Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Today's News

Slammy winners:

All awards were awarded completely on fan votes, and WWE say the results were 100% legitimate.

"What a Maneuver!" Award...

Spear (Roman Reigns)

Faction of the Year...

The Shield

"You Still Got It!" (Best Superstar Return)...


Couple of the Year...

Daniel Bryan & Brie Bella.

Tag Team of the Year...

Cody Rhodes & Goldust

Feat of Strength of the Year...

Mark Henry pulls two trucks with his bare hands

"Say What?!" Quote of the Year...

"One stipulation: I'm in my boys' corner and I'll be your huckleberry all night long." - Dusty Rhodes

Best Dance Moves...

The Funkadactyls

Favorite Web Show...

"The JBL & Cole Show"

Best Crowd of the Year...

Raw after WrestleMania 29 (East Rutherford, N.J.)

Catchphrase of the Year...


Breakout Star of the Year...

The Shield

"THIS IS AWESOME!" Moment of the Year...

Big Show knocks out Triple H

Trending Now (Hashtag of the Year)...


Beard of the Year...

Daniel Bryan.

Double-Cross of the Year...

Shawn Michaels Superkicks Daniel Bryan at Hell in a Cell

Insult of the Year...

Stephanie McMahon degrades Big Show on Raw

"LOL!" Moment of the Year...

The Rock Concert at Raw 20th Anniversary

Extreme Moment of the Year...

CM Punk exacts vengeance on Paul Heyman at Hell in a Cell

Fan Participation of the Year...

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Diva of the Year...

The Bella Twins.

Superstar of the Year...

Daniel Bryan.

Match of the Year...

The Rock vs. John Cena WrestleMania 29.

Personal Note, the final result there is a joke, that was up there as one of the worst Mania main events ever.

Stephanie McMahon:

Has sold another 45,000 WWE shares.

Also Vince McMahon has given his wife Linda 8.5 Million shares.

WrestleMania 31:

WWE decided to go with Santa Clara over Philadelphia because they did not want to host Mania in the same arena as the Super Bowl, unless they could go there first. Levi's will host Mania in 2015 and the Super Bowl in 2016.

The date of the event is set to be March 29 2015.

JR on Zack Ryder:

''Hopefully, for you and other Ryder fans, he will be cast differently. I don't think enough fans take Ryder seriously enough. At times he's too comedic."

Sin Cara:

Hunico portrayed Sin Cara again on Raw.


Dolph Ziggler vs Fandango will be the pre show match and Josh Matthews, Booker T, Mick Foley and The Miz will be the panel.

WWE injuries:

Alberto Del Rio (Concussion), Big Show (Knee), and Rey Mysterio (Knee) all picked up injuries on Raw.


WWE hosted a spinaroonie party after Raw went off air last night, with half the roster, including Stephanie McMahon and CM Punk (in his pants) all having a go at Booker T's signature move...


In a rare move WWE star Christian, who recently turned 40 has discussed his personal life, announcing that he has become a father for the first time to a baby girl. He says it was a one off, and he would not be revealing any further personal information.


An unmasked El Torito.

Jake Roberts talks sobriety:

"I think it's great, man. It's great for me. I've sobered up. I've cleaned up. I'm getting around, seeing the things I've missed. It's just getting to see the fans. It just tickles me that they remember me."

WWE Alum hospitalized:

Jillian Hall suffered head trauma at her boyfriends house after falling down the stairs.

Cactus Jack:

Mick Foley's announcement was that classic Jack shirts are available to buy from Top Rope for $19.99 for one week only.

The Undertaker:

Todd MacFarlane is offering his Twitter followers the chance to get their hands on a free Taker statue. Only 750 were made.

Hogan to WWE:

WWE are preparing fans for the imminent return of Hulk Hogan, videos were shown to fans in the arena during commercial breaks of the Hall Of Famer's best moments at Raw last night.

Jeff Jarrett hiring for TNA:

Sebastian Guerra has been invited for a try out in early 2014.

Ultimate Warrior to Hall Of Fame:

WWE have added a 3 disc best of collection of the Ultimate Warrior to their 2014 DVD schedule, leading to increased speculation that he will finally be inducted into the Hall Of Fame next year, because the DVD will be released around Mania time in April.

Wrestling murderer sentenced:

The teenage boy that killed his sister using what police described as ''WWE style moves'' has been sentenced to 3 years in juvenile prison after pleading guilty to homicide.

UK ban Hall Of Famer:

Mike Tyson has been denied entrance into the UK because of his criminal convictions.


I asked the other day about Macho Man, what about Ultimate Warrior to HOF? Is it About time he was recognized, or is induction not deserved after the years of tension between the two sides???

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