Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Today's News

Firstly thank you for another year of supporting the page, I hope you all have a Happy New Year.

Page News:

I will be making an announcement about the future of this page tomorrow.

European fans snubbed:

WWE have withdrawn the Raw 20th anniversary box set from it's planned European release citing costs relating to production.

Clean sweep for Daniel Bryan:

Daniel Bryan has won almost all the awards in the end of year PWI magazine honours. Winning the wrestler of the year, most popular wrestler of the year, match of the year (SummerSlam), and feud of the year (vs The Authority).

Great news for Hall Of Famer:

Sunny has revealed she is cancer free.

New Age Outlawz:

Billy Gunn has tweeted he and Road Dogg Jesse James will reunite on Raw next week. Others set to appear include Ric Flair, Diamond Dallas Page, Million Dollar Man, IRS, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Rikishi, Scotty 2 Hotty, Booker T, Mean Gene Okerlund, Bob Backlund and Dusty Rhodes.

Royal Rumble:

The WWE World Championship match at the Royal Rumble will see Randy Orton defend vs John Cena.

Batista is the first name confirmed for the 30 man Royal Rumble match, it will be his first wrestling match since 2010.

Brock Lesnar:

Brock Lesnar said on Raw last night that he wanted a shot at the WWE World Champion, but that he did not need to win the Rumble to get one.

WWE are looking at changing his Royal Rumble match, with Big Show as a potential new opponent, other idea's currently in the fire are Mark Henry and Big E. Langston.


WWE were suffering technical issues during the broadcast of Raw last night, their cable feed kept cutting out.

Mark Henry:

Mark Henry was taken to Hospital with bruised ribs following the brawl with Brock Lesnar on Raw last night.

Jim Cornette blames Vince Russo for Owen Hart's death:

"Believe it or not, I was not there. That was actually the first WWF pay per view that I had missed in about five years because I was preparing to move from Connecticut back here to Louisville to start the developmental program with Ohio Valley Wrestling and was not needed that night at the pay per view. I was like everybody else, I was sitting at home watching it live as it happened. Obviously the incident was not aired on television because, it was, fortunately, in a videotaped replay segment that it happened. But when the camera came back in the arena and Jim Ross was trying to cover basically for why there was no action going on and that there was somewhat of a pall over the proceedings, and he didn't know exactly what had happened so he was trying to choose his words carefully, I knew instantly that something was wrong, but we didn't know exactly until sometime afterwards what exactly had happened. That was, you know Owen, I just said guys can get hurt. They're risking their lives, but that was completely unnecessary. It was something that Owen was doing, that he was not comfortable with, that he was asked to do. Still to this day I blame Vince Russo, like a lot of people do, because for those who don't know, Owen, instead of being able to do a normal entrance into the ring and have a wrestling match, which is dangerous enough, they decided that he would make a superhero entrance and be lowered into the ring in this outlandish costume that Russo had booked him to be in and was being lowered by a rigging company that didn't check the rigging or whatever and there were lawsuits, etc. etc. But he fell a hundred feet from the roof of the Kemper Arena in Kansas City into the ring and was killed. Owen was a great wrestler and Owen didn't need all that hoo ha around him, but Vince Russo didn't feel that he was exciting enough as himself and wanted to make him a superhero, and came up with the idea of doing that. Owen wasn't comfortable with it, but he had already turned down a few things that he wasn't comfortable with, and he didn't want to be Negative Nancy and be known as the guy who kept saying 'no', so he went along with it, and it didn't turn out well. That's one of the many things that I blame Vince Russo for, for spoiling the wrestling business, not only for the people in it, but for the people who like to watch it."

Christian works WWE match:

Christian was a guest referee for a Kane vs Big Show match at last night's lives.

Jeff Jarrett vs Dixie Carter:

There are mixed reports surrounding Jarrett's reasons for quitting TNA, which is official as of January 6, some claim Jarrett, who has the second biggest stake in the company after Panda Energy plans to make life difficult for Dixie Carter, and use his stakeholdership to try to force change in the promotion, while others say Dixie has gotten her wish in the removal of Jarrett, as the pair have clashed many times over the direction of the company. We will probably never know the real reason because of the gagging clause Jarrett signed.

Nikki Bella:

Nikki Bellas has called her new finish the ''Rack Attack''.

Weight loss challenge:

JBL and Michael Cole are to compete in a weight loss challenge in 2014.

Jillian Hall:

WWE Alum Jillian is looking at starting a career as a talk show host.

TNA use Tommy Dreamer:

Tommy Dreamer signed a one night deal to work a PPV special, but was announced to appear on two events by the promotion, he found out on the internet. Despite this he did work both the Hardcore Justice and One Night Only PPV, as well as a couple of lives, he is however not signed to a TNA contract or is in talks for one.


WWE plan to push the Lithuanian grappler in the new year.

Worrying news for Hall Of Famer:

Mae Young has reportedly been hospitalised in the past few days, she has now been moved to a hospice and will not be able to accept her booking to appear on Raw next week. My thoughts and best wishes are with her, keep fighting Mae 

Matt Striker:

Matt Striker has landed a role in the next Star Trek movie, he will play a Romulan.

WWE video:

WWE have released this video of the 13 most impactful moments of 2013...


All of the WWE crew's are or have been stuck in airports for hours today, the crew in Canada had a 12 hour delay in their flights back to the US.

The Rock:

Former WWE Champ The Rock has ended speculation and confirmed he does NOT plan to be at WrestleMania 30, also revealing the match WWE had planned for him for the show... Brock Lesnar. He did add that he would be open to a possible return at Mania 31 in 2015...

"Between Vince, Brock & myself our Wrestlemania 30 plan was ROCK vs BROCK. No plans now for 30 but possibly WM 31.

Rock is also working on writing a second autobiography.

Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mania 30 or never ultimatum:

WWE have been working at getting Steve Austin to come out of retirement for one more match at WrestleMania 30, however, Austin wants to work with Punk, problem being so does Triple H and the match is already planned for the show. WWE insiders now say with Austin's lack of interest in any other angle, and his age, this may be his last ever opportunity to get back in the ring.


Steve Austin, should he take whatever match WWE plan for him, so he can have one last hurrah, or should he hold out for Punk?, If not should he stay retired and leave his legacy in tact?. What of Triple H, is his ego going to kill Austin's fans hopes of seeing him one more time, or can a compromise be met in time???

Monday, December 30, 2013

Today's News

WWE release?:

NXT star Judas Devlin has been deleted from WWE.Com, there is no official word as yet, but this is usually the first sign of a release. He has been long term injured with a back problem that may have cost him his career, and it seems has for now at least cost him his WWE job.

Wrestling wedding:

Luke Gallows / Doc and former TNA star Amber O'Neal have announced their engagement to be married.

Blu Ray dropped:

The best of 2013 WWE blu-ray has been removed from the release schedule, it will still be released on DVD.

Earl Hebner:

Earl Hebner refereed the 10,000 match of his career for TNA last night, according to the promotion. Also former TNA star Rosita was at the event, sitting in the crowd alongside Al Snow.

Brodus Clay:

Brodus Clay will debut a new look on Main Event this week, wearing a pin striped gangster suit and a large chain, described by one fan as similar to Kama circa 1995.

Brock Lesnar:


Brock Lesnar will return on Raw tonight, along with Paul Heyman.

It is now thought WWE insiders started the rumours about his UFC return to build the hype for his WWE return tonight, WWE have released a statement confirming Lesnar cannot work for UFC during his current WWE deal which runs up to and including WrestleMania 31 in 2015...

"WWE has exclusive rights to services (to Lesnar) and such exclusivity extends to ultimate fighting competitions."

The plan is for him to initially feud with Mark Henry, before moving on to challenge Big E. Langston for the Intercontinental Championship, probably at the Royal Rumble.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

For the first show of 2014...

* The Shield vs The Uso's.

* Fandango vs R-Truth.

* The Rhodes Brothers vs The Wyatt Family (Tag Team Championship).

* Aksana vs Nikki Bella.

* Big E. Langston vs Curtis Axel.

* CM Punk & The Uso's vs The Shield.


TNA will tape One Night Only tonight, here is the card...

World Heavyweight Title Match
Samoa Joe vs. Magnus (C)

Monster's Ball
Jeff Hardy vs. Abyss

Last Man Standing Match
James Storm vs. Bobby Roode

Falls Count Anywhere Match
Bully Ray vs. Tommy Dreamer

Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson

CM Punk:

A tweet made by CM Punk has caused some speculation about his wrestling future, he wrote following a show last night...

"Thanks Detroit. I don't have many of these left in me''


Official tease...

* Will Big E's raw power put a Big Ending on Fandango's dreams?

* What will unfold when Big Show dons a diaper to say goodbye to 2013?

* What does The Authority and other Superstars have to say about Batista?

* What's next for John Cena?

* What is The Authority planning for 2014?

Stats of 2013:

From WWE.Com...

* Most wins by pinfall or submission: Randy Orton.

* Highest winning percentage: John Cena.

* Most wins by a Diva: Natalya.

* Most matches: Randy Orton.

* Most wins by Disqualification: Daniel Bryan.

* Most matches ending in a No Contest: Alberto Del Rio / Randy Orton.

* Most losses by Disqualification: Dean Ambrose.

Jim Ross talks Hulk Hogan:

''Hulk has a horrible back condition, his in ring work would be SO limited that I feel it would sadden his fans to see what he's become in his later years in all due respect. I'm not even sure that he could pass a WWE physical. But he doesn't have to wrestle to be a huge part of WM30, IMO''


Could 2014 be the last year of CM Punk's career???

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Today's News

TNA star speaks out on Jeff Jarrett:

James Storm says TNA need the promotions co-founder back...

"To me, Jeff knows wrestling. They need somebody like that either in the production side or the creative side . . . because, let's face it, he built this company. It was his hard work and his money that he put into it in the very beginning. I think TNA needs Jeff Jarrett, whether it be behind the scenes or in front of the camera or whatever, but they definitely need him—at least for his advice on the wrestling aspect of it."

Big announcement:

WWE will make a big announcement in Las Vegas on January 8, it is expected to be about the WWE Network, but that is not confirmed.

AJ Styles:

Talks have fallen apart between AJ Styles and TNA, and TNA sources say fans should not expect him back ''Any time soon''. He will instead return to Ring Of Honor on January 4.

This may be kayfabe, TNA want Styles return to be a shock, and they may have put this out to get the internet to stop looking at the contract talks.


Dolph Ziggler injured his hand on a monitor as he entered the arena during last night's live show, and was suffering pain throughout the match vs Ryback.

Jesse Godderz (Knee) was also hurt at a TNA live show.

Magnus talks being the first British World Champion:

"It is a great feeling, and it's something that's hard to sink in sometimes because you think, they made me the World Champion now. That means I'm as good as I hoped I could be, you know... I'm as good as I always thought I had the capability of being, and that's a great feeling. But now the work really begins, truthfully. Now is when you really have to knuckle down and go, okay now there's tons of pressure and there's a huge target on you. There are people waiting for you to trip and fall at every hurdle, and there are people waiting to pick up the ball if you drop it. So this is where the work really begins. Every single match, every single promo, every single interview, and every single segment has to be a home run. But I'm looking forward to it."


TNA are taping their Hardcore Justice PPV special tonight, here is the card...

Lethal Lockdown
Team Angle vs. Team Roode

Full Metal Mayhem
Abyss and Eric Young vs. Kazarian and Daniels

X Division Xscape Match
Chris Sabin vs. Austin Aries

Stretcher Match
Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray

Tables Match
Ethan Carter III vs. Tommy Dreamer

Street Fight
Velvet Sky vs. Lei'D Tapa

Brock Lesnar:

Officially did not attend UFC 168 last night, he was not on a list of celebrities in attendance at the event.

Bourne ready to fly:

Evan Bourne has teased a WWE return at next month's WWE Royal Rumble PPV...

"My favorite Annual PPV will always and forever be @WWE's Royal Rumble. Wait, that gives me an idea..."

John Cena vs Bray Wyatt:

WWE sources have confirmed that Cena vs Wyatt is being talked about for next years Mania, however, despite Vince McMahon wanting Cena in the last match of Mania, they say the running order of the show will not be decided until much closer to the event, and the match, should it happen, will not necessarily be the final match on the card.


Should Cena main event Mania again?, if not who deserves to be in the final match of the super show next year???

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Today's News


Batista is set to stick around WWE for two years, WWE are hoping that this is not a WrestleMania story one shot deal as we have seen with other legends in the recent past, but that Batista is returning for a final run as a WWE star, however WWE will be flexible for him to fulfill his movie commitments over the summer of 2014.

He returns on Raw on January 20, but will not wrestle that night, he will however confirm his spot in the 30 man Royal Rumble match for the PPV at the end of that week.

Tommy Dreamer:

Tommy Dreamer worked a TNA live show this weekend vs Ethan Carter. Also on TNA, Sonjay Dutt has confirmed he is returning on Monday for a PPV taping.

Ivellise Velez:

Former WWE star Velez has announced her Father has now been found, and is safe and well. He went missing before Christmas in Chicago.

Marc Mero talks Sable and leaving WWE:

''I had blown out my knee and needed total reconstruction on my knee, I was out for eight months and in that time off was when my ex-wife became very popular, you know going out there and selling merchandise and becoming a diva and so on. Then they came up with the storyline of me being jealous of her and I'm thinking 'wow, what a great idea.' I know a lot of wrestlers were saying, 'That buried you, when a girl beats you up or something your never considered anything again,' but, you know what, all that didn't matter. They were backing up the Brinks truck to our house, so you really look at what is really important, its entertainment, its being an actor, and I'm being paid very well for it, and now, she is getting paid very well for it. So, all in all, you look back. I have no regrets. it all worked for us, like I said, there was nothing I would change. Unfortunately, the ending of the WWF didn't go well. My ex-wife had some problems with the company and their was a lawsuit. I had three years left on a guaranteed contract. and I just decided to walk away, it just wasn't fun any more. It was just a sad part of our lives. so, we left the wrestling arena and obviously the lawsuit was settled out of court between my ex wife and the WWF. its no secret, we got divorced in 2004 and she went on to marry Brock and I married an incredible woman that I have been married to for four years. So, we both went separate ways, but you know something that is amazing, we have never said a bad word about each other. I have nothing bad to say, you think about the good memories you had together. I have never been happier than I am now with my life.''

Brock Lesnar to UFC:

Dana White has confirmed Brock Lesnar will not be at the UFC show tonight, but did not close the door on a return in the future...

"If there was something there and I hadn't announced it, why would I tell you anyway... You don't worry about what's going on with Brock, if something happens with Brock, you'll know about it."

Hardy to WWE:

Matt Hardy says he will return to WWE, but only wants to work 50 dates per year and wants complete control of his external projects outside of the promotion.

I have heard of no interest from WWE about Hardy coming back since last February when they were looking at Jeff Hardy's status as his TNA contract was expiring.

WWE Top 10:

Crazy WWE stars...


Former WWE star Chyna says she has retired from the adult film industry. She also hopes to repair her damaged relationship with WWE and says of a potential future Hall Of Fame induction...

"If I get there it will be an honor to be among the greats."


Will we ever see Chyna back on WWE TV???

Friday, December 27, 2013

Today's News


A copy of Maven's WWE contract is currently available to purchase on Ebay.

Troubled Christmas for ex WWE star:

Ivelisse Velez says her Father went missing before the holidays and has still not been found. He was last seen in Chicago.

Sin Cara:

The Original Sin Cara Luis Alvirde will see his contract with WWE expire on January 10, however he will not be able to work again for another promotion until late in March at the earliest, it is thought to be extremely unlikely that WWE would re-sign him to a new deal.

Heath Slater:

Heath Slater is expected back on the road early in the new year.


WWE diva Layla is not medically cleared to wrestle, and no timetable for her return is in place, WWE say she is injured, she denies that, but offered no other reason for her absence.

WWE creative change:

Vince McMahon has told the WWE creative department that he no longer wants Faces and Heels in WWE.

Steve Austin:

The WWE Hall Of Famer is no longer contractually linked to WWE in any way, this means he can no longer use the name ''Stone Cold'', however he can continue to use ''Steve Austin'' due to a previous agreement between himself and the promotion.

Second generation star news:

Richie Steamboat has not been released by WWE, although the promotion say their is no timetable for him to return from an injury the promotion accept may cost him his career.

Meanwhile Rick Rude's son had a try out for WWE at the PC recently.

Vince heat:

Vince McMahon's decision to rib US president Barack Obama on Raw a couple of weeks ago did not go down well in the back, many felt it made the match between the Rhodes Brothers and Big Show / Rey Mysterio seem unimportant.

WCW = WWE major earner:

WCW DVD's were only outsold in 2013 by WrestleMania 29, expect more in the new year.

WrestleMania 30:

The authority storyline will climax at WrestleMania 30 when Triple H faces CM Punk, However Roman Reigns is penciled in as a back up opponent for Hunter, should they change the current Royal Rumble plans, which is ever more likely now that the original plans have leaked online.

The current plans for the main event, should Hulk Hogan not be able to compete is John Cena vs Bray Wyatt. This is expected to be the last match because Vince McMahon is adamant that Cena is in the main event of Mania until he is physically incapable of doing it any more. He told creative that Cena ''Feeds all of us''.

Lesnar to UFC:

Rumours are flying that Brock Lesnar is to return to UFC this Saturday after a private meeting with Dana White, although White was deliberately vague when asked about it at the pre show press conference, saying he did not know whether he would appear or not.

No official word from Lesnar or WWE, however Lesnar's people say his WWE deal allows for him to do both, WWE sources vehemently deny this.

Regarding his WWE future, he is to return on the day of, or the TV's the week after the Royal Rumble PPV next month.

Celebrity named:

The ''major'' celebrity interested in buying TNA is country music star Toby Keith. Jeff Jarrett was expected to run things for him after the proposed takeover, so the fact Jarrett is now gone is a big hint to the end of the stars interest in the project, although that is not confirmed at this time.

Million Dollar baby:

Brett, youngest son of WWE Hall Of Famer Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase has become a Father for the first time, congratulations to him.

30th Anniversary:

Bob Backlund was at MSG last night to mark the 30th anniversary of his WWF title defeat at the hands of the Iron Sheik.

Other notes, Cody Rhodes performed a moonsalt off the top of a cage, in the match of the night, and Mark Henry danced to a Michael Jackson track.

AJ Styles:

AJ Styles will return to TNA on January 16, or January 30 in Glasgow, Scotland.

No Y2J in 2014:

Chris Jericho has tweeted to WWE fans...

"Ok guys here's the deal...Im not coming back anytime soon next year! No secrets, no shenanigans, no plans. Sorry!! I still love you tho..."

Jake vs Mark Henry:

Jake The Snake has attacked WWE man Mark Henry on Twitter during the Christmas Raw...

"Want Sandow to whup him anyway. Mark Henry buried one of my best buddies @SiNNbODHi"

Kizarny replied...

"Love ya @JakeSnakeDDT I dare @wwe @TripleH to put me in the ring with @themarkhenry I'm in Toronto RAW"

Jake responded...

"Of course bro. Not done with him yet. The Snake, and his best buddies, always bite back @SiNNbODHi @WWE @TripleH @TheMarkHenry"

Mark Henry has now responded to this with...

"I buried no one.I spoke my truth. It burned out before it started,work was good gimmic wasn't."


Bully Ray has offered his views on which is better...

"Why would you want to watch TNA over a John Cena-Randy Orton match? I'm really not sure. I find John Cena's matches very entertaining, and I find Randy Orton's matches very entertaining. I also know, if you watch Bobby Roode and AJ Styles, or Samoa Joe and Austin Aries, you're going to be even more entertained by watching those guys."


Is Vince McMahon right? are the days of clearly defined face / heel roles over???

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Today's News

Jake The Snake:

Jake The Snake may have given up on the Royal Rumble, he has accepted two indy dates for the weekend of the event, although not on the day.

Jeff Jarrett:

Jarrett will not be speaking out about his reasons for leaving TNA, however sources close to him have denied reports that he was forced to resign from the promotion. TNA say they will move on, and that the promotion is bigger than any one person.

WWE Fails of 2013:

Title unification's to continue?:

WWE are contemplating unifying the Intercontinental and United States Championships, and have spoken to the current holders of the titles on their idea's for how it should be done on WWE.Com today.

Alberto Del Rio:

ADR will return tonight following an injury lay off with a concussion.

Snitsky talks quitting WWE:

"Basically it was just creative differences. I didn't like the direction my character was going, and for about six months I would go back and forth with the writers. They were always real big on incorporating your input, so I'd shoot them ideas, and week after week they'd get shot down, and I didn't really like how they were taking it. It just got to the point where it was best to part ways, but I left on good terms."


Should WWE unify the IC and US titles, and if so, which should be dropped???

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Today's News

I hope you have all had / are having a great day 


Ricardo Rodriguez will join 3MB until Heath Slater returns to the road, starting on the post Christmas WWE live shows.

Matt Striker on lack of English talent in the US:

''During My time in WWE, Regal was a mentor and a friend and he had been one of my favorite wrestlers and he ended up cooler than I ever thought he would be. The figure reminds me to be as much like Regal as possible. He is such a gentleman and he is so humble yet so tough. It reminds me that you need to be a professional. Back in the day, when it was all about the Beatles, The Sex Pistols came around and boom: we got punk. There is a place for everything if it is real and people subscribe it. Hell, there is a place for Miley Cyrus.''

On future plans...

''I'm happy to wrestle and do the seminars. People from all across the world send me clips and I critique and send them back. I've been doing acting and stunt work. I just auditioned for and was casted in the new Star Trek Equinox. Even if I'm Dead Klingon Number Three, it's a way for me to be creative.''


The first Raw of 2014 will be an ''Oldschool'' special.

Jeff Jarrett:

It seems we will not be hearing why Jeff Jarrett left TNA. It has emerged that he has signed a non disclosure deal as part of his severance package from the promotion.

AJ Styles:

AJ Styles' agent is telling indy bookers that if they want him they need to book him soon, hinting that his talks with TNA are coming to a positive conclusion. He is expected back soon, but will fulfill indy dates he has signed on for wherever possible.


A bidding war is set to break out between the two promotions for the services of Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards. The two indy stars have had an NXT try out match for WWE and have been offered the opportunity to go to the WWE PC for an extended try out in early 2014. WWE are not thought to be interested in the two and have turned them away before, but William Regal is fighting their corner and WWE and giving them an extended look out of respect to him, including the match to see how they handled being tested and gage fans reactions to their performance. TNA are also interested and rumours are they have already made a move for Edwards, TNA are more likely to offer them employment than WWE are, so the two men may have a big decision to make over the holiday period.

WWE to drop Total Diva?:

JoJo is not expected to last much longer in WWE, she has been kept off TV for a few weeks and is being featured less and less on the reality show, word coming out of WWE is her name is high on the list of planned WWE / NXT roster cuts for 2014.

Edge talks brief WCW run:

''I walked in and I was like, oh, this locker room doesn't feel good. You'd see the guys that you could go to, and I remember talking to Chris [Benoit]. He knew I was Canadian, he found out I was Canadian so he pulled me aside and he was like just be careful here. I was like oh, okay. It was about 95, 96. He said don't trust anybody here. I was like okay, got it.''

Dolph Ziggler on his WWE push being shut down:

He blames his concussion, not his outspoken interviews, and also reveals he feared for his career...

''I'm sitting at home with a pounding headache, and I'm thinking I'm going to lose this one opportunity that I was basically never supposed to have. Then slowly over the next two or three weeks, my headaches weren't going away, and then I'm, "Wow, let's put that on the back burner, I need to see if I can ever wrestle again." At week three, [still] a consistent 24-hour headache, I may never be able to get in to the ring again. If I do, I don't know if I could fall down, be as crisp as I was, and I'm nervous about hitting my head or anything like that. Luckily, very slowly but surely, everything came back into order. I picked up right where I left off, and unfortunately the title was very shortly out of my hands. Even though you love this business, it doesn't always love you back. It's always about timing, [and] that was my one shot to prove to the world that I could actually be a Heavyweight Champion.''


When asked who from NXT should be brought up to the main roster, he said...

"Adrian Neville. Not a doubt in my mind. I think he's just phenomenal. I don't know about his promo skills as I haven't seen them as much, but he's a guy who could go out there and perform on any card, anywhere in the world and be a help to that card. I would love to see him up in the WWE. He'll be there I just don't know the time frame."

Jake The Snake on Royal Rumble:

"Daily questions on Rumble. Here is my official statement. I have had no contact from WWE. I publicized returning at the Royal Rumble as my goal about a year ago. Looking back, setting goals that are entirely in someone else's hands was not the best idea. My advice, and my practice now is to set goals that you can control. Do your best to control your destiny. If the Rumble happens, I will do my best to put on a memorable performance. If they want to keep me around, I know I can do some cool stuff. It if doesn't, I still have plenty to look forward to. That's all on the Rumble and WWE for a while. Please enjoy the rest of these holidays with your loved ones. Thanks again for all the support. Remember, the Snake ALWAYS bites back."


You are head of WWE talent management, who from NXT gets the call up for 2014???

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Today's News


A second source have confirmed WWE had planned to have Batista win the Royal Rumble and go on to face Randy Orton at WrestleMania 30 for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, this time PW Insider's sources have shared the story. WWE are also looking at Batista vs Undertaker which would be a rematch from WrestleMania 23.

WWE have confirmed Batista's WWE return, with this video package, he will be back on January 20 2014...

He and Triple H have been working on this for several months and Batista will stay through and for a while after WrestleMania 30.

Batista tweeted about his upcoming return...

"I can't wait to get to the Cheesefest in Hoakietown and punch somebody right In the f'n face! Playtime's over children."

And in a move likely to annoy a performer who has openly criticized WWE for it's PG attitude, the promotion edited the swear out, before sharing it on it's own feed, which was shown on screen during Raw.

Vince McMahon is furious with the leak of this story, WWE sources say it was a good thing he was out of the country when he was told of the leak because it sounded like he was going to kill someone. The source also confirmed that the original plan was for Batista to return as a surprise entrant into the Royal Rumble match and how the leak happened...

WWE send out advertising material to arena's months in advance of shows to promote upcoming events, including a batch for events in the new year featuring Batista, a letter had been drawn up with the strict proviso that the posters with Batista could not be used until after his Rumble return, however someone forgot to put the letter into the package with the posters so the arena's did not know about the secrecy and posted the material on their websites and billboards when they received it, the internet caught wind of the story and the angle was ruined... Woops!.

Jeff Jarrett:

TNA stars past and present have paid tribute to Jeff Jarrett in the wake of his departure from the company...

Samoa Joe...

"@JeffJarrettTNA my best to you and yours Jeff see you down the road."

Angelina Love...

"@JeffJarrettTNA made something amazing & gave so many of us a platform to share our talents with the world. And it was FUN!! ThankYouJeff"

Velvet Sky: "IMHO @JeffJarrettTNA deserves more credit than ever. He started up tna & gave all of us a place 2 do what we love. Forever thankful to Jeff."

Eric Young...

"Thanks to @JeffJarrettTNA for everything wouldn't be where I am without him. @JeffJarrettTNA is one of the smartest men I have ever been around. Above all else he is a amazing man father and husband. Huge loss for TNA"

Matt Morgan...

"Sad news @JeffJarrettTNA resigning from @IMPACTWRESTLING. Thank u Jeff for giving me a real opportunity&always believing in me!"

Zema Ion...

"Just joining the many wrestlers giving thanks to @JeffJarrettTNA today. He's the man. Thank you for everything double J! ThankyouJeff"

TNA have also released the following statement...

"TNA Entertainment, LLC announced today that it has accepted Mr. Jeff Jarrett's resignation from the company effective January 6th, 2014. Dixie Carter, President, commented 'On behalf of TNA, we would like to thank Jeff for his contributions to the Company. We wish him the very best and look forward to his continued participation as an investor in TNA Wrestling.''

Jarrett's resignation apparently came out of the blue, with no known issues or reason for him to make the move, he was working as an agent and was back in the creative department and was by all accounts enjoying being back in the fold, so this initially made some TNA staffer's think the resignation was the start of an angle, which would lead to his on screen return in the new year, it increasingly looks like that is not the case.

Double J himself made an interesting tweet about his future, with a possible hint to his plans...

"I had to pick myself up and get on with it, do it all over again, only even better this time."

JR to TNA?:

Jim Ross has opened the door to an approach from TNA, adding he would rather do something new, but would listen to offers, should they come in...

''I'd have to listen to the opportunities that Viacom presented. I have great respect and admiration, and a friendship, with Mike Tenay and Taz. I like the guys, they're friend of mine. I wouldn't want to be the guy that comes into TNA and upsets their chemistry or their team. But if me or my people were approached on a package deal or something from Viacom itself, I certainly would be remiss to not listen. But to engage TNA directly - or even Bellator, because I don't know anyone at Bellator, I don't know much about their company - I wouldn't close the door. I would say that if that came about, the MMA component would interest me more than the wrestling component today. And I gave you the reason why - I wouldn't want to be the guy that had anything to do with upsetting the status of Taz or Mike Tenay, because I like them, I know they're loyal to their brand.''

He also discussed possibly going to UFC, but said he had not had any ''Official'' discussions about joining the promotion.

Big Show:

Do you want to see Big Show wearing nothing but a top hat and a nappy (Diaper)... Of course you Do 

This weird vignette is to promote the new years episode of Raw, which will air live next Monday...

Colt Cabana talks his WWE status:

"I'm just riding the wave of fun right now. The WWE has been weirdly talking with me for over a year now. I can't rely on them though. I do my own thing until stuff gets concrete. Right now, I can't worry if I'll be doing announcing or anything else. I know I want to concentrate on continuing to wrestle around the world and growing my comedy stuff. All I can say about the future is that I'm going to be having fun with wrestling. That's a guarantee."

Foley snubbed:

Mick Foley has revealed he begged to be on Raw this week, but was not invited by WWE. He however says the story had a happy ending, Mark Henry, who played Santa instead of the Hall Of Famer donated his Santa suit to Foley, who passed it on to a man who could not portray Santa this year because he had outgrown his suit...

"Sure, I would have like to be on RAWChristmas - but it's not my show, and not my call. So, I'm going to look at the glass of milk half-full and share a nice behind the scenes story. A couple months ago, I heard from a longtime Santa -a large man who had fallen on tough times, and had been unable to play the Santa role he loved, because he no longer owned a suit for his large frame. Following the Santa match on RAW, Mark Henry gave me his Santa suit, and I had it in a box bound for Kentucky the next day. The Kentucky Santa sent me a photo a couple days later - the suit fit perfectly  And to all a good night."


JBL and Michael Cole re did the commentary for Raw this week at WWE HQ.


Is training 6-8 times a week to be in great shape should he accept WWE's WrestleMania 30 offer.

Legend hospitalised:

Bobby Eaton will spend Christmas in hospital. He is suffering from problems with his legs as a result of diabetes. This is a separate health problem than the one he suffered earlier in the year where heart problems led to him having a pacemaker fitted.

WWE featured in documentary:

Triple H and Bruno Sammartino will represent WWE in a programme about the reconstruction of Madison Square Garden. The two men visited the site in September.

Heath Slater:

WWE have given Heath Slater time off to deal with some personal issues he is facing. No word on the time frame for a return at this stage.

Legends working with Ziggler:

Dolph Ziggler is receiving advice from Hall Of Famers Arn Anderson and Pat Patterson on turning around his flagging WWE fortunes...

"Absolutely Arn. He's taken a liking to me because of my work ethic. I'm the guy who doesn't necessarily win all the time, always out there giving a great match, [and] making someone else look better. He crushed for so many years like that, so I feel like he relates to me sometimes. He pulls me aside and gives me a lot of pointers. Pat Paterson is another one. Guys who are so good and so smart with the business, loving the business, and [when] they see someone else loving it, they try to pass on their wisdom."

WWE step up:

An 8 year old wheelchair bound boy could not get into a WWE event due to a botch by the ticket company, who placed him in an area without wheelchair access. So WWE worked with the arena to give the boy and his family VIP executive tickets so he could get to an area his wheelchair would have access to. He will attend a show in New York on December 28.


Samoa Joe will be the first challenger for Magnus' TNA title at this Friday's TNA live show.


Who should Batista face at WrestleMania 30???

Monday, December 23, 2013

Today's News

WWE feature:

7 superstars share their worst road stories.

The Rock:

The Rock's movie Fast 7 has been postponed for a year due to the death of Paul walker.

Jim Ross on future:

He feels his facial paralysis may cost him future opportunities to further a broadcast career...

"Yes I'd consider broadcasting again and feel motivated to do so but it takes two to Tango and most companies aren't looking to hire 61 year old guys with Bells palsy. I never let my facial paralysis define me but unfortunately some companies do along with the stigma that being a long time 'pro wrestling guy' has to some narrow minded, uncreative decision makers."

Retirement ends:

El Dandy, famous for his WCW run will end his retirement soon, he has started training again, and already has a match lined up vs his former partner El Satanico.


This story is from Dave Meltzer, so take it as rumour...

It is being reported that Batista will return in and win the Royal Rumble match in the new year, and will then challenge Randy Orton for the WWE World championship at WrestleMania 30.

108 years too long:

Magnus winning the TNA World Title has ended 108 years of wait for a British wrestler to win a world championship for an American promotion.

TNA are proudly sharing the landmark, releasing a media statement comparing the achievement to Bradley Wiggins winning the Tour De France and Andy Murray winning Wimbledon, and listing some of the great Britain's that did not achieve the ultimate goal of holding a major World title during their careers, including British Bulldog and William Regal.

Heel turn coming:

In an interview for the next edition of WWE magazine Kofi Kingston says he does not care what fans think of his ring performances, adding he knows he delivers every time he steps between the ropes, and that is what matters the most to him.

AJ Styles:

AJ Styles has released the first statement on his TNA contract talks...

"We continue positive discussions with TNA but not exclusively. AJ has not yet agreed to a new deal nor signed a contract with anyone."

Jeff Jarrett:

In a major breaking news story, Jeff Jarrett has just announced that he resigned from TNA last night. Jarrett co founded the promotion along with his father Jerry in 2002 and had being getting a lot of the responsibilities he had lost during the Dixie Carter era back, so this has come a bit out of the blue. TNA had been planning for Jarrett to return to TV in the new year, that likely will now not happen.

He does have a minority ownership stake in the promotion and some are speculating that he may be looking at a take over, while others suggest he may be wanting to sell up and get out altogether. It is very early into this story and we will have to wait and see what he has to say about his motives for this move.


How big of a loss is Jeff Jarrett to TNA???