Sunday, February 3, 2013

Today's News

TNA star on the death of British wrestling:

TNA man Magnus was asked why British wrestling is not on TV anymore, he said...

"I know there are many old marks who really want to believe that it was someone else's fault that British wrestling lost their TV slot, but it wasn't – it was their own. Go back and look at what British wrestling was offering in 1987 in terms of production, then compare itto WWF footage from the same year. Once again, I know that the British sycophant fans are going to suggest that I'm burying the likes of Fit Finlay, 'Rollerball' Rocco and Danny Boy Collins, who are all tremendous workers, but I'm not doing that; instead, I'm looking at a comparison between the way the shows were presented.

The last time I checked, Britain wasn't the center of the universe. You could argue that British wrestling is a shadow of its former self, but that wasn't the phrase (the BBC documentary - When Wrestling Was Golden: Grapples, Grunts and Grannies) used. The BBC did what a lot of guys from that era do, and pretended that WWE and TNA don't exist, and that the American product killed off the British territory, just like Vince McMahon wiped out all the U.S territories that couldn't keep up. But pro wrestling is more global than ever before; in 2012, I wrestled in the USA, the UK, Canada, Japan, Mexico and India. Yes, local shows may struggle to fill Fairfield Halls, but this is the strongest live event attendance market in the world for WWE and TNA."

Bret Hart continues to take shots at Triple H:

He talked to Arda Ocal earlier and was asked about his UK interview, he reiterated his comments on the Mania 28 match...

"I said I'd give (Taker vs HHH at WrestleMania 28) a 4-out-of-10," Hart admitted. "I think that was generous. But you have to understand that Undertaker was hurt, so there were circumstances that I'm not privy to."

Then, On Triple H as a wrestler...

"He's a decent wrestler. I wouldn't put him in the top 1000 great wrestlers. To me he was very mediocre. I never saw him contribute an idea in his life... I never saw any genius come out of Triple H, nor in any of his matches."

He also had a pop at Shawn Michaels, saying he is not surprised Shawn does not remember the Montreal Screwjob, because of his lifestyle at the time.

Full interview...

Chris Jericho:

Says he agreed his return to WWE in November.

TNA departures confirmed:

Rosita says she left TNA yesterday, Kid Kash has also conceded he is through with the promotion.

In other TNA news, Zack Ryder's buddy The Big O has earned himself a try out with the company, he will be in a Gutcheck in the near future.

Ryback plans dropped:

A feud vs Big Show, and WrestleMania's Money In The Bank match have both been dropped by WWE, it is now almost certain he will face Chris Jericho at Mania 29.

There is also no plans for a feud with Cena, the reason Cena last eliminated him from the Rumble, was WWE wanted Cena to look as strong as possible in winning the over the top rope bout.

The Rock thanks WWE:

"Thank U @WWE Superstars for the awesome welcoming me back & getting the "big picture" plan. You're true locker room leaders! #RoadToMania"

The Undertaker:

WWE are growing frustrated by The Undertaker, he is constantly changing his mind over his participation at this years WrestleMania, but WWE want to get the big matches locked in, and they are coming close to ditching plans for a match vs CM Punk, to allow creative time to write a new Mania feud for him.

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