Saturday, December 14, 2013

Today's News

Kurt Angle interview:

On wrestling being called fake...

"If one calls it fake, then it's an insult to the commitment of a pro wrestler. It is (an insult if you call it fake). It is rather pre-determined. We both know who the winners are going to be. It is one of the barbaric form of athletics I have done. In that ring, we wrestle on woods like this (points to the table in front). Imagine getting slammed on that. So, we have to learn how to avoid being injured when getting slammed. Pro Wrestling is the toughest I have ever done. I broke my neck four times, broke my arms, legs. I had a great career there and I am proud of it."

On Steve Austin...

"Steve and I had a great chemistry. We both did each other wrong many times. Ultimately, I would say he was one of the best I have seen in my life. He was better than anybody in the ring. Not just his character, but his ability to talk on the microphone with that attitude – he was a complete wrestler."

Kevin Von Erich remembers Matt (Doink The Clown) Borne:

"Matt was a heck of a guy, loved to fight, always ready to go. [He] loved a fist fight, for sport. He enjoyed a fight as a sport. We respected each other. I always liked Matt, what a good guy he was, always ready, always felt good, what a good guy he was. Him & Buzz Sawyer, they were a great tag team. Hard living guys, very good athletes. We had a celebrity deal down here, we had a track meet, they picked four of us to run a relay. Me, Tommy Rogers and Matt Borne were a team. I started it off. We were looking good and I thought Rogers would be the fastest, [but] Matt got the stick and Matt took off."

Alberto Del Rio:

WWE have announced ADR has been cleared to compete, he hasn't. They have put the statement out because the concussion he is suffering happened on Monday's Raw, but was not diagnosed until the SmackDown tapings on Tuesday and were aired last night, He does appear on screen so, WWE wanted to avoid criticism for having him appear whilst injured from those that do not know about the taping to TV delay. He will be tested on Sunday.

Second chance for Tough Enough star:

Martin Casaus who was considered a favourite to win the show before breaking his ankle had a WWE try out earlier this week.

WWE edit Slammy's:

WWE cut boos from fans during the Bella's Slammy acceptance speech.

Big Show:

Big Show has done a public service announcement...

JR on modern wrestling:

He does not like the pace of the modern style...

"False finishes are one thing and I endorse them as wrestlers should always be trying to win but talents using established finishing moves as transition maneuvers, etc makes zero sense. If a match is too fast paced it often times becomes illogical and also doesn't allow the fan to process all that they are seeing."

He also shared his views on tomorrow's unification match...

"For the Undisputed Championship, or whatever it will be called, I'm going with Randy Orton, likely with a little help from his friends, whoever they may be, to beat John Cena Sunday night in Houston. This then sets up Cena on a quest/march to WM30 to get in the main event to compete for the title. I see Cena vs. Orton going past 30 minutes of bell to bell time Sunday and having a helluva match. They have the chemistry to get it done and the motivation of the unification match to motivate them as well. I do fully expect that one man leaves with the Undisputed Title and if that doesn't occur I feel that will be a mistake. A definitive winner creates so many more positive scenarios with which to work with creatively."

Maria talks 2013:

Maria Kanellis has revealed both WWE and TNA have made approaches to her this year...

''TNA called me twice this year, I think they're a great company but I'm loving my time in ROH and I'm definitely happy with my fiancée. Who knows if that will ever change, but I wish TNA all the best in the world, I think the girls there are tremendous. WWE called me earlier this year and for whatever reason that fell through, would I go back there eventually, sure. I loved my time there I loved traveling the world and the people that I worked with. I'm sure Mike will be in the WWE very soon and it will be great to join him there.''

Foley gives Cena props:

Mick Foley says John Cena saved the end of Raw this week...

"I'll get flack for this, but @JohnCena cuts some damn good promos. His rescue of RAW's final segment was a work of art. DugOutOfaDeepHole"


Goldust has declared no interest in returning to his Dustin Rhodes character, despite the WWE plan to have a Brother vs Brother match at Mania 30.

WWE Top 10:

Title unifications...

Hulk Hogan:

Is telling his Twitter followers to ''Get Ready'' for an announcement.

TNA exec says they are beating WWE in UK:

Andy Barton was talking in India about the global wrestling position of the company...

"Let me give you a global perspective; we at TNA play the long ball and this strategy relates to the entire world. If we look at the UK market - we have pushed ahead of WWE there and our show is watched more in comparison to WWE week in, week out. Ditto for Germany.Visit Wrestling Inc. In the US of course, it's going to be tough to carve a space when there is already such an old and established brand and the same is with India.''

Hall Of Famer names wrestler of the year:

"The CM Punk is #1 in the world, bubba. He work hard. He love the wrestling business. He know I'm a legend, and he know not to f**k with me! That's why he the best." according to the Iron Sheik.


Which promotion has had the best 2013, any company any country, not just WWE or TNA???

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