Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Today's News

TNA relaunch show:

Dixie Carter has announced ReAction will return as a YouTube series later this month.

Hall Of Famer announced:


WWE officially announced via their website last night, that the longest reigning champion in WWF/E history The Living Legend Bruno Sammartino, WILL be inducted into their Hall Of Fame as a member of the class of 2013.

Hands up if you thought this day would never come...!!!...

Triple H deserves to be acknowledged here, he has worked tirelessly to convince Bruno that the WWE has changed, and his ceaseless chasing of the great man has come to fruition, Wrestling fans thank you HHH. 

Bruno said he had started watching WWE again after Triple H contacted him, and he liked what he saw...

"I started watching it after talking to him and when I saw it, I was very, very impressed."

WWE released this official statement announcing the induction...

''Sammartino, nicknamed "The Living Legend," is a two-time WWE Champion and the longest reigning WWE Champion in history, holding the title for a combined 11 years. His first title reign began on May 17, 1963, where he defeated "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers at Madison Square Garden. After losing the Championship in 1971, he regained the title on December 10, 1973, defeating Stan Stasiak at Madison Square Garden, holding the Championship until April 30, 1977. When he retired from the ring, Sammartino became a color commentator for WWE's syndicated Superstars program and stepped back into the ring on special occasions. After his departure in 1988, Sammartino was openly critical of WWE, and for many years declined the offer to be inducted into WWE's Hall of Fame, citing concerns with WWE's content and culture.''

And this, the official induction video...

They have also added his profile to WWE.Com.

Bruno released a short statement...

"For my fans around the world, I am pleased to be joining the WWE Hall of Fame, especially at Madison Square Garden,"

Triple H said of the news...

"To look back on the history of WWE, one of the most important figures in the long story of where this all came from wasn't recognized. And that was Bruno."

And finally WWE boss Vince McMahon, acknowledged the importance of this moment, despite the personal animosity that has festered between the two men...

"Having sold out more than 200 shows at Madison Square Garden and being the longest reigning WWE champion in history, Bruno Sammartino is truly 'The Living Legend, This is an extraordinary and historic moment to have Bruno take his rightful place in the WWE Hall of Fame."

Bruno has since talked to ESPN, about why he has finally agreed to take his rightful spot in the HOF...

"In talking to Paul Levesque, I made it clear, I've had issues with WWE and wrestling in general, because there were other organizations," Sammartino said. "I didn't like the direction they had taken. It was bothersome to me. I'm an old-school guy. I spent 25 years in this business. But after talking to Paul, and him explaining to me the changes they've made in their program, and how they've hired a doctor like Dr. Maroon, who is a world-renowned neurosurgeon, who also operated on me, and now that he has been put in charge of the company's wellness program and their drug testing, that impressed me. I know what kind of a man he is, and he is a giant in that field, so I take my hat off to WWE because they took such huge steps to make things better for the wrestlers themselves and making sure they are healthy to perform. That was very, very important.

"But as Paul explained to me, WWE made a lot of other changes. There's no more profanity, there's no vulgarity in the current product, and that stuff had bothered me as well. When Paul first spoke to me and told me all the changes, I started watching it again, and I was very convinced that they are doing amazing things. I see the wrestlers and all the changes they made. There's no profanity, there's no vulgarity, and it's a family-friendly program. That's what it used to be, and that's a huge role in the whole factor."

More on Bruno later...

Vince McMahon's surgery:

Vince McMahon went under the knife on Friday, but was at Raw yesterday, walking around on crutches.

Amazing Red no show?:

Some insiders in TNA are claiming that Amazing Red no showed a PPV for them because he went to try out for a WWE contract.

Sounds dirt-sheety to me, can't find any conformation from... more reliable sources.

Mark Henry returns:

Mark Henry ended his long injury layoff with an appearance on Raw last night.

Zack Ryder:

Zack Ryder is in the I-Tunes top 100 with his song ''Hoeski''.

Rocky Johnson on race in wrestling:

He said of his Son The Rock...

"No one ever talks about the color of Dwayne's skin. That is what makes what I did so important to me. I like to think I proved a wrestler's skin color doesn't matter. I'm glad my son doesn't have to be labeled black or Samoan or mixed. He has instead been labeled as the best."

Bret surgery:

Arda Ocal is reporting that Bret Hitman Hart has had knee surgery yesterday.


Vince McMahon is personally working with Johnny Curtis to develop his new character.

WWE Fail:

WWE's fan vote match did not go as expected by WWE officials, they first were working on a CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio match, but decided Randy Orton would be better, because they did not have faith in Rey getting the public vote, however in the end Chris Jericho was the winner of the vote, and got the match (Pic to follow).

High up officials are also upset that Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow have been split.

Sammartino's WWE future:

Triple H flew to the home of Bruno Sammartino to get him to sign his Hall Of Fame contract. The deal was agreed 2 weeks ago, but was signed this past Friday. The deal is not just for the Hall Of Fame, Bruno will also work on DVD's, TV appearances and other as yet unconfirmed features.

Triple H worked ''Persistently, but respectfully'' for 7 months to get the agreement from Sammartino.

Jericho on Bret vs HHH:

"It was funny because when I saw that comment that Bret had said, I was kind of surprised because I think that Triple H has had a lot of great matches, dozens of great matches. I could think of two or three that I was in with him myself, so, maybe, I don't know why Bret would say that, maybe it's still a little bit personal or some bad vibes or taste in his mouth from what happened years ago. But I'll tell you face to face that Triple H has had many great matches and I always enjoyed watching him work, even up to the match he had with Lesnar. I don't know if that was a great match, it was definitely a very good one, so I would definitely never ever bury Triple H's wrestling talent for sure I think he's one of the best we've ever seen."

Bret on Montreal:

"I'll always appreciate what WWE's done for me. I'm on good terms with them now and I'm pretty respectful of the company and what now. But, I'll never forget what happened. Never. It's done now and it's over with, but I always feel that it was my defining moment, maybe not just as a wrestler, but as a person. I wouldn't take it back for a second. It I had to do it all over again, I think I'd end up doing the same thing."

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