Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Today's News

WWE Hall Of Fame announcement:

Donald Trump was the fifth star confirmed for the class of 2013 last night.

Mick Foley was not impressed, he tweeted his disappointment that Trump got more air time for his promo than all the previous inductees named had...

"I believe I've been #TRUMPED! The Donald's video took up more airtime than Foley/Backlund/Stratus/Bruno promos combined!"

Jim Ross also aired his views, again criticizing any of his followers who aired any negative opinion of Trump being inducted...

"Amazes me how some who follow me on Twitter @JRsBBQ or hit our Q&A section of the site can differentiate a WWE HOF induction for a celeb from an active participant. Donald Trump going in the 'celebrity wing' is essentially an honorary award and should not be confused with someone like Bruno or even a broadcaster like Mean Gene Okerlund. However for some reason there are many who feel that Trump is going into the WWE HOF over say, for instance, Macho Man Randy Savage, etc. That's simply NOT the case but many refuse to want to understand this matter. BTW Donald Trump made many contributions to WWE including WM's 4&5 and his involvement in the hair match with Mr. McMahon at WM23 did huge business."

Personal Note (That I tweeted him in response)...

If it is not an induction, don't call it an induction... Not hard...!!!

Brad Maddox, Tony Dawson and Zeb Colter have also had their profiles added to WWE.Com.

WWE vs Glenn Beck:

Glenn Beck refused to go to WWE, so WWE decided to go to him, they sent Michael Cole with a camera crew to his studios yesterday to get him to answer for his attacks on the promotion.

This is that interview...

As you will see, he refuses to accept the chance to talk his frustrations with WWE out, at one point asking someone to say he had left the building even though his show was minutes from going on the air.


A major return happened on Raw tonight, Triple H came back to continue his feud with Brock Lesnar, he has also announced he has joined Twitter @Triple H.

Brock Lesnar needed 12 staples to close a wound to his head.

Darren Young, who had been sidelined until October from one WWE source as recently as the weekend, was a part of Raw and wrestled a Tag match. It is not confirmed if he is working hurt so he doesn't miss Mania, or if the reports were wrong, but multiple sources revealed the damage to his knee, so there must have been something to it... IDK.

Vince McMahon blew up in the back during the main event, after CM Punk used an illegal move (The piledriver) on Cena, he will probably not face any consequences however, due to his status within the company.

Next weeks episode will have an old school theme, with WWE Hall Of Famer Mean Gene Okerlund confirming he will be there, he has also joined Twitter @TheGeneOkerlund..

WWE debut:

Johnny Curtis will finally debut his new character Fandangoo on SmackDown this week (Taped tonight).

Bret Hart DVD ad released:

Tonight's TVs:

JBL is away climbing a mountain so Jim Ross may join Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler on comms tonight.

Fandangoo, who will debut is expected to have a dance partner, probably one of the ladies from developmental, it is not confirmed which at this time.

Also superstars will battle it out to become the General Manager for Saturday Morning Slam in a 3 week tournament which starts tonight.

WrestleMania 29 tag line revealed:

It will be Greatness vs Redemption.

ESPN rips WWE:

In another dig at the WWE over Jack Swagger, ESPN criticized WWE continuing to push Swagger despite his drugs arrest last week...

"So does WWE have a wellness policy or not? How can Swagger get arrested for DUI and possession of marijuana last week and not only avoid suspension, but star in multiple segments on Raw? Weed the People."

Ex WWE man announces a break from the ring:

Former WWE star MVP has finally confirmed WWE are interested in bringing him back, however he has, after finishing up a contracted run with NJPW announced he will leave the ring, to focus on a TV show he has been working on. He says he will return to the ring, and consider any and all offers including an approach from TNA in the distant future, but the show (Which has nothing to do with wrestling, he stressed) will be his only focus for the foreseeable future.

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