WWE's request.

Work for WWE:

WWE are advertising a job role as a Human Resources Manager.

Sin Cara:

Still no conformation on the status of Sin Cara from him or WWE, but reports coming out of WWE say he was told of his release just hours before Raw went live on Monday. WWE decided to keep the character due to the popularity of his merchandise sales, and also the office feel the character is not what failed, but the performer that played him.

Regarding the future of the gimmick, Hunico will continue to portray the part for now, but WWE are also offering some NXT stars the chance to audition for the role. They have not said when the final decision as to who will take on the gimmick going forward on a permanent basis will be made.

WrestleMania 30:

Triple H wants to face CM Punk at WrestleMania next year, so this is probably why the Big Show match was canned.


The winner of the John Cena vs Randy Orton match will not be called the unified champion, because WWE prefer that the winner will be referred to as the Undisputed WWE Champion.

DDP talks Rumble:

Diamond Dallas Page has shared his thoughts on his students Jake The Snake and Razor Ramon entering next years Royal Rumble match...

"I don't know about Scott. I don't know that you'll ever see Scott back in the ring. He's smarter than the average bear when it comes to that. He is getting his body back. Scott has taken a s--t load of bumps, he has been blessed with a new hip and no pain and that hip was like torture. so I don't know if he is gonna risk that. Jake, on the other hand, Jake could go in the Royal Rumble and go 20 minutes. He would probably be crippled afterward, but he'll do it. You have to remember what animal you're talking about here. He is 58, I'm 57, I wouldn't do what he does."

Chris Hero talks WWE release:

"I'd been employed for 21 months. They knew what I was. They had a certain perception of what I brought to the table, and I guess they thought I wasn't going to be called up anytime soon. They had a pecking order, and certain guys who were going to be the next ones called up, and I wasn't in that group. It was a little vague, but I was told, "This isn't good-bye forever; this is good-bye for now. Getting fired sucks for anybody, even if it's a job you hate. So the gut instinct is to be mad, but none of that will serve me. None of that will put any money in my bank account. It's not hard to be positive because I do what I love. When I was 8 or 9 years old my mom would take me to Hara Arena in Dayton, Ohio, to see Ultimate Warrior versus Andre the Giant or to watch Demolition versus the Rockers or to see the very first Survivor Series in Richfield. It would be completely different if I landed on my head and got injured so I couldn't wrestle anymore — that would be hard to deal with. But what was taken from me? A weekly paycheck?"

The Rock:

The Rock's latest movie has been shut down. The 7th installment in the ''Fast'' series has been put on hiatus due to the death of one of The Rock's co-stars Paul Walker, who died in an auto wreck over the weekend. The project may need to be started from scratch because Walker has a starring role in the footage already shot, but the production company are covered for the money lost by their insurance policy.

Universal have released this statement...

"Right now, all of us at Universal are dedicated to providing support to Paul's immediate family and our extended Fast & Furious family of cast, crew and filmmakers. At this time we feel it is our responsibility to shut down production on Fast & Furious 7 for a period of time so we can assess all options available to move forward with the franchise. We are committed to keeping Fast & Furious fans informed, and we will provide further information to them when we have it. Until then, we know they join us in mourning the passing of our dear friend Paul Walker."

They have however confirmed the movie will be made, and have no plans to scrap the project.


Who would you present with a Slammy award, and what would they win it for???

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