Monday, February 18, 2013

Today's News

Elimination Chamber news and notes:

The Pre show match was won by Brodus Clay and Tensai.

Alberto Del Rio successfully defended his World Title vs The Big Show, it wasn't a perfect performance however, he was slaughtered by the fans on his way back after botching a big spot midway through the match.

Antonio Cesaro retained his US Title by DQ after his opponent The Miz accidentally low blowed him.

Next was the Title event of the PPV the Elimination Chamber Match, Chris Jericho and Daniel Bryan started off, followed by Jack Swagger, Kane, Randy Orton and finally Mark Henry. Mark made an immediate impact eliminating both of the Tag Team Champions, Daniel Bryan, then Kane, Mark Henry was next eliminated after taking all 3 remaining competitors finishers. Orton eliminated Chris Jericho following an RKO but was not given time to celebrate, he was rolled up for a quick 3 count by the Winner Jack Swagger.

The Shield beat John Cena, Sheamus and Ryback in the 6 man tag when Seth Rollins pinned Ryback. There was a couple of worrying moments, Lilian Garcia was lucky not to be hurt when Roman Reigns drove Sheamus through a barrier, and Ryback almost dropped Dean Ambrose on his head when he through him into the corner.

Kaitlyn retained her Diva's Title vs Tamina Snuka in a disappointing match, they girls were given no time.

Dolph Ziggler beat Kofi Kingston in a bonus match, Kingston was then assaulted by Big E. Langston.

The Rock retained his WWE Championship against CM Punk in the main event, it was a very messy match, full of ref bumps and interference from Heyman.

The first two WrestleMania 29 matches were confirmed at the show...


The Rock vs John Cena


Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger

There was also a security incident, a security guard was yanking signs out of people's hands, with no warning, including one that said ''Cookie Puss'', the fan holding the sign was drunk, and was not happy about it, leading to a verbal altercation, which ended with the fan being ejected from the arena. The security guard said he was not a fan of wrestling and did not get the significance of the reference, he deemed it offensive.

Maria to WWE?:

Former WWE star Maria Kanellis has opened the door to a possible return to WWE...

"Good night all. For now I am THE FIRST LADY of @ringofhonor but maybe someday there will be a @WWE return. I love ALL the possibilities....."

Ric Flair:

WWE Double Hall Of Famer Ric Flair has filed a protection order against his wife, he says she has put his life in jeopardy on numerous occasions, including attacking him with glass, and driving him in a car whilst intoxicated.

He also says that due to his wife's abusive comments about him, he has lost many endorsement deals, and cannot now afford to pay the settlement package he agreed, which could have been tens of thousands of dollars.


WWE are planning a Mardi Gras celebration tonight, and are focusing on the following headline points for the show...

* What will CM Punk do to get back to the top?

* How will Ryback respond to getting pinned by The Shield?

* How will Jack Swagger kick off his WrestleMania journey?

* Will Dolph Ziggler look to cash in before WrestleMania?

* Who wants the victory more in the biggest rematch in history - The Rock or John Cena?

WrestleMania 30:

WWE have announced that WrestleMania 30 will be in the Mercedes Benz, Super Dome in New Orleans on April 6 2014.

The towns mayor said...

"We are proud to have played host to some of the greatest sports and entertainment events in the world over the past two years, and hosting WrestleMania is a great way to continue this unprecedented streak, We look forward to hosting WWE and its global fan base as they celebrate this historic milestone at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome."

Paul Heyman has already teased a possible match for the show...

"I hear @TheRock has committed to @WWE #WrestleManiaXXX, and boy do I have an opponent for him!"

This of course ends the run of Madison Square Garden hosting landmark Mania's, and many are suggesting WrestleMania will never be held in the arena again.

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