Thursday, December 19, 2013

Today's News

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Big E. Langston vs Jack Swagger.

* Brie Bella vs Tamina Snuka.

* Drew McIntyre vs Sin Cara.

* Brodus Clay vs Tensai.

* Rhodes Brothers vs Wyatt Family.

Note, Daniel Bryan and Bray Wyatt joined during the bout and it became a 6 man tag.

* Damien Sandow vs The Miz.

* Fandango vs Kofi Kingston.

* CM Punk, Daniel Bryan & John Cena vs The Shield.

Note, Daniel Bryan was attacked backstage by the Wyatt's so it became a 2 vs 3 handicap match.

WrestleMania 30:

WWE are ''Confident'' that Hulk Hogan will have a part to play at Mania next year, but have given up on him having a match after they were advised that Hogan will not pass their more stringent medical checks. He is not the only star expected back, Batista is also being talked about internally within WWE, no word on plans for him at this stage. However there are currently no plans for Rob Van Dam to appear as part of the show, but that may change.

CM Punk heat:

WWE are cross with CM Punk for tweeting about a hockey game on the night of a WWE PPV, feeling he should have been focused on that and promoting their show, not other events.

New logo:

WWE are to launch a new brand logo, they are working through a list of up to 15 designs that are all very different from the current style.

Royal Rumble:

WWE have major plans for Roman Reigns in 2014, and they will start at the Royal Rumble. However a creative leak today suggests the plans may be bigger than first expected. Thoughts were they would give him a period of dominance during the bout and then multiple men working together to put him out. This would make him look like a main event player, without pushing him too far too fast. Plans are now ''Much bigger than you might expect'' according to one WWE source, suggesting he may be going over in the multiple man event, (as I predicted a few weeks ago) and will emerge victorious, then going on to Mania for his title shot.

An extended TV trailer has also been released...

Finally it has been confirmed that 30 men will compete in the match and that the winner will face Randy Orton at WrestleMania. It is interesting to note that WWE directly name Orton as the opponent and not whomever the holder of the title is at the time of Mania, as is usual. 

Heyman self promoting:

Paul Heyman may be in trouble with WWE when he returns. His tweet that Brock Lesnar was watching Randy Orton carefully was not scripted or authorized by the office, and no plans are in place to have any feud or angle between the two.

AJ Styles:

Details of the financial status of the failed talks between TNA and AJ Styles has appeared online, he had been earning around $350,000 per year from TNA up until 2013, but had been offered only $200,000 to stay on with the promotion.

Ric Flair:

Double WWE Hall Of Famer Ric Flair has landed a Hollywood movie role, he starts filming on the unnamed project in two weeks.

Ahmed Johnson interview:

On racism in WWE...

"I go out to the parking lot and one of them boys scratched on my car, "Congratulations N*****!" Come on dog what kind of s*** is that? I went straight to Vince and they acted all concerned but they didn't even bring it up in the big meeting. You know I dress how I dress, relax and cool. Shane McMachon comes to me one time and says his dad wants him to change how he dresses. Now this isn't on TV this is off TV. They wanted me to get a gold tooth, a bunch of chains, and wear my pants sagging. That's what they wanted me to dress like right before I walked out of there. They want that image of an unintelligent dumbass n***** that what they were shooting for."

On Goldust kissing him...

"Oh he got me! Let me tell you how it was supposed to go down. First of all that was a live TV taping so whatever happened happened. So me and Goldust went over this s*** over and over again during the pre-tape. I told him when we did mouth to mouth don't touch my lips put your hand over my mouth and do it to your hand, nobody is going to know. The camera won't be that close up to where anybody would see that and we worked out the angle with the camera man and everything. So I'm lying there and Goldust thought it would be ah if he did it. So I'm lying there and the part is coming up and I feel this mother f***** lips and man I lost it!"

WWE Christmas:

WWE held a Christmas party for their employees at their HQ in Stamford last night. They have also been told that after tonight's WWE TV taping, they can go home, not to return until December 26 for lives on that day.

Creative change at NXT:

Mickey Keegan has been dropped as a wrestler for WWE and has joined creative on the NXT show.

WWE are planning a shake up for the new year, they have a number of stars waiting to join up with developmental and are going to have a new year clear out of the current roster to make way, this started yesterday with Knuckles Madsen. Also expected to go is Judas Devlin. Despite teasing joining up with the Wyatt Family his back injury may have cost him his career, and WWE are preparing to make the call on his future. A back injury has also cost Richie Steamboat his WWE career. The WWE Hall Of Famer's Son was released quietly a few weeks ago after a long period of injury.

Tag Titles:

Erick Rowan and Luke Harper will win the Tag Team Championship before or at the 2014 Royal Rumble PPV.

WWE blasted:

Saudi Arabian journalist Khaled Al Suleiman, has used his column to blast Wrestling, WWE and John Cena, and to declare they are not welcome to visit his country...

"John Cena... you are not welcome here... a few years ago I could have said you are welcome but my bitter experience with my children and their obsession with John Cena have made me loathsome to the idea of his coming… to stop him from coming, I am even ready to face him in the ring although such an idea is suicidal. Over the past years, my home has been turned into a wrestling ring where human bodies fly around and pillows are thrown all over as screams do not stop as if my home became Madison Square in New York… during those years, the shelves, walls and drawers in my home have been filled with pictures of wrestlers and their frightening bodies… now they are coming to control our minds at our home… you are not welcome… what we, adults and children, need is not a wrestling ring to engage in savage and horrifying fights, but a stage where all the talented compete to demonstrate their human skills and nature not savagery."

Ex WWE man reveals WWE attitude to CM Punk:

Trevor Murdoch has recalled the attitude towards the former WWE Champion when he first joined up with the companies developmental roster...

"I'm not going to name any names but when Punk was in developmental there were a lot of people bagging on him. They were like who is this guy? Tattooed up with a Pepsi symbol on his arm, what they thought was a Pepsi symbol on his arm and him being an internet sensation and indy sensation. They really couldn't see the big picture the connection that he has with the fans when he goes out there. How much hard work he puts in his craft and when he steps out that curtain how much hard work he puts out there."


Should Roman Reigns win the Royal Rumble?, is he ready for a WrestleMania main event match?

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