Friday, December 13, 2013

Today's News

Potential SPOILER!!!:

A soldier at Tribute To The Troops has possibly spoilt the result of TLC's main event. The troops show will air after TLC, and the soldier shared the fact that John Cena did not have either the WWE or World Title with him when he appeared for his match at the event, possibly meaning Orton is set to go over this Sunday on PPV.

WWE Network:

WWE have stopped trying to find a cable supplier for the WWE network and will instead air the channel online. They have also included the chance to view WrestleMania 30 on there, although with a catch, you would have to be subscribed to the network for six months at the time of the show, which, when you consider the event is only 4 months away would be difficult.

Like Father, like Son:

Hugh, Son of Mick Foley has followed his Dad into the literary world, writing his first book, which has been published, Mick Foley is a character in the story.


"Clarification for the many FLATSCANS. Many WWE fans are oblivious to the amazing pro wrestling that takes place around the world. There are fans in Japan that don't watch 'foreign' wrestling. Just as in Mexico. WWE is a huge company and the most recognized brand. This may blow the minds of many but MY dream was to wrestle for New Japan Pro Wrestling. WWE was a goal. I proudly accomplished both. I will always appreciate the opportunities Vince McMahon gave me. I don't hate WWE. I love PRO WRESTLING wherever it takes place. So enjoy WWE. It's a great product. Just don't cheat yourself out of an opportunity to enjoy the awesome wrestling that exists globally."

Jake makes WWE offer:

He wants to pass on his ring psychology to future WWE stars...

"I'd love to do that, but it takes a lot of foot work…and my feet don't move that fast anymore, man. So, that's an idea that I'd love to do. I would love to share the knowledge that I have. You know, and it's actually a choice and something I should be doing regardless. I've communicated the knowledge I have over the years and helped teach a lot of great talent that are no longer available. I'd like to be sharing what I know. I'd like an opportunity in the WWE to help their talent…I know they need it."


Former WWE man Kizarny has written a movie which is to star Edge and Jake The Snake Roberts, this is the concept artwork.

Former WWE man attacks TNA:

Armando Alejandro Estrada was tweeting during Impact...

"Why would a wrestler want to participate in a match where u have a 25% chance of being fired? Doesnt make sense. The risk is too high. TNA. Especially if a top guy grabs a briefcase. If u were a former world champ and u grabbed a tag title briefcase, is that really fulfilling? If you want to make it more believable, add two briefcases ( TV title and a 2nd tag title). Now you reduce the odds of someone getting fired And why are there enhancement guys in the same match with your stars? That would be like WWE putting Cena, Punk in the MITB with 3MB or JTG. Does not make sense on so many levels. And I would like nothing more than there to be a viable #2 promotion. Please re-evalute your product".


Australian NXT star Buddy Murphy broke his jaw last night, he and NXT trainers were at the ER until 2am, and were told he needs surgery.

Mick Foley movie:

Mick Foley has revealed his Bang Bang catchphrase was the inspiration for the title of the movie 2 guns, which starred Marky Mark Wahlberg and Denzel Washington.

Ex WWE star takes on Football:

Christopher Nowinski is hoping to make Football the next sport to embrace his concussion awareness campaign, he told the BBC...

"If we have so many other options out there, like we get them running and being active, why play sports which include hundreds of blows to the head, knowing how bad the consequences are? It's much smarter to do it when they're teenagers and in their 20s when the brain is more developed and there are medical people on the sidelines during games. We can still play those games without contact but who thinks it's a good idea to hit a 10-year-old in the head 200 or 300 times a season?"

Chris Benoit on WWE TV:

I must confess I missed it, but Twitter blew up earlier this week after a shot of Randy Orton pinning Chris Benoit appeared during a video package that was aired on Main Event.

Leo Kruger:

Leo Kruger's new gimmick Adam Rose is based on British actor Russell Brand.

Royal Rumble:

WWE are working on the non active rostered appearances in next years Royal Rumble match, including considering giving NXT stars the chance to appear on the main roster for the first time, as they did this year with Bo Dallas. No word on who they are interested in, or planning on talking to, but Jake The Snake, Razor Ramon, and Adam Bomb have all been very vocal about wanting a spot, and will probably be hoping for a call soon.


Hall Of Famer Sunny is promoting a new Bar Fighting course...


Ok a bit of fun today, can you think of any movie titles that could be based on a wrestler???

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