Monday, February 11, 2013

Today's News

Rosey Interview:

Remembering Jamal / Umaga...

"It was very tough, with Eddie, Jamal, Umaga, whatever you want to call him, he was dear to everybody. He was a big kid always laughing, always doing stupid things that would make you want to strangle him but ten minutes later he'll make you laugh till you pee your pants so how could you stay mad at somebody that long.''

On his Brother Roman Reigns...

"I'm very proud of him and I've been getting a lot of positive feedback from people telling me how great he is doing, it's always fun when you can see your immediate family on TV again. Although I've been doing it my whole life this was kind of special to me because he's a good kid, he got a raw deal when it came to the NFL and I'm certainly glad that Vince is the way he is when it comes to seeing what someone's got. I think he is going to go a long way, I think he's got tremendous talent and it's great seeing him mixing it with a lot of the top talent in the WWE already and legends such as Ric Flair and Mick Foley, he's going to make a real career out of it. Everybody is just hoping and praying that he does great and he is able to stay injury free and just hope that he has a good ride, it's a fun thing to do."

R-Truth releases single:

Michael McGillicutty remembers his Father:

"Unfortunate milestone on this sad day. 10 yrs already since I lost my best friend. And I still miss him just as much today. Love You Dad. My Dad lives thru me everyday. I swear on the moon & stars that my mark will be made in this business. The #Hennig name will endure forever."

WWE Raw official teaser:

* What does The Rock have to say about CM Punk?

* Can anyone control Brock Lesnar?

* Who is next in Mark Henry's sights?

* Which returning Superstar is poised for a big 2013?

* Will John Cena, Sheamus and Ryback deliver justice?

Possible huge SPOILER!!!:

The Undertaker is in Nashville tonight, backstage at Raw, Maybe he is ready to return???.

Bruno Sammartino:

Will get a DVD and be a part of a future WWE video game as part of his new WWE contract.

He has also revealed his nerves at making a HOF speech...

"I can take a lot of physical pain, but emotionally, I am not the strongest guy," Bruno admitted. "I can get emotional very easy. I am hoping that night I can hold my emotions, because I have to make a little speech."

WWE Network price:

WWE want to know how much you will pay for their network...

* $12.99

* $14.99

* $16.99

* $24.99

* $29.99.

SmackDown new theme:

Is entitled "Born 2 Run" and is by the band 7Lions.

Major injury worry for WWE:

CM Punk was hurt during a match this past weekend vs The Miz, he insists he is fine, but WWE are concerned he is playing down the injury because it is WrestleMania season, and he does not want to miss out.

He was dropped on his head after a suplex, and had to leave the ring in obvious pain, There is said to be no heat on The Miz for the accident.

Rowdy Roddy Piper:

The WWE Hall Of Famer has been asked who he would like to face, of the current roster...

''Who would I want to have a match with? (Long pause) Brock Lesnar."

And who he would like to play him in a movie...

"Mark Wahlberg. He's already been approached. I'm telling you, they have a script already. You know, my head's just not there right now. But there are definitely two scripts that I know of. One is by Sal (Iacono), the head writer for the Jimmy Kimmel show. And there's another one that I know of, and Mark Wahlberg is the man they were talking about for that. And I think that he'd be a good pick."

Punk vs The Pope:

After the news of The Pope vacating his role broke today, CM Punk re-tweeted a controversial comment made by The Pope, he was then challenged by a fan, to which Punk replied...

"Oh p*ss off. Pope was a nazi."

Fans have been bombarding WWE's Twitter with complaints, but CM Punk is defiant, re-tweeting some of the comments and telling fans to un-follow him.

Tyler Reks:

Has announced his YouTube cartoon Mid Card Mafia is coming back... 

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