Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Today's News


Raw's 20 year anniversary 12 disc collection hits stores today. Including 20 full episodes.


Some new matches were confirmed on Raw last night...

* CM Punk vs The Shield (Handicap match)...

* Big E. Langston vs Damien Sandow (Intercontinental Championship)...

* AJ Lee vs Natalya (Diva's Title)...

* Daniel Bryan vs The Wyatt Family (Handicap match).

Korn's track ''Never, Never'' is the official theme song for the show.

Michael Hayes:

Michael Hayes returned to work last night, he had been off the road since October after reportedly offering to buy alcohol for Rosa Mendes, who had just come back from a spell in rehab for issues with drink.

Sin Cara... or not:

Fans were talking about Sin Cara's appearance on Raw last night, saying he had put on weight, and had got a tattoo since he was last on TV, he hasn't... The guy that wrestled on Raw last night as Sin Cara was actually Hunico.

This of course raises the question, What does this mean for the original Sin Cara's WWE status?. The only word so far is from FW4, who say he is expecting his release when his contract expires and is happy to be leaving, there is no official word from Luis Alvirde, or WWE as yet. If confirmed though it will be a blow for Triple H, who had signed and been a big supporter of Sin Cara, even against the heat he got for botches, injuries and his backstage attitude, he is said to be very arrogant, and thinks he is a bigger star than his position warrants.

I will be monitoring this situation and will let you know what is going on as soon as I know.

Wade Barrett:

British WWE star Wade Barrett finally returned to WWE TV with his new Bad News Barrett gimmick on Raw. He has missed weeks of TV's due to visa problems.

Rey Mysterio was also at the show, but was not used on screen.

2013 Slammy's:

The categories for the Slammy's have been announced...

* Extreme Moment of the Year

* Insult of the year

* Double-Cross of the Year

* This Is Awesome Moment of the Year

* LOL! Moment of the Year

* Match of the Year

* Total Diva of the Year

* Superstar of the Year

Unification match:

WWE have advertised a WWE / World title unification match for the Madison Square Garden show on December 26, this is after TLC, so hints at a no contest finish between John Cena and Randy Orton at the PPV.

Bella's split:

WWE have started the Bella's split storyline on their tout page, Nikki and Brie had a spat and one stormed away, this will be coming to TV at some point.

Hogan at Mania:

PWI sources have confirmed WWE are interested in having Hulk Hogan team with John Cena at WrestleMania 30 for a match, it would mean Cena pulling double duty, because WWE are apparently also keen on having the unification between himself and Randy Orton.


WWE are planning a new year splurge of talent contracts to NXT stars, a number of NXT talent are being promised a chance on the main roster starting on the very first day of the new year. Favourite's to get the chance are Bo Dallas, who had a brief run on the roster this year, after winning a spot in the Rumble, and Kalisto (Formerly Samuray Del Sol).

Feud dropped:

WWE had planned to keep Big Show off TV until Royal Rumble, and then have him feud with Triple H into and including WrestleMania 30, but after bringing him back on Raw last night it appears that the feud has been dropped and WWE will now not be going ahead with the match. One official said they are ''Forgetting'' about it.

WWE take shot at Jim Ross:

WWE were in Oklahoma last night, the home of the Hall Of Famer, and were talking about great announcers from the state, they however neglected to mention JR, this was apparently a deliberate snub.

Jim Ross however tweeted that he took it as a rib.

Mark Henry:

Mark Henry was not happy about dancing on Raw last night, he told fans on Twitter not to get used to it, when they said they enjoyed his moves.

Gordon Ramsey to WWE:

It is not officially announced yet, but the Scottish chef is going to be on SmackDown this week it seems, The Miz has challenged someone to a cook off, and Ramsey has apparently accepted. They both tweeted the same picture of a food truck to their respective accounts.

WWE wedding:

Daniel Bryan says he and Brie Bella will probably marry the weekend after Mania 30, and have already got the weekend off work.


Are WWE right to drop Sin Cara, and replace him with Hunico or does he deserve another chance? Are they right to keep the character for marketing reasons, or would you rather they dropped the gimmick altogether???

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