Sunday, December 15, 2013

Today's News

First of all tonight is TLC, come on over to Shaggy's Wrestling Page to join in our live fan chat throughout the show...


* WWE / World Title unification match...

John Cena (World) vs Randy Orton (WWE)

* CM Punk vs Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins.

* Daniel Bryan vs Bray Wyatt, Erick Rowan & Luke Harper.

* Intercontinental Championship match...

Big E. Langston (C) vs Damien Sandow.

* Diva's Title...

AJ Lee (C) vs Natalya.

* Tag Team Championship...

Rhodes Brothers (C) vs Big Show & Rey Mysterio vs Real Americans vs RybAxel.

* Kick Off pre show match...

Dolph Ziggler vs Fandango.

Also due to a timing issue a tag match may be added Brodus Clay and Tensai vs R-Truth and Xavier Woods, Tensai tweeted he got the call to make the trip to Texas, and was on his way.

It should be noted that the roster are having difficulties getting to the event due to a winter storm, Mick Foley is tweeting about his travel issues, but he is not the only one who is struggling with their journey.

Ivan Koloff:

Potential future WWE Hall Of Famer Russian Bear Ivan Koloff was a recent guest on Wrestling Glory Days weekly podcast, he discussed a wide variety of subjects including...

* Iron Sheik taking a WWF title run, originally planned for him...

* Being screwed out of the WWWF title...

* Dropping the belt to Pedro Morales...

* A legit fight with Verne Gagne...

* Ending Bruno Sammartino's legendary title reign...

* Fighting fans with Roddy Piper, and the legal issues that followed...

Jacques Rougeau talks Hulk Hogan putting him over:

"This is my show, I paid for the Molson Center, this was not WCW. This show cost me $225,000. Hulk probably had some differences with him [Eric Bischoff] to accept to come wrestle me here. The biggest moment for me was, we were in the dressing room and Hulk turns to me and says, 'OK Jacques, what are we doing tonight.' And I started laughing so much, like I'm the boss, it's so funny. Then he looks at me and I say, 'Hulk, what are we doing tonight?' And he said, 'brother, it's your show, you call the shots.' Then I started laughing again and he said, 'I'm serious brother. How are we doing this, what are we doing?'. I said, 'OK, you wanna know how I'm going to beat you?'. Everybody's laughing, and then he says, 'no, I'm serious brother, I'm putting you over tonight. I want you to go over.'"

Chris Jericho:

During the first epispde of his podcast Chris Jericho and his guest Stone Cold Steve Austin shared some Undertaker stories. Jericho recalled spending 3 hours badgering Taker to let him kiss him on the lips in a bar in Tokyo before the dead man relented and allowed him to kiss him, on the cheek. Austin revealed Undertaker had final say on T-Shirt designs during their WWE run, but Taker always gave his approval even when Austin started adding skulls, which Taker apparently wanted to keep personal to him for his gimmick.

WWE further social media reach:

WWE will launch their SnapChat account during tonight's TLC PPV.

Party with a diva:

Victoria is inviting fans to her restaurant for New Years Eve, she is holding an 80's themed party with fellow wrestling stars including Jim Cornette confirmed to appear.


Booker T and friends following the latest ROW show.

Hall Of Famer writes, and releases song:

Rowdy Roddy Piper will donate the profits from this to charity...

2nd Generation star begins career:

Alana Leslie, Daughter of WWE Alum Brutus The Barber Beefcake has signed for Jersey Championship Wrestling (Pic to follow).

AJ Lee heat:

AJ Lee is to be disciplined by WWE for an outburst backstage at Tribute To The Troops. TV personality Michelle Beadle was a guest of WWE at the event and was in conversation with CM Punk as AJ returned to the back following her match, seeing the two talking AJ launched into a expletive laced tirade against the star, leaving WWE execs embarrassed and angry.

Michelle Beadle tweeted of the incident...

"Lost another friend to CGFN....crazy girlfriend neutering. It's real people. Check your buddies. Affects everyone."

CM Punk also tweeted, and seems to disagree with WWE's handling of the situation...

''It's difficult to always try to do business the proper way with a company that refuses to practice the same standards."

Expect AJ to lose the Diva's title tonight, as WWE feel she did not represent the company as a champion should.

The TV hostess is unfortunately getting some abuse on Twitter from AJ fans, responding to one...

" was done in front of company people. I didn't say a word. I thought it was a joke."

WWE sign indy star:

Tony Maclin is the first star to be hired from the latest try out camp.

Hardcore legend ends retirement:

Sick Nick Mondo ended a self imposed 10 year exile from the sport this weekend.

Jericho to TLC?:

He tweeted this earlier...

"Goodbye Fozztralia!! See you soon! Taking off for Houston... Hahah just kidding! (Or am I?)"


Should AJ Lee be stripped of the Diva's title for embarrassing WWE, or does she deserve to retain, based on her on screen and in ring performances???

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