Monday, February 25, 2013

Today's News

Hulk Hogan:

Has signed himself and his family up for another reality show.

He also says he was in talks around the time of the infamous Shawn Michaels match, for a 25 year deal with WWE...

"But it's wrong about Cena – that was just part of the whole thing where I would show up once in a while and wrestle. It was one of those times where Vince and I were in love one day, and fighting the next. We were negotiating a 25-year deal, and part of it was me wrestling Cena in Orlando at Wrestlemania. I called Vince and said, 'I'm good to go'. I'd just had my first back surgery, and everything was supposed to be perfect, but just before I was due on TV, my back went. I was scared to call Vince, but when I did, I was like, 'Dude, my back has gone out again'. After more surgeries, instead of a morphine pump to ease the pain, they inserted a battery (into my back) that was made by NASA for the space shuttle, and lasts forever."

Rowdy Roddy Piper:

WWE Hall Of Famer Roddy Piper has had his promotion Portland Wrestling signed up for another 52 weeks.

Jake The Snake interview:

On Randy Savage...

"It was wonderful, it was easy working with Randy, he was wired different, everyone was running on 1.10, Randy would be running on 2.20. He was a bit of a psycho at times, he would fly off the handle on your ass so you always had to be careful what you said or did, but I love Randy, god bless him."

On The Undertaker...

"Working with The Undertaker was great, working with him early on in his career you knew he was talented but with regards to his WrestleMania streak absolutely not, who would of? If I said, yeah I knew that would happen I would be a liar. He has taken the bull by the horns and has had a fabulous career, nobody is going to touch that streak and I hope it goes on forever, he is a great guy and he deserves to be able to do whatever he wants."

On Steve Austin...

"It was wonderful and I wanted Steve to get a break, he had been around for a while and he had never been given the break he deserved. He was a great ring technician, but he damn sure wasn't the 'Ring Master' though, that's what they called him when he first came in, Ted DiBiase talked for him and that damn sure wasn't needed either. Steve came to me and wanted help, I got with him because I respected his work in the ring and his dedication. Everyday he had a match he would call me and tell me what went on, and I would tell him what he should have done there or what he shouldn't have done here and I schooled him. Doing the 3:16 thing was just phenomenal, being the guy that went out there and made him a superstar is something that I will always hold dear to my heart because at the time everyone was saying he would never be a main event guy but guess what, they were all wrong, and Jake 'The Snake' said so."

On Vince McMahon...

"That's my business and nobody else's; I respect the man immensely for what he's done in wrestling, with wrestling and for wrestling. There are some things I don't like but guess what there are some things I don't like about everybody including myself."

On Hall Of Fame...

"Oh absolutely, if it happens it happens and maybe it will someday and if it doesn't my life won't be changed by it, it could be enhanced a bit by it but it's not going to change. I achieved a lot in wrestling and I'm proud of it, I'm not proud of a lot of my actions away from wrestling, but I'm going to stand up and take those on the chin as well because you have to take the good with the bad."

Jason Sensation remembers Owen Hart:

Remember when DX impersonated the Nation Of Domination?, Well the guy that played Owen has recalled his relationship with him in a recent podcast...

"He really made an impression on me. He was the one that helped me get in, and his impression is what helped me get over. I really looked up to him, he was like an angel to me. I was watching the PPV at home and it shook my whole world up. It was the saddest thing ever. The wrestling world lost a brother, it was so sad. It was one of the saddest times. I made sure I got to the funeral to pay my respects. I was really, really broken, I can't imagine how his family felt, my heart still cries for them. It's the greatest loss in wrestling to this day, he's the greatest guy I ever knew in my life."

Why did The Undertaker work the house show?:

A WWE source has confirmed my speculation regarding The Undertaker's motives for working the live event this weekend, he is said to be ''Testing the waters'' to see how his body feels, and to confirm to himself he is able to work a decent WrestleMania match, talk is he may work some more before coming to the final decision, but early word is he felt good after the match, so it is looking positive.

Ex WWE star to TNA:

Ivelisse Velez, (Formerly Sophia Cortez) will wrestle on Impact this thursday.

Dolph Ziggler on ''Is wrestling fake''?:

"I usually have a much snappier comeback for them: 'Oh, you're an accountant. Is that fake?' At the end of the day, you're doing your job, and I'm really good at what I do. Whatever you do, take pride in it and be great at it. I pride myself on blending that line, in this day and age, of reality TV mixed with stunt work and techniques to keep [the audience] entertained. With 9000 channels and YouTube and Google, you've got to keep their attention."

Harlem Shake:

The fad of wrestlers doing this dance continues, this time Women, including Kharma...

WWE Alum at the Oscars:

Stacy Keibler accompanied her partner George Clooney to last nights Oscar ceremony.

Glenn Beck vs WWE:

This is the show that WWE are so offended by in full...

Personal opinion on this, he refers to the Tea Party as New York elite and intellectuals, isn't the tea party the one with Sarah Palin???, intellectuals... Really... Pot / Kettle Mr. Beck, Pot / Kettle...

Raw tease:

* Does Paul Heyman stand a chance against Vince McMahon?

* More fiery fallout for Kane and Daniel Bryan?

* What avenue will Ryback pursue against The Shield this week?

* What will Brad Maddox do as Assistant to the Managing Supervisor Vickie Guerrero?

* Cena vs. Punk: Once more, with feeling

Brock Lesnar will also be there, and speculation The Undertaker will also appear is rife, The Rock and Chris Jericho will not be.

Quick recovery for NXT star:

Oliver Grey says he will be back next week after a knee injury.

Gail Kim on WWE vs TNA:

"In terms of the company as a whole, WWE has been around forever and Vince knows what he's doing. Here, we're a family and we're just striving to get to that point. We have a very talented group of athletes and a great office who are very encouraging and supportive. I think eventually we will get to that point we want to get to."

Daniel Bryan dig at NXT:

He said the old format of NXT, where a superstar coached a trainee through various challenges, dis-respected the sport of wrestling, made those involved look stupid, and destroyed their chances to become a star before they had even started.

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